How and can I beat a pacing speeding ticket in the State of Washington. An unmarked police car pulled me over for a pacing speeding ticket. 75+ mph in a 60mph zone. Sun, Nov 15, 09 I was driving EB coming out of the I-90 tunnel over the Lake Washington bridge. It was a 3 lane freeway and was in the middle lane changed lanes into the right and changed back into the middle lane. His lights came on a little after we came out of the tunnel. It was rainy and gloomy out with less than moderate traffic. There was more than a handful of cars around or behind me. When his lights came on it was after I had did my last change to the middle lane with no one in front of me and maybe 1 car on the left of me about the same pace. Is it possible to beat it without a lawyer? If so how?Beat pacing speeding ticket?
OK, You're upset about the ticket but let's look at some possible defenses you could mount to beat or at least lesson the damage. If you admitted you were speeding then there is no reason to continue. If not these ideas may or may not be of any help to you.
There are several things we don't know about the situation. My first question is what time of day a lighting conditions did this occur in? I'm guessing less than optimal since it was raining and you were in a tunnel part of the time.
Honestly a pacing ticket is going to be pretty hard to beat, you could always argue that during the lane changes that you made that the officer was actually pacing another car and pulled you over by mistake. If the lighting was bad and the traffic was fairly heavy this could be what happened. In low light situations it's possible that the officer spotted a similar car to yours and pulled you over when you made a lane change. It's a long shot and not likely what happened but I'll throw it out there anyway.
The other idea is the plea down. I'm sure WA has some sort of catch all traffic violation you could plead to, around here, it's ';improper equipment';. You could argue that you actually identified the officer's unmarked car well before he began pacing you. But based on his speed and the speed of the traffic around you felt you were traveling at or near the posted speed limit. (After all shouldn'tthe officer be setting an example in traffic) Since you weren't then your speedometer must be wrong, due to improper tire sizing, or whatever. You will plead guilty to the charge of improper equipment, or whatever non moving violation you can find instead of speeding. This way the court gets their money, but you don't get any points which will drive your insurance costs up, so you're only out the fine money. Of the two ideas, this one is the most likely to work.
You can always hire a lawyer, sometimes they can be of some help. They will cost you, but if you can avoid the points it still may be worthwhile. You would have to make that call based on your driving record etc.
Good luck and hope this helps. And remember, you work hard for your money, make them work hard for it too.Beat pacing speeding ticket?
It`s virtually impossible to beat a ';pacing'; ticket . If the cop was driving behind you while you were speeding , how are you going to convince the judge you weren`t speeding , especially without calling the cop a liar ?? It`s your word against the cop`s , and it`s obvious who`s word the judge is going to accept . Also , as soon as you imply the cop is liar ......... your case is lost !
As to when the cop turned on his lights , it`s meaningless to your case . When he turned on the lights , it meant he already had his evidence . He could have gotten it at any time throughout the ';pacing'; .............
I can`t see that retaining a lawyer would do you any good .
Not once did you say you weren't speeding.
Are you trying to say that everyone was speeding, and that would make it ok for you to do the same?
Pacing is a valid way of determining speed.
You have given zero details that would lead any sane person to think that you could get out of this ticket. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions.
you probably can't beat it without a lawyer, sorry... maybe the officer won't show up to court
edit - with a lawyer we have no way of telling what would happen as it would depend on all the circumstances not just your description of the events
I would simply plead innocent. Safe speed. So safe the police feel comfortable driving it too.
Pacing means in the same conditions they followed happily along. If they issue you a ticket, the police need one too.
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