THey run red lights, they do rolling stops. I even had a cop pull my dad over, because my dad changed lanes in front of him, and the cop didnt like it becuase the cop was going faster than what he should have been going, so he pulled my dad over.. What a jackass. Most cops go about 15 to 20 over the speed limit. They think because they are working for the law means they can break it and not get in trouble. I wish there was a way you could invent a community police for police force. Now we start pulling them over! hah!How many people think that cops suck at their jobs.?
I would say that so far, 5 people think that cops suck at their jobs. That's 5 out of millions.
Edit. The number is now up to 9.How many people think that cops suck at their jobs.?
So your dad pulled out in front of a vehicle going faster then him? Not the smartest move you can make.......
I think some cops do abuse their priveleges. However, there are some people that just don't like them for doing their jobs. There is a way for cops to do their jobs without being jerks, and I agree they should set a better example.
I really don't have a problem with the instances you site. In the case of your dad, he failed to check on-coming traffic before he merged into the fast lane. Some cops abuse their power, they're eventually weeded out. Most cops do their job to the best of their ability, and I for one am thankful for them.
I almost had a cop hit me head on the other day. I was on my way to work and he was coming toward me running the yellow center line. I was behind a van so I didn't see him untill I saw the van swerve really fast. I wish he would have hit me, that would have been a nice law suite. Besides I haven't even made the first payment on my car yet.
He was problbly late for coffee and donuts.
Yes. Most do have this arrogance about them because they're above the law. But you can still take action.
The other day, I noticed in a state park how the conservation officers idled their cars at leisure, while they just yapped outside with each other. I sent a note to the Commissioner of the state's Department of Environmental Protection, respectfully looking to understand the exception against the Clean Air Act. Why can they idle their cars for hours, and I can't? I visited the park two weeks later again, and all officers had their cruisers shut down.
Cops do whatever the heck they want in traffic situations. In this day and age, you will benefit from snapping the moment in your cell phone's camera and *then* bringing it up to the pertinent authorities. Only because they're so corrupted that unless you have evidence on tape, the cops will get away with anything they do and cover for each other. Good luck!
And all this time I thought it was only me, the way I think. It is happening, all over too. I lived in Maine for 5 years, it happened there. Now, I'm in CT and still, it's happening here. I was behind a cop the other day, coming down my street. He's a few feet from the stop sign, no brake lights, just sitting there. I don't know what to do, so I wait for him to make a move. He turns left and races like a bat out of h*ll, no signal at all. If it were you or me, we would have gotten pulled over and ticketed. Go figure, doesn't that suck tho? I guess it's because they are cops and they think it's okay for them to do, but, we cant!
First off, the police need not justify there actions to you. In most states they are exempt from the vehicle and traffic laws. That means they can do whatever they want in the performance of their jobs. Law makers and other gov't officials, who know much more about the law enforcement job, realize that and pass laws that allow cops to do what they need to do. There are plenty of things a cop can do that you cant. Can you carry a gun 24/7? Mace? Taser? Automatic Rifle? Do you have lights and sirens in your car? How about plates? Ever notice how many police cars have no liscence plates? Why do you think that is? You have no idea why they are running a light and no they do not have to use thier lights and sirens. Maybe he is following a car and doesn't want to alert them. Maybe he is heading to assist another cop, that while not a emergency reuires that he get there quickly. Maybe he is rolling up on an aided call and the people requested no lights no sirens. Maybe he really is going nowhere and just wants to grab a cup of coffee before his next moronic call. Who are you to judge how fast a cop should or should not be going? Do you know all the facts? The only fact is your father changed lanes in front of a police car that was going faster than him. That was stupid and inconsiderate.
MAny times cops are running from call to call. They do not always use lights and sirens. Sometimes its is faster to just drive without them. When you turn on the lights and siren people do stupid things that can actually delay you and make it more dangerous.
Bottom line, you have zero right to question how a cop does his job. Often times you have no clue where he is going or what he is doing. You sound like you know very little about that job to begin with and have learned bad behaviors from your father which will harm you in life. You need to learn what is your business and what is not.
For the record, the police have supervisors. They monitor the cops actions and discipline them if they are abusing their privleges.
Only the truely ignorant think cops drive around like they do because they have nothing better to do. If you knew anything, you'd know that ';perk'; wears off real quick.
To the above poster... so you have all the facts?
You know whether the cop was waiting to get more info on a call? Maybe the call was just coming over, something like a child not breathing, and he was in the area, but had not been given the full address yet? Ever think of that or just yourself?
Maybe he was unfamiliar with the area and was checking a map or looking at the job in his computer.
Once again, all none of your business. Unless you know all the facts and know the job inside and out you are totally unqualified to make any judgement. Most people don't even know the laws they must follow on a daily basis but then want to tell a cop how to do his job.
I got a great idea. All you posters who think you know everything and know exactly how a cop should do his job, tell them! Cut him off, and question him. Follow him and interfere with what he is doing. I'm sure you will be surprised at the response....
Yeah, next time you need assistance because you were robbed, or beat up or your car was stolen, don't call the police, call the other social service that protects you everyday.....
Did your Dad pull in front of the police car for a reason other than trying to make him slow down? If not then maybe the police officer thought the move was reckless and dangerous.
I know there are what appear to be many traffic violation committed by law enforcement while they are driving, but you have to keep in mind that we as drivers sharing the roads with them don't know if they are heading to an incident or just trying to get to a late lunch engagement.
Most of the law enforcement people I know are very conscientious and defensive in their driving habits. I also know that most, if not all, of them take far more classes in how to handle a vehicle than 99% of the drivers on the road do.
Of course the above is not intended to justify the fact that yes, there are some out there there who do misuse their power of authority to satisfy their mental defencies.
The court system is all about money fines fees etc. The police are just the tax collectors.. my friends purse was stolen from the ymca locker room .. the employees had a women on tape leaving with a large backpack and they suspected her in many other purse snatchings ,,, they had a full profile for her in the computer and the police officer came and just made up excuses not to even contact he,, The credit card companies solve these type of crimes type of excuses,, I went to the police station and talked to a supervisor.. he said.. we get so many of these we cant go out and make contact with the people no one saw her put the purse in her bag .anyhow......These cops are out on 25 mph roads looking for seatbelt violators thats why they are to busy...100 bucks a pop in their pocket or solve crime they chose the 100 bucks... Cops are lame the system is the cause I know but Why dont cops speak up and do there job......The first cop said if he talked to the women identified by ymca staff as a suspect in many purse snatchings she would tell him to go blow sand...huh? at least she would know they were on to her.. they had our car keys our house keys our drivers licenses .The thief could have gone straight to our house and cleaned us out.... and I asked about that danger and the cops didnt care,,, .we had to get new car keys new house keys and the cop s were yawning,, the ymca suspended the womens membership after that ...she had a young man as a look out they worked as a team they caught the man bringing boltcutters int the ymca in a gym bag.. a few days late our credit cards and my friends drivers license wer dumped near our house that was scary.. they were casing our house... Cops are lame Now I know why the african americans wont call them,, they probably will try and hurt the poor people worse than the help them..
Keneth C your a good example, you make the coment someone is stupid for changing lanes and the speeder is ok wow we are in trouble...
You know cops are just human like the rest of us. Some of them follow the rules, some but themselves above. They make mistakes. If you are doing what you are supposed to do, I guarantee you won't get pulled over. The people that are usually upset with police conduct, are the ones breaking the law (in one way or another) Not all of them are bad...that is a huge generalization. Sorry, I realize this probably isn't what you wanted to hear...
I do, and I have a theory for why they suck at their jobs. It is this: they are paid with tax money. Compare the service that you get from businesses that must earn your money with the ';service'; that police offer.
If a business fails to meet your expectations, you simply stop giving them money. The feedback is instantaneous. If they fail too much, they run out of money and go out of business. Only those companies that succeed in satisfying your expectations stay in business.
Now, what is your recourse when a police officer does his job poorly or is even abusive? You have to go through bureaucracy. You might take him to court, but good luck getting a judge that isn't sympathetic to ';one of his own';. You might attempt to address the problem politically via votes. But the voting process is highly susceptible to corruption. Even when not corrupt, it is still quite expensive. Lastly, you could result to violent opposition. Virtually anyone who stands up to police in this manner loses.
This is not to overlook the good intentions and heroic actions of some police officers. Police are human beings. Some of them are exceptional people. Sadly, many of them are little more than bullies. The mechanisms for getting rid of the bad apples really don't exist.
There ought to be more market solutions for offering security and crime prevention. Unfortunately, the majority of people believe that security can only be offered by a government police force that seemingly exists often only to harrass peaceful people and keep them in line.
Dear Snapperhead,
First off, the mere fact that a cop speeds doesn't mean he is breaking the law. I can get into any authorized emergency vehicle and drive any speed I feel necessary and there is no violation of the law. Because each state has laws pertaining to the operation of emergency vehicles. Some states have stricter laws, others the officer only has to be in an on-duty capacity. So maybe read you state's laws before you spout out your neck.
Second, there are jurisdictions that have civilian review boards that handle complaints against police.
Third, by your attitude alone, I can say that you suck. You have a piss poor attitude. You whine and complain about the police while they are trying to do their job, yet you have haven't done a damn thing for your community (except whine and complain). Even though you indeed suck, I have to thank you. If it wasn't for people like you, and your father, we wouldn't have a job. So please, keep up the good work.
I think it's fair to say that more than 5 people out of ';millions'; think cops suck.
Maybe 5 people thus far out of the 20 or so who have responded. That's.....oh, roughly 20% of the respondents? But, this is not a scientifically accurate polling ground, either.
We ';little people'; just want to see some parity, I think. Same as we want to see Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan serve jail time for committing their crimes, we hant to see the people who are held responsible for enforcing our laws to actually conduct THEMSELVES in a manner that is compliant with the law (barring, of course, a Level 1, Code Red, or whatever you call 'em priority call which requires urgency).
WOW Shaun A GOOD POST..I don't think I could post it any better. The only thing I could add is that even when cops are in their own cars they drive like JACK@SSES. They know that all they need to do is flash a badge and use it as a get out of jail free card. Sad think is most experienced drivers could out perform a cop any day. I know I have.
People that don't like officers usually dont like them until they need them. Then they are all about getting an officer to their house ASAP and then scream when they aren't there fast enough because all of the officers on duty are tied up on physical domestics, shots fired, csc's etc. My advise to you would be to appreciate that every single one of the officers out there are there doing a job that you don't have enough guts to do yourself. They put themselves in harms way each and every day that they put on their uniform. You should apprciate them, not put them down. But, the minute you need them is going to be the minute you learn that lesson.
PS. Thank you to all our law enforcement officers.
And to Shawn A---you make absolutely no sense what so ever. Was it your friend or you that had her purse stolen. At one time you say your friend, then all of a sudden it becomes you. Your house keys, your car keys, your license. Are you just playing the victim here to get sympathy? Let me tell you, even though I am not an officer, you wouldn't last a minute with those lies. It's hard to not see through something that is as transparent as your lies.
And to Me- so was it just the other day or 2 weeks ago? Have you ever realized exactly how long it takes to get in your car, fumble around with your keys, put them in the ignition and start it? Would you want that sort of delay if you were in a serious car accident, or your child had just fallen down a flight of stairs and had all kinds of broken bones, or god forbid someone is in your house with a gun? Oh but wait, they are just a conservation officer right? WRONG!! Most, if not all conservation officers are full fledged, sworn in officers or deputies also, meaning that all though they may not be able to take primary on a call, if they are in the area, they can assist another unit the same as any other unit. If you had a serious priority call at your house and found out that a conservation officer was right around the corner and didn't respond, you would be one of the first ones to file a formal complaint.
And what phone number will you call when you need help Ms. Smartass.
Did it even cross your mind that they may be on their way to help others?
Dont be so quick to judge others until you have the facts.
It's ironic that several of the cops who responded here don't offer explanations, and actually further the stereotype by insulting others %26amp; justifying their behavior by saying they are cops -- it's the OTHER people who are wrong/ignorant/disorderly. That's like a fat person saying it's not their choice of diet contributing to their obesity, it's the fault of the food.
Ironic...but not surprising.
I dont think they suck at anything. I think they drive fast when it's necessary and that your dad deserved the ticket.
Gee, I looked at your other questions, and someone who comes on Y!A to ask for dating advice thinks she has the intelligence or experience to question the police?
Aren't your soap operas on about now DA?
i think they do suck well not all the time just some times, in the area i live if your behaving your more likely to get stopped than if you breaking laws :S but never mind :p
but then again in general they work hard, if it was not for cops the world would be a very big mess, so im saying they dont suck
perks can come with many jobs, but if you think red lights and speeding are one them, then you need a life. the thought of what they must see, smell, attitude adjustments from people being question... not a job of bon bons and magic carpet rides, i bet...get a focus on a positive because your anger with law enf. is draining.
Regardless of the answers here I will continue to do my job as I was trained and as I have done it for the last 12 years. I do not let the cop haters get me down. I know that no matter how much you say you hate me, you will call 911 the next time someone is breaking down your front door. I will ';speed'; to the scene to save your sorry a$$. I do not need nor want your thanks or praise and I refuse to listen to your b!tches about how you think I suck at my job.
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