Thursday, September 22, 2011

What Level Charge is this Ticket?

I got a ticket in Franklin County, Ohio from a Columbus City Officer. The traffic ticket was a citation for:

Speeding: 104 MPH in a 65 MPH zone (CTC code 2133.03).

Other: Change lanes W/O safety (CTC code 2131.148 or 2131.14A - I can't tell what the last character is)

I am summoned and ordered to appear in court. There is NO reckless op. indicated on my ticket.

What level are these charges (minor misdemeanor, M4, M3)? How can I tell, or does anyone know?

Thanks a lot, I appreciate the help!What Level Charge is this Ticket?
According to the DMV website, driving in a manner that is wreckless to other pedestrians or drivers is a four point violation.

55 mph or more - (+30mph over) 4 points

Additionally, even though wreckless operation was not cited, the judge will know the speed at which you were going and you will probably see hefty fines.

Normally, speeding tickets are considered infractions, but this charge may be classified as an M1, as it is blatant that you were driving at a speed that is dangerous to the safety of others.

What is the best way to get out of a speeding ticket after you've been issued a citation?

I got pulled over for going 70 on a 55. and i failed to change lanes while passing an emergency vehicle and the side of the road. After he pulled over he also gave me a ticket for having an air freshen bracelet hanging from my mirror....both speeding ticket and obstructed drivers vision ticket is both $249. Does anyone know how to get out of going to court next month to fight it.. i cant afford it i just bought this car and financing it. Any tips on how to fight it?? thanks!!What is the best way to get out of a speeding ticket after you've been issued a citation?
In any traffic court case or tax case you are called into court and the judge reads the law and then asks, ';Do you understand the charges?';

Defendant: No, Your Honor, I do not.


Well, what's so difficult about that charge? Either you drove the wrong way on a one-way street or you didn't. You can only go one way on that street, and if you go the other way, it's a fifty dollar fine. What's so difficult about this that you don't understand?';

D: Well, Your Honor, it's not the letter of the law, but rather the nature of the law that I don't understand. The Sixth Amendment of the Constitution gives me the right to request the court to explain the nature of any action against me, and upon my request, the court has the duty to answer. I have a question about the nature of this action.

J: Well, what is that - what do you want to know?

Always! Ask them some easy questions first, as this establishes that they are answering. You ask:

D: Well, Your Honor, is this a Civil or Criminal Action?';

J: It is criminal. (If it were a civil action there could be no fine, so it has to be criminal).

D: Thank you, Your Honor, for telling me that. Then the record will show that this action against ___(Straw Man Name)___ is a criminal action, is that right?

J: Yes.

D: I would like to ask another question about this criminal action. There are two criminal jurisdictions mentioned in the Constitution; one is under the Common Law , and the other deals with International Maritime Contracts , under an Admiralty Jurisdiction . Equity is Civil, and you said this is a Criminal action, so it seems it would have to be under either the Common Law, or Maritime Law. But what puzzles me, Your Honor, is, there is no Corpus Delicti here that gives this court a jurisdiction over my person and property under the Common Law. Therefore, it doesn't appear to me that this court is moving under the Common Law.

J: No, I can assure you this court is not moving under the Common Law.

D: Well, thank you, your Honor, but now you make the charge against me even more difficult to understand, the only other criminal jurisdiction would apply only if there was an International Maritime Contract involved and I was a party to it, it had been Breached, and the court was operating in an Admiralty Jurisdiction.

I don't believe I have ever been under any International Maritime Contract, so I would deny that one exists. I would have to demand that such a contract, if it does exist, be placed into evidence, so that I may contest it, but surely, this court is not operating under an Admiralty Jurisdiction.

You just put words in the judge's mouth.

J: No, I can assure you, we're not operating under an Admiralty Jurisdiction. We're not out in the ocean somewhere - we're right here in the middle of the State of North Carolina, No, this is not an Admiralty Jurisdiction.

D: Thank you, Your Honor, but now I am more puzzled than ever. If this/these charge/s is/are not under the Common Law, or under Admiralty - and those are the only criminal jurisdictions mentioned in the Constitution - what kind of jurisdiction could this court be operating under?

J: It's Statutory Jurisdiction.

D: Oh, thank you, Your Honor. I'm glad you told me that. But I have never heard of that jurisdiction. So, if I have to defend under that, I would need to have the Rules of Criminal Procedure for Statutory Jurisdiction. Can you provide me with the location of a copy?

THE END!What is the best way to get out of a speeding ticket after you've been issued a citation?
Pay it.
'; i cant afford it i just bought this car and financing it. ';

Then u shudn't of been speeding shud you, ma'am?
Dude just pay for it. It was your fault.
Maybe you can take defensive driving have the $250 fine waived. You're sunk with the obstructed view fine though
Don't break the law? I'm sorry but you wouldn't have gotten the tickets if you weren't braking the law. The bracelet is a bit much though, you could probably fight that and get a warning instead.
don`t speed to begin with
The best way to fight it - is actually just show up! Many police officers don't have time to appear in court, and if he does appear the judge may well take some sympathy on you and reduce the fine.

A ticket for an airfreshener? That's friggin ridiculous especially considering they sell them all over the place for exactly that purpose. Take it with you so they can see how small it is.

And be nice and polite - accusing the police gets you nowhere, just apologize and ask if the fine can be reduced. Dress nice and don't chew gum or something stupid.
there is probably no way to effectively fight any of them.Considering all of the charges you were obviously breaking the law, and to get out of it would mean that you would have to prove your innocence. if you are guilty, you stand no chance. Especially because of failing to move over for an emergency vehicle. That tends to piss off emergency workers, fire fighters and cops alike. If you happen to be innocent, you can hire yourself an expensive lawyer, request a jury trial, and try to find an error or a hole in the cops statement. But the cop will have written a report and so has notes available while being tormented by your lawyer in front of the jury. But it would be a jury trial, and again especially because of the emergency rig thing, a jury would likely see your guilt and convict you. Which would cause you to receive a stiffer fine, or maybe even jail time.
I have to say I am biased against you, ever since some person that also did not like taking responsibility for their actions did something just like you did. I had a car stopped, my emergency lights flashing when someone decided they had to pay attention to something other than their driving, and hit me breaking my left leg, tearing my left ACL, and spraining my right leg also. Pay it and let it be a lesson, next time may cost you or someone else more than a few dollars.
I'm going to add my two cents. Take the stuff off of your mirror and tell the judge you corrected that problem. Offer to plead guilty tot he speeding and ask for a payment plan. That way you can pay it off in installments.

Stop speeding.
You don't say what state or city you are in. That does matter somewhat. The larger, more urban the area the less likely the court is to cut you some slack.

The obstructed view ticket sounds like the officer was just stacking charges. Unless this air freshener is huge, I'd take it to court and argue that your vision was not obstructed by the small device.

The speeding ticket is a loser. I suspect you were picked up on his radar. So you are probably toast.

Now the most serious infraction is failing to change lanes while passing the emergency vehicle. You need to read that law. Here, the emergency vehicle must have its emergency flashers (top lights) in operation. If the patrol car is merely sitting on the side of the road, then it is just another parked vehicle. If the lights were going when you passed, then you are toast. The court will take the officer's word before it will take yours.

you came on here asked for answers got good ones then attacked those who told you the truth you cant get out of it. shame on you. never attack those answering you or you will never get answers

now to the question

the thing on your mirror is a fix it take the air freshener down

look up move over laws in your area.

my state just passed one. a move over law id exactly what it says you are to move over out of the way of emergency personnel. this is for their safety if they are stopped on the shoulder or if they are behind you trying to get somewhere.

too many cops are being hit and killed by careless drivers your not getting out of that.

you admit to speeding you have to pay for that too. so you just bought thee car. what right does that give you to drive 15 over. you could have killed someone. the posted speed limit is the max your supposed to drive not the min. be glad he didnt slap you with a reckless driving charge

call the county clerks office plead guilty and arrange a payment plan
Your best bet is to contact the courts and ask them these questions. They are the ones who will process your ticket and will know all the laws and regulation. You should also ask the courts if you are allowed to take a driving school class. This will prevent your insurance from going up and points from being placed on your license. Just make sure you get the courts permission before doing so. If you don檛 the courts will reject your driving school certificate. Good luck!
well first of all should not have been speeding when you knew full well that you could not afford a costly ticket, that is on you, as for the object on the mirror just take that off and tell the judge that have fixed that. once you get issued a ticket there is no way to get out of it you either just pay the fines and go on your way or fight and lose or win most of the time ppl lose and end up having to pay the fine and go to traffic school.

Highest percentage way to get out of them is by getting a lawyer. Granted that may run you couple thousand dollars, but a lawyer may find a way.

Next time you see flashing lights I bet you slow down and move over. Next time you are pulled over be a little nicer, the officer may decide to write you a ticket for every little thing, instead of just one. I also recommend moving your air freshener to a spot not in your view. You got that ticket because you told the officer you didn't see him. There for he is making sure you left with a clearer view of the road. Also most police cars now record the conversation you had with the officer, don't expect it to go well for you in court. Probably would have cheaper to not fight it as now you will have court fees tacked on and could add couple hundred more dollars.

By the way, I hope you didn't take the same attitude with the officer that you did us. If you did the Judge may order anger management for you also. All in all this could be a life changing moment for you.

Thank You
First of all, I suggest getting a lawyer. Explain every thing to them. Then say weather you want to plead guilty or not guilty. Then they will help you fight it to win.

Go and say the Air Freshener one was BS. The judge will probably throw that out any way.

Then try to get the judge to at least drop the fine and say you were only going 5 or 10 over the limit.

I will let the lawyer advise you on the rest.

A lot of times, these days, you don't even have to show up to court for a traffic case. The lawyer will go to court for you.

If they need to talk to you, they will call you. They will either get your additional info over the phone or have you come in and talk to the judge directly.

I recieve a speeding ticket in the state of Georgia. In the county of Dekalb, it says I was going 69 on a 55?

I recieve a speeding ticket in the state of Georgia. In the county of Dekalb, it says I was going 69 on a 55, the officer that pull me over didn't get me by any radar. He simply got me by his patrol car comparing his speed to me. Now I ask myself how can this be possible that he can detect the speed that I was going if he was atleast 100 feet behind me. Let me say it 1:40am and I was getting off of work. There not any cars behind him or me so it was easy to detect how far the distance he was. I was going around 56-57 and when I saw his headlight coming towards me not knowing he was an officer I accelerated a little more and then change lanes. About one mile later he pulled me over and ask for my license. 5 Minutes later I received the ticket for speeding. Now I have ask a couple of my officer friends in which I know, if I could plead not guilty and win the case. The told me that I could but I would like for other people to tell me there opinions. Court is in 30 minutes and I gotta run. I plead not guilty and the court will be reschedule for a later date, wish me luck and if anyone has any solution to this situation please reply. thank you for your timeI recieve a speeding ticket in the state of Georgia. In the county of Dekalb, it says I was going 69 on a 55?
The burden of proof is on the court and the officer. If he didn't clock your speed with a radar or laser then they have no proof you were speeding.I recieve a speeding ticket in the state of Georgia. In the county of Dekalb, it says I was going 69 on a 55?
In traffic court, the judge will always take the word of the officer OVER anything you say because he is entrusted.

The only way you can win in traffic court, is by undenyable proof.
Traffic court judges hear that same story about 200 times a day. Good luck, but I highly doubt you will win.
That puts you 14 miles over the speed limit, avoid the aggravations, suck it up and pay up.

Wondering how much to fix an electrical with my VW will cost?

I have a 2002 VW TDI that is showing some serious electrical issues. The first little thing was the directional would click-ity click after I would turn and the turn signal would click off. The lights did not blink while it clicked, just made the noise on the inside. But now I have found that the whole car has shut off on the freeway for a split second while it was running when I tried to change lanes and used my blinker. It has done this twice now and just wondering if anyone has any clue as to what this may be and what cost I might be looking at.

I know VW's are notorious for electrical issues...I can live with the blinker noise, but shutting down while driving I cannot.

Let me know what you think.

ThanksWondering how much to fix an electrical with my VW will cost?
More than it's worth.Wondering how much to fix an electrical with my VW will cost?
Unfortunately electrical problems are sometimes very hard to find. Quite a few garages will charge you by the hour until they find the problem.... that's if they ever do find it.

It may be a problem that is covered by a recall, check with your local VW dealer to see if this problem is on a recall. This may be something that you need to report to the NHTSA: because if this happens on the freeway you could get in a serious accident.

Here's a list of recalls:
I agree with Briano. Check grounds and also fuses. Check for corrosion around battery housing and cables too. Check all covers of fuse boxes; water or moisture may be getting in.

We have owned VWs for years and have experienced Zero electrical issues.

Hope yours is resolved soon.
have your battery tested for weak cells, then replace your battery cables from the Negative post to the Frame and then from the frame to the Transmission.

VW's are not any more prone to Electrical issues than any other car.

Have you cleaned the rain drains under the hood?
check the mass airflow sensor

clicking is from a bad t/s relay

I need info on a wrongful speeding ticket. Help!?!?

First off I live in Houston, TX and yesterday my husband and I were driving down a very congested freeway. When we exited we were waved over by an officer for what we though was just a random vehicle check. License, registration and inspection sticker checks are not uncommon so we kindly obliged. When we rolled down the window to ask the officer what the problem was he said we were speeding. Now let me tell you that on I-45 at 5:47pm there is NO POSSIBLE WAY you could be speeding. Plus we were slowing to change lanes to turn in to a car dealership. Also, the officer had JUST let another vehicle go had no radar on him and said he clocked us coming off the freeway. Which was impossible if he was finishing up on another ticket. My husband asked how he clocked us, he replied with, he ';saw'; us. When my husband asked if there was a radar/laser that could be shown he refused and said that the radar didn't matter. We asked how fast we were going. He replied with ';uhhhhhh 57'; However on our ticket it states ';56';At this point my husband became agitated, and refused to sign the ticket. Honestly, there was no way we were speeding and we were the unlucky duck to fill the officer's quota. The officer told my husband to get in the squad car without reading him his rights and at this point I was in tears. I called my mother because I would need her help to get my husband out of jail when the officer threatened m husbands job and said since he was a teacher, he would make sure this offense had him fired. So, my mother asks to speak to the officer after i explain that there was no radar no nothing we were just waved over. At this point he tells my mother how rude and belligerent I was being. All I did was cry the whole time. I had never ever been in any type of trouble with the law. I have WAY too many law enforcement officials in the family to get in trouble. He said I questioned his ability to do his job. At that point I was upset and I said my uncle was a 25year officer on the force and we know better than to do something like this. Both our records are clean. I asked if I could talk my husband in to signing the ticket so we could be on our way. The whole time I answered yes sir, no sir...ect. He obliged and I get out of the car at which time he stops me in front of the squad car and yells at me over how his family get tickets all the time and how he was going to send me to jail over not hanging up the phone with my mother and obstructing a police investigation. He said when your in the presence of an officer you do what they say and you keep your mouth shut. He said he was going to have cps come get my child because I left her in the vehicle to talk to my husband...which HE ALLOWED. I did nothing wrong, my husband did nothing wrong. I know we should have just signed the ticket and went on our way- but this was just corrupt. Is there anything we can do to fight the ticket? I did talk my husband in to signing the ticket. This was not fair. He refused to explain the paperwork he gave my husband and said ';if he was smart enough, he'd figure it out';

What do we do?I need info on a wrongful speeding ticket. Help!?!?
From what you are telling me the officer was in the wrong for his action taken. If you want to contest the ticket wait until your court date when you can see that officer again. Explain to the judge what happen. As for as you husband not signing the ticket that is an automatic arrest. The cop saying that he'll have him fired is a bunch of BS. The cop saying that he'll have CPS come and take your child was way out of character. If the child was not placed in danger then there's no way a supervisor would even allow CPS to come out. I really want you to email me at because there's somethings I want to say that I should post on hereI need info on a wrongful speeding ticket. Help!?!?
There should be a video record of the stop from the officer's dash cam ';if'; he had it running. You have the option to contest the ticket and the prosecution would be obliged to produce the dash cam tape from the cruiser as evidence. Make sure the ticket itself is genuine and not bogus by taking it to an alternate police station to have it verified. You haven't said what the limit on I-45 is on that stretch of highway, if it's 45mph it's conceivable an officer could eyeball a speeder but if it's 55mph the guy would have to be pretty special to ';observe'; 1-2mph over the limit.
Why would your husband not sign the ticket to begin with? It's not admitting guilt it's just agreeing you'll show up to court to dispute the matter. Go to court and tell them exactlly what you said here.
Ok...many problems here with your plea for commiseration

1. ';the officer had JUST let another vehicle go had no radar on him and said he clocked us coming off the freeway. Which was impossible if he was finishing up on another ticket.';

No, it is not. You obviously have no idea how a radar functions in a cruiser. Most, if not all, radars made within the past decade have a lock feature, which allows an officer to lock in one speed and keep the radar on to monitor traffic further. So, I could have someone pulled over and still have my radar active to monitor anyone else who feels like blasting by my cruiser while I have someone stopped.

2.';When my husband asked if there was a radar/laser that could be shown he refused and said that the radar didn't matter.';

I don't agree with the ';didn't matter'; part, but an officer is not obligated to show a driver the radar at the time of the stop in most states, especially when the roadway is congested, as you said it was. The last thing an officer wants is an angry driver throwing a fit out in the middle of traffic.

3.';He replied with ';uhhhhhh 57'; However on our ticket it states ';56';';.

I often write the ticket for a few miles below the speed I locked the driver at, because of the way fines work in my state. Every 5 MPH, the fine goes up, so if I get you at 81, I'll write for 79 to give you a break. By definition, your have to be going at least 56 if you are clocked at 57.

4. ';At this point my husband became agitated, and refused to sign the ticket';

Pure foolishness. Signing a ticket does not imply guilt in any way, it simply means that you know you got the ticket and what you are supposed to do. Without a signature, the only other way an officer can prove that you got the ticket is by arresting you and physically bringing you in, to show that you received the ticket. Refusal to sign is also a separate crime in itself.

5. ';The officer told my husband to get in the squad car without reading him his rights';

Miranda rights only need to be read if a subject is questioned after being placed in custody. If the officer did not question your husband at this point, there is no need for Miranda.

6. ';he stops me in front of the squad car and yells at me over how his family get tickets all the time and how he was going to send me to jail over not hanging up the phone with my mother and obstructing a police investigation. He said when your in the presence of an officer you do what they say and you keep your mouth shut. He said he was going to have cps come get my child because I left her in the vehicle to talk to my husband...which HE ALLOWED.';

I don't agree with the officer at all on this part, if it happened as you said. Since it occurred directly in front of his cruiser, it would all be on his cruiser camera. This is where I always have people stand to ensure we are both on camera.

7. ';I did nothing wrong, my husband did nothing wrong.';

You did not do anything worng, but by your own admission your husband refused to sign the ticket, which is an arrestable offense and just a foolish thing to do. If you want to argue the ticket, you do it in court. Regardless of if the speeding ticket is legit or not, acting in this manner is not the way to resolve the issue.

P.S. I like how you ';kindly obliged'; the officer by pulling over. You are required to by law. It's not like you were doing him a favor by pulling over for him.

Why do people from New Jersey drive like they are on meth?

If you need to change lanes and someone is along side and 2 car lengths behind you, as soon as you put your turn signal on they STOMP on the gas so that you cant get infront of them. If you slow down to make left turn they will go along your right onto the shoulder and ive even seen them go up over curbs and grass just to get around you while braking as little as possible. No matter how fast you are going they just HAVE to get around you, you can be doing 10 over and yet its like your in everybodies way. And if its not possible for them to get around you they ride your bumper with the brights on. If you need to leave a gas station and get back onto the main road nobody will slow down to let you, so if you just go anyways they will hold down the horn and ride your butt. Then when they viciously go around you they give the horn a quick toot as an ';FU beep';. If you are sitting at a green traffic light that has no little green arrow built in and you need to make a left turn, the oncoming traffic wont let you, and the only time youll be able to is when the light turns red. At toll plazas if you dont have easy pass and you spend a fraction too much because you are reaching for your dollar or need to put your seatbelt back on the people behind you will frantically honk their horns, and then once they get onto the highway with you and catch up to you, they give a quick toot of the horn as another ';FU beep';. I forgot the rest. This seems like a terrible way to live your life and it takes all of the fun out of driving. Its impossible to go out and ride a motorcycle or go for a cruise in your classic car on a sunday, or just try and drive to work on a tuesday morning with your coffee stress free. You have to deal with the ';parkway derby';Why do people from New Jersey drive like they are on meth?
Wow, you just described my commute. Just because they have stress, does not mean that has to transfer to you. its inside them, but remains outside you. their honks, screams, and fingers out the window just mean they are displeased and stressed out. don't let it bother you.Why do people from New Jersey drive like they are on meth?
It's contagious - they simply catch this from their proximity to New York drivers.
I feel ya!! But we got em here too.
No its not that we catch it from new york drivers..i will be the first to tell you we jersey drivers are impatient *******..And if we see someone from a different state we most likley know your not going to be driving as fast as us so noone wants to get stuck behind you. if you dont like the way we drive then hey, dont come here =D
Drivers in the NE, and ';Joisey'; in particular do seem to be the worst in the nation, right ahead of California ';car aimers.'; Maybe it's the water.
Those are the NY and PA drivers that are here every weekend. They come here to save on gas.
Their relatives in the Canadian province of Ontario do the same thing.
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  • Been doing good, then saw my ex, now I'm confused?

    My ex girlfriend broke up with me about a year ago. It was a very passionate and wierd relationship. We had great sex, and I'm convinced she's the only girl I ever loved. I don't know if she felt the same way. Anyways she broke up when she got back from a trip.

    I haven't seen or talked to her in 8 months. I have been dating this new girl, and it's been going pretty good. Then BAM, I change lanes and see her on the highway. Everything stopped, she didn't see me, but I was a dear in headlights.

    The thing is, I can't stop thinking about her. There was never closure, she just brushed me off like we had nothing and never really talked again. I keep thinking about how much I loved her. We were absolutely nuts for each other. I'm in my late 20's, and it's not like I'm in high school. I loved this girl, and she crushed my world.

    I don't want to mess up my new relationship, and I'm positive my ex could care less if she ever would see me again. She did txt me a couple times when drunk, but still she's over me. I guess I'm not with her.

    What should I do? I want to pursue my relationship I'm in, but in the back of my mind I know she'll never make me feel the way my ex did.

    Ha, why is it I want, what I can't have so bad?Been doing good, then saw my ex, now I'm confused?
    I understand what youre going through, I went out with my ex for 3 years and she broke up with me a while back but to this day i know she was the only one i really ever loved and i gave her everything. I now have a new girlfriend but its hard because like you i know this girl wont treat me the same and do the same things as my ex and sometimes when im hanging out with my gf i think abt my ex and it really bugs me because i know my ex is over me and wouldnt want to be with me but i would give everything to be with her..

    ';I want, what I can't have so bad?'; A very true statement and life is really unfair.

    I hope you get through this and you get what you want or at least get some closure. Good luck in your new relationship!Been doing good, then saw my ex, now I'm confused?
    A drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts... clearly she must still have closure issues as well. you need to have a talk with her and tell her how u feel and how u felt. that way you will at least get closure, and whats the worst that can happen? she already broke up with you.
    My mommy tole me girls were made of sugar and spice,

    My Daddy tole me, son-dont let the same dog bite you twice.

    If it happens again like it did next time, somebodys' gonna have to walk the line
    you havent completely moved on. it will take some time, but just keep telling yourself that she was wrong for you, regardless of how you feel about her, you two were not meant to be
    DUDE just get over her there is nothing you can do its over and its done with....let the pass be the pass dont mess up this relationship because of your dumb*** x
    Mmm, I understand what you're going through. I had something similar happen to me. It was nearly 2 years before I got closure with the person...This is a really difficult situation, and the way it finally got solved for me was because I met ';The One.'; If the person you're with now doesn't make you feel like your ex, then maybe you need to consider that she is not the one for you (I know you probably don't want to hear that...)

    You could try talking with your ex and see if you can get closure somehow, but it could leave you even more deeply hurt.

    One day, though, you'll either realize the girl you're with now is the one you want and you will forget about your ex, or you will find someone new that makes you forget your ex.

    Best of luck to you!
    Wow you are in a jam. But everyone always wants what they can't have. I have been in this situation before, I was with someone I was completely nuts over, and they were nuts for me too. We dated for a while, then I got dumped... hard.

    I didn't see them for months after and I got in a new relationship. I saw my ex once and started to get those same feelings as you. But when I started talking to him again, he had changed, A LOT. He wasn't the person I had fallen for anymore, he was a douche.

    So it sounds like you have the same situation, if you are sure she was in love with you and now she seems like she could care less, she has changed for sure and if you start talking to her again you will see it and you will realize she is not the girl for you anymore.

    I say stay with your new found relationship and stay away from your ex because that will just risk losing your new girlfriend.

    How can you still be in love with someone who could care less about you anymore? Someone who could throw you away that easily? That is what I realized after talking to my ex.

    How do you know your new girlfriend won't make you as happy? You haven't been with her long enough to know, there is always opportunities.

    So just pick yourself up and forget about your ex, she will always be your first love but she will always be in your past too. Your new girlfriend is your future, focus on her. =)
    just think about all the bad things she's done to you man... i know it's tough because i went through the same thing. think about it... she texted you when she was drunk, that doesnt really mean anything. you have this new girl right in front of you, dont take her for granted because if you do and you lose her you'll be asking another question on here about how to get her back. you're in your late 20's... that's still young dont worry man you still have a while.

    answer mine please?;鈥?/a>
    Whoo! Finally, an honest guy who doesn't just use Yahoo Answers as a way to get ways to get a girl to like him! :-D Okay.... look, you sound like an incredible guy, so you should call/text her! Tell her you going bowling/to the beach etc., and your other guy-friend dropped out. This doesn't have to be a date, but does she want to come just to hang out? As friends? If she does this, make this a common habit.... maybe over time she'll realize what she saw in you... And if not, atleast you'll have another great friend! But then, if it doesn't go well - think about how she has hurt you - texting you drunk, that's playing with you! And then pushing you away! ... Well, Good luck!!!


    Phoenix S.
    Tell me about it. I've been there, done that and bought the T-shirt. I was with a guy on and off for seven years. We had great sex too, etc and so on. Well, then he decided that he ';didn't have time to date';, and a bunch of other excuses. It took three years for me to get over that S.O.B., but he's always at the back of my mind. I've never been able to forget him, no matter what I've done. But I know that I could never trust him again, because he screwed around on me at least twice that I knew of, possibly more. I don't know the reason why your ex-girlfriend broke up with you, but from what you say, she seems pretty insensitive. She gets back from a trip and then dumps you??? A couple of possible red flags went off at that one. And here's the deal. If the one you are with now is a very good person, treats you right, and things are going good, then by all means pursue the relationship. I know I won't find another guy who made me feel like my ex either, but then I don't want another cheater. And if she texts you while drunk, that should tell you alot right there, and nothing good. Tell her to stop texting you so you can move on with your life, and suggest to her that she get a life and grow up while she's at it. She breaks up with you and then teases you with text messages??? Come on!! I would keep up with your relationship for now. If it doesn't work out, then being by yourself for a while will give you a chance to get together with friends, volunteer somewhere where you can meet other people. If this relationship you are in doesn't work for you, you will eventually find the right one. Good luck.
    i know how you feel.. like no matter what ur ex had that one special thing that kept u going that you cant seem to find in anyone else?

    i think you need to talk to your ex though. if you dont find closure evertime ur in a situation like this, your always gunna wonder how she feels and if things had been diff. what woulda happened. You other have to get her back or find closure.. Yeah closures gunna hurt like h*ll but thats just life... and your always gunna have rationalization as your defense mechanism if you dont settle things with her. (settling for someone else because ou cant have her anyway) its not being true to yourself hun.
  • long hair cut
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  • California Driving Test Questions(Behind The Wheel)?

    I have a few questions that I couldn't find on the DMV site or that were already asked. I heard the test is only 20 minutes long so not much can happen I guess.

    1. What types of errors can be made and how many are allowed before failure?

    2. Will I have to parallel park, do a three point turn or demonstrate hand signals? If I screw it up do they let you try several times or is it a mark or failure?

    3. When pulling over and parking are you supposed to set the parking brake even if it's just parking in a shopping center?

    4. If I have to back up in a straight line how far will it be and am I allowed to make adjustments to the steering wheel once I've started or am I supposed to maintain a straight line without adjustment?

    5. Does the horn of the car have to work to begin the test?

    6. How often am I supposed to look in the mirrors while driving, like once every 30 seconds or every 2 minutes?

    7. Will I be asked to pass cars or just change lanes/merge?

    Thanks.California Driving Test Questions(Behind The Wheel)?
    1 25%

    2 No

    3 Always

    4 Dont remember and yes but shouldnt make adjustments and look over your shoulder

    5 yes

    6 Everytime you have to use your signal and just do it occasionally when you feel safe

    7 Yes

    8 might want to tell them you have driven on the freeway . Better still drive on the freeway. Keep to the speed limit and there might not be a chance you have to pass someone . When you change lane look behind you and use the mirrors..Good luck

    Overcome fear of driving?

    I got my learning permit in florida in august. I have only driven like 4 times since then. Always to the gas station at the corner. Today i finally drove about 10 miles back and forth. I am just realllly nervous driving. I am afraid someone will jump in front of the car, or a dog will run into the street. Or someone will just crash into me. I panic at intersections and when i have to change lanes. My dad is always saying your going to much to the right! or you want to fix that hole? or some comment like your the president of the old lady drivers...i live in miami where no one knows how to drive..when i try to merge they never let me pass..and when i drive 10 miles over the speed limit they are tailgating me and cutting me off....what can i do that will not make me so nervous.....?Overcome fear of driving?
    I have the same problem as you.

    To get more confidence you have to practice and practice. Keep driving till you get use to the road and handing. I just pass my driving test 6 weeks ago :D

    All I did was just practice and practice

    Getting my license?

    well i got my perment like 8 months ago and i've turned 16. i signed up for the drivers education course but i havent finished it. i also have ';THE packet'; u get before u get ur perment. it has the form where u fill in all ur hours and stuff. im not sure if i really have to finish the online course or not. i would rather not if i dont have to. im a good driver and i dont need to know anymore about how to change lanes lol. so if someone could let me know what the deal is that would be great. oh and do i have to take any sort of test when i go to get my license? i've heard i dont have to. i live in tx by the wayGetting my license?
    well where in mass. you do have to take a test when you get your license. however it could be much different for your because it sounds like you got your permit sometime when you were 15? we have to be 16 1/2 to get our permits.

    but i'm guessing you'll have to take a test too.Getting my license?
    YOU must finish your drivers ed online %26amp; the behind the wheel with an instructor.

    Other wise you must wait till your 18 to get your drivers license.

    PENALTIES to an underaged drinking and driving ACCIDENT!!!! for New driver with class 7?

    okay so my friend and i were in a car accident at 2:40am. i was at the back and my friend was driving. i didnt know how much she had to drink but everyone said she was fine.

    so we were on our way home and i yelled to turn left and then she was about to change lanes and i guess she didn't do a shoulder check, the car beside us hit her side.

    moments later the cops asked if we drank. we both said yes. we admitted to drinking but she stopped drinking around 9-930 she said.

    she has no criminal record, her history is clean.

    The cops said theyre not gonna give her a ticket. but they did take her license away and towed her car for 24hours

    WILL SHE GO TO COURT???? JAILL????? pleaaassee dont comment if ur just

    going to say she should. whats the worse that can happen??? WE LIVE IN British Columbia,


    since the cop said theyre not giving her a ticket... is she getting any tickets at all? would this be a DUI charge? helppp pleasee

    since we admitted to drinking, she as the driver took a breathalyzer test.

    she scored ';warn'; or 0.05 which is BELOW the fail. for class 5 drivers fail is 0.08 and above. but SHE IS A CLASS 7 (new driver) which means shes not even supposed to have ANY alcohol in her system..PENALTIES to an underaged drinking and driving ACCIDENT!!!! for New driver with class 7?
    umm... yes, she will probably get a DUI and have to go to court, traffic school, community service, and pay a nice fine.

    her car might get taken away for longer than 24 hours, and her license will DEFINITELY be gone for a while.

    i hope your city has a good bus system.


    also, since she is underage, she will probably have to take some kind of alcohol awareness class/program.

    you too, hopefully.

    CONSEQUENCES for an underaged drunk driver that got into an accident that's a NEW DRIVER (CLASS 7)?

    kay so my friend and i were in a car accident at 2:40am. i was at the back and my friend was driving. i didnt know how much she had to drink but everyone said she was fine.

    so we were on our way home and i yelled to turn left and then she was about to change lanes and i guess she didn't do a shoulder check, the car beside us hit her side.

    moments later the cops asked if we drank. we both said yes. we admitted to drinking but she stopped drinking around 9-930 she said.

    she has no criminal record, her history is clean.

    The cops said theyre not gonna give her a ticket. but they did take her license away and towed her car for 24hours

    WILL SHE GO TO COURT???? JAILL????? pleaaassee dont comment if ur just

    going to say she should. whats the worse that can happen??? WE LIVE IN British Columbia,


    since the cop said theyre not giving her a ticket... is she getting any tickets at all? would this be a DUI charge? helppp pleasee

    since we admitted to drinking, she as the driver took a breathalyzer test.

    she scored ';warn'; or 0.05 which is BELOW the fail. for class 5 drivers fail is 0.08 and above. but SHE IS A CLASS 7 (new driver) which means shes not even supposed to have ANY alcohol in her system..

    We're both only months from our legal age for drinking.

    The cop said he wasnt going to give her a ticket! but a ticket for what? what ticket is he talking about? the only thing he told her was to pick up the car within 24hours. she got a slip saying 24 hour prohibition. they took her license and keys and we can pick it up tomorrow morning.

    the reason checked off for the prohibition is Alcohol.

    so what ticket is he saying that he isnt giving her? because that slip of paper he gave isnt a ticket.

    okay so we're both confused.. IS SHE BEING CHARGED FOR DUI since the paper/ NOT TICKET, says the car is impounded because of alcohol???

    she has to claim her insurance w/ icbc but since she was drinking and driving, would they not cover anything?CONSEQUENCES for an underaged drunk driver that got into an accident that's a NEW DRIVER (CLASS 7)?
    sounds really complicated
  • married advice for
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  • Can I win rear end collision case?

    Before you answer READ THE COMPLETE SCENARIO. I know that 99.9% of the time it is the fault of the driver who rear ends but this was a very unique case. This guy was driving recklessly on the highway and when we exited off he stopped in the middle of the street at a green light. Everyone honked including me and he proceeded. I see this guy pulling his sweater over his head while the car is still in motion!! I signal to move away from him and I look at my side-view to change lanes and he slammed, and I mean slammed his brakes. The back of his car rose about an inch or 2 off the road as to how hard he hit the brakes. Then this guy speeds off! I should have let him go cuz I memorized his plates and could've call it a hit and run but my instincts made me chase him down 4 blocks. He had no idea I even hit him. Cops came and he admitted he was taking off his sweater! It's on the police report. Even as I'm on the phone with my insurance this guy is pulling off and he nearly slammed into a parked car! To make matters even more fun, the police report states he has no insurance since Dec which he did get a ticket for. My front right bumper is completely ruined and the back of his car has a scratch. So what am I looking at here.Can I win rear end collision case?
    If he did not have the money for insurance, I'm sure he doesn't have the money to fix your bumper. You can have your insurance fix it which will cause your insurance to go up or you can pay up front to fix it. My coworker just paid $900 to get her front bumper fixed. It may cost more to pay up front but it may be cheaper than the cost of your insurance increasing. You should have never chased him down 4 blocks, for your safety. Did you get a ticket in the accident? If so, it may make it difficult to win a case like that. If not, then you were not considered at fault and have a good chance of winning. Consult a lawyer in your area. Again, you have to weigh your options. Cost of lawyer versus fixing the car yourself. Many auto dealerships will give a free estimate to repair your car, that would be the first thing I do.Can I win rear end collision case?
    You could make a pretty good case, but the fact remains that you were following him too close.
    I sympathize but I think you're on a hiding to nothing.
    Sorry to say, and you mention, 99.9% will put it on your insurance. Plus if he has no insurance, your's will have to fix the damages anyway. And as the other person mentioned, if you hit him, it's your fault, regardless of him driving reckless or not. Remember, you hit him, not him hitting you.
    It all depends on how stupid he is by putting the truth on the report. But when his parents or lawyers gets involved, he is going to sing a different song, and you are in trouble, because you are in the rear, and you fail to keep a proper lookout.

    Try getting some medical leave for yourself (due to the accident) it may improve your chances of winning the case.
    Yup that was what i was going to say...following him to closely sucks dont it

    Why don't we have more advanced technology?

    Why don't we all have cars that fly yet?

    This is not an original idea. In fact, we already have cars that fly… However, the technology behind the concept is not “Up to bar” with the current reasonable transportation needs of society. In movies such as “5th Element” cars can move through the air and change lanes and behave in a way that defies our understanding for aerodynamics. I would like to expose an idea that I have thought over the past couple months. In light of some recent research posted somewhere on an associated press after some developments on wireless electricity was conducted a on smaller scale.

    After Nikola Tesla’s work with AC electricity he began understanding the influence of wireless electricity though use of radio frequencies. In 1964 an experiment was conducted and shown on CBS News with Walter Cronkite where a microwave model helicopter received all the power needed for flight from the radio wave beam. Over a distance of 1 mile, 30 kW of power transmitted with 84% efficiency!!! That was 1964… The premise of my idea has stemmed from this research with almost 200 years of unappreciated scientific study. Even Thomas Edison had taken most of credit for Telsa’s research. JP Morgan Chase his investor was not trying to pursue the idea, and ..Edison.. wanted it banned. Tesla was forced “out of the loop” but he did not give up on his research.

    Now take a moment to stand outside of the box and imagine the endless possibilities. In the same way that your car can tune to an FM station and interpret the radio waves for your music player. Take this idea: Wireless electricity broadcasting from a transmitter from on set frequency (frequencies) and arriving at the receiver (your car) this frequency or frequencies of wireless electricity can power a device in your car designed to create a magnetic field. Since we already know that magnetism can attach itself to any electrical current; you car, essentially could be “magnetized” at a specific location suspended in air. Through the manipulation of magnetic fields you could easily configure the magnetic device to propel the car forwards or backwards in any desirable direction (Not up or down! I will explain why in a moment. But let me continue painting this picture for you.)

    By creating a device similar to a rectenna (basically, its elements are usually arranged in a multi element phased array with a mesh pattern reflector elements). This can be constructed by use of a hot carrier diode or also known as the Schottky diode… When placed between antenna dipoles (which are basically the separation of positive and negative charges) the rectenna itself uses switching and conduction and is very efficient at converting microwave to electrical energy. This powers the device that is your car! Furthermore, the varying frequencies should be designed to broadcast in parallel with other frequencies at different latitudes. I will explain why in a moment. In the same way that you tune your radio, the magnetic pull would attach itself to its set frequency.

    I said earlier, your car would not be able to go up or down, however, that can be controlled by the frequency your car is magnetically tuned in with. Imagine a grid of varying wireless frequencies the lowest frequency would be closer to the ground, and the highest would be at the maximum allowable latitude. By tuning your frequency it alters the latitude where that frequency is located, your cars magnetic pull is now attracted to the magnetic frequency at that latitude.

    Another question remains… And I am getting ahead of myself but this is an important topic. How would we prevent chaos in aerodynamic traffic when the magnetic fields of cars traveling along one frequency could attract cars traveling along another frequency? I want to spend a moment to shed my light on how this can be prevented. The reason for a grid of frequencies at varying latitudes allows for greater control of the mechanics in operation here. I’d rather write than draw a diagram at this stage so; I’ll try my best to explain. Cars traveling above and below each other should have rules governing each its magnetic polarity. The “Wireless Frequency” the car is magnetically hooked onto should dictate the cars magnetic polarity. No matter what happened the cars would oppose rather than attract another car. Anyway, I am over this topic for the moment. Let me know what you think and point me in a helpful direction in the exposure of this topic.Why don't we have more advanced technology?
    I know exactly what you are talking about, and you are correct. I'm sure our government is already way ahead of this. The problem is that one, The U.S. Government confiscated all of Tesla's work and notes, and two, this is not good for the big businesses of Energy providers like oil, gas, and electricity. The unfortunate fact of the matter is that those with the money have the control.

    Much like the auto industry has the technology to make 100 mph carburetors, but the man who invented this was killed and all possible combination's of little changes to the carburetor have been patented by the auto industry and oil companies. I know that is a little off topic, but it is one major reason ';why'; we don't see this technology being used yet. Until we run out of fossil fuels, we won't see anything change. Couple that with the idea that this technology has so many other possibilities and you can better believe that our government is 50 years ahead of what most people (other than you, me and like-minded individuals) can possibly even imagine, let alone accept into their very limited perspective of reality.

    You should look into a metaphysical technology (phenomenon) called ';Remote Viewing.'; Specifically, there is a book I am reading right now that deals with Energy in wave forms from the 8th dimension.

    Quantum Physics has already been working on this, as well as, our govt. Look up David Morehouse. Read his Remote Viewing books, his Biography first and then his technical manual. You will be stunned, I promise you.

    Tesla was way ahead of his time, and he was right. Also, keep an ear and eye out for ELF, Extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic radiation. There have been some documentaries out recently talking about how ELF can be used to control the weather and control the minds of people. There are about 8 or so ELM arrays around the world. The US has one in Alaska. They claim they are only studying weather. But I just came across another source that reaffirmed that ELF can hinder the natural ability of people to Remote View, as well as, other ';natural psychics.';

    I find it strange too that all scientists have been banned from using the IR Satellite technology to study and find geological features. Why? What could they possibly accidentally see?

    Feel free to email me if you want, or you can find me on Myspace at

    Which Garmin GPS is the best?

    I am looking for a GPS navigation system from Garmin that is easy to use, has great graphics, calls out street names and lets you know when to change lanes.. I want to pay no more than $350.00. I understand Garmin is releasing new models at the end of this month (April) that are supposed to be much better than the current ones. How so? Does anyone know? I hear the current ones will then go on clearance. I am not great with electronics so I want one that is SIMPLE to use, has a bigger screen and looks more like a movie than a comic book. Thank you!Which Garmin GPS is the best?
    I have a Garmin Nuvi 260, it says the street names and is easy to use. I've had it about 3 months and I love it.Which Garmin GPS is the best?
    They are all great from Garmin I own 2. Just get what you can afford. The real expensive ones have junk like blue tooth, traffic data stuff you really don't need.
    Garmin is a best gps system and popular gps, Garmin has a simple controls - simply touch the color screen to enter a destination, has a turn-by-turn voice directions, 2-D or 3-D maps and more feature.

    I suggestion a Garmin nuvi model is a 255W, 760 (these are popular gps).

    255W: same as 205W but has text-to-speech, you get turn by turn spoken directions with the real names of streets (e.g. ';turn left in 50 feet at Nebraska Way';, rather than merely ';turn left in 50 feet';), 4.3-Inch diagonal touch screen color display.

    760 : has text-to-speech, 4.3-Inch diagonal touch screen color display, Bluetooth.

    For feature Lane Guidance ( With the new Lane Guidance feature built into the n眉vi 7x5 series, you'll never question which lane you should be driving in again. It provides you with a view of what lane you should be in for upcoming turns. And with the 3D Lane Assist Junction View, you'll be able to see a photo-realistic screen that shows you both the road detail as well as the signs as you will see them on the road. The signs that aren't needed for navigation are faded compared to the appropriate lane signage), You must get in model 7X5 series, such as 755T, 765T, 775T, 785T.

    How to fix Passenger Mirror motor of a 1983 Mercedes-Benz 240D (W123)?

    Yeah... apparently, this is my first car. o_O; Trust me, the car is awesome--but slow as crap. The passenger-side mirror, the motorized one, isn't working. I mean, it goes up and down and side to side, but it clicks when I want it to come in more. It's kind of difficult when you have to rely on your passenger, and the rear-view mirror to change lanes when you're a first-year driver. Is there any way to fix this? There's absolutely nothing on Google on how to fix this. I heard that it probably has some junk inside the motor... but I dunno. Help? ^^;How to fix Passenger Mirror motor of a 1983 Mercedes-Benz 240D (W123)?
    those mirrors only go so far as far as in and out, if you think it has a problem you will more than likely have to replace the complete mirror.

    Is it normal to feel undeserving of a license? ?

    I just got my license, but I feel like I cheated.

    Here's the story. I started by going to a DMV and taking the test there, but I failed it. At first I was devistated, but seriously, I didn't think I did that bad. A lot of the mistakes I made weren't my fault, considering I was going like 50 mph and my tester liked to wait till the last second to tell me to change lanes and turn (during rush hour), so we had to go back and turn around a couple of times. All that aside, I'm not sure if I deserved it or not the first time, but I didn't pass.

    That same day, I went to a different, privately-owned tester that my friend told me about and I passed, except I didn't feel like I really did. It was like the cheaters way out. He told me I had 15 mistakes (probably really nitpicky, I had no idea what most of them were) and 2 traffic offenses, both of which I recognized and one of which was unavoidable, while the other was minor. To pass his test, I was allowed 20 mistakes and 3 traffic offenses, which in and of itself (with a test that takes about 20 minutes) feels really leniant. He told me the average number of mistakes made by his students is 6. Not to mention, my mom told me when she talked to him in private, he told her he's never failed anyone.

    So how am I supposed to feel about this? I have my license, but I passed an extremely leniant test and failed the DMV's test, and I'm going to admit it, I cheated on my hours (I didn't really drive 50, I don't know how many I drove).

    Is this feeling normal? I try to be a careful driver, but if I'm still making that many mistakes and I don't even know it, do I even deserve my license?

    Is it normal to feel undeserving of a license? ?
    Wow!! Are you telling me that the DMV where you live permits 15 mistakes and 3 traffic violations and they still give you a drivers licence??? Boy, how times have changed. Where do you live.?

    When I was in high school I had to take drivers ed. before I could even get into a car in order to learn how to drive one- you had to pass that will NO violations at all.

    The DMV where I live does not permit any mistakes unless you do not speak English!

    Driving is a privilege which most of us take for granted, a car is a deadly machine and so can be the person driving it so every one has to look out for every one else. Your driving skills hopefully will get better with practice.

    You got your licence so now go and practice your driving skills. Good luck.Is it normal to feel undeserving of a license? ?
    While it was definitely lenient to say the least, now that you have a license it's all about getting your own experience driving. Don't get ';comfortable'; now that you're driving on your own. I remember when I got my license, I had maybe 5 close calls in the first week, but I got better over time.

    It's all about trial and error, you make a mistake, you remember it and be sure not to make the same mistake again.
    I think you are being extremely hard on yourself.

    You passed enough for you to receive the appropriate piece of paper.

    My daughters were 19 %26amp; 20 when they got their licenses. They both tested the same day with the same instructor. He was more interested in the air freshener than with them. He did not even check if the horn was operational.

    My husband and I did not let them test until we felt they were ready. My stepdaughter had to repeat the class at public high school. My daughter had been driving back roads since she was 12.

    Be careful and fully alert every time you drive, minimize distractions and ask your mom to ride with you to give you pointers.

    You will do fine.

    I think that the first item to recognize is that you have your license now. It doesn't matter really how you got it, but there are ways that you can lose it, and that is one of the reasons for having the test in the first place: to make sure that the State is licensing safe, knowledgeable drivers. Now that you have your license, it is too late to worry about whether or not you deserve it. I went through the same questions after I received my teaching license. The point is that you have your license now, and it's time to make the best of it and do your best to drive as safely and correctly as you can. The license is two things: permission from the State to operate a vehicle on your own, and an assurance to other people that you will do no harm while operating your vehicle. That's what a teaching, doctor's, lawyer's, or other professional license means as well. It is now time for you to take that license and go places!

    Would you like to take my survey? I know you do....?

    1. What posters (if any) are on your wall?

    2. What is the closest pink item next to you?

    3. What did you have for lunch?

    4. What will you (or did you have) for dinner?

    5. What time will you get up tomorrow?

    6. If you're behind a slow driver, will you change lanes or be patient and stay behind them?

    7. What's the best book you've read lately?

    8. What is the last movie you watched?

    9. are you allergic to anything?

    10. how did you spend your valentines day?

    11. how old are you?

    12. how much do you weigh and how tall are you?Would you like to take my survey? I know you do....?
    1. a peace sign

    2. one of those victorias secret dogs on my floor

    3. haven't had it yet

    4. steak!

    5. i'll tell you tomorrow

    6. overtake them if I can

    7. crime %26amp; punishment

    8. just saw mall cop with my little brother

    9. nope

    10. well i stupidly broke up with the bf the day before so i made up with him and he cooked me dinner :)

    11. 16

    12. 115, 5'8';

    creep. stealing my life!!Would you like to take my survey? I know you do....?
    I just toke them all down

    my phurse




    change lanes

    kiss me kill me



    it was gay, I just had a hair cut


    115 and 5.3
    1. too many to name

    2. My shirt

    3. I didn't eat lunch today

    4. Tacos!!


    6. Change lanes, if it's continuous

    7. I sound like one of those obsessed fans, but Breaking Dawn

    8. Prayers for Bobby

    9. No

    10. With my friend, my boyfriend was at sectionals for wrestling

    11. 15

    12. I am 120 and I am almost 5 foot 4
    1. What posters (if any) are on your wall? ~ no posters..just a photo enlarged and framed of sunflowers that a friend of mine took. Its right above the computer...

    2. What is the closest pink item next to you? ~ A pink HARMONY aromatherapy candle.

    3. What did you have for lunch? ~ Its only brekky time here...I had coffee.

    4. What will you (or did you have) for dinner?~ Honey mustard chicken with veggies, unless Doc House is firing up the BBQ then I'll head off over there! lol

    5. What time will you get up tomorrow? ~ same time as most mornings..around 6.30am

    6. If you're behind a slow driver, will you change lanes or be patient and stay behind them? ~ change lanes if they are going under the speed limit.

    7. What's the best book you've read lately?~ DREAM BROTHER, a book about Jeff and Tim Buckley

    8. What is the last movie you watched? ~CHANGELING

    9. are you allergic to anything?~ Tetanus shots

    10. how did you spend your valentines day?~ the same as every other day...

    11. how old are you? ~ 33

    12. how much do you weigh and how tall are you? no idea...have been too scared to jump on the scales since all the Christmas indulgences! lol

    Height wise, I'm 5';6
    1- no posters at the moment

    2- laundry basket

    3- pasta

    4- no clue about dinner yet

    5- 7am or so [if i'm still sick, then 11am and no classes tomorrow]

    6- i don't drive, but when i'm in a car, slow drivers are frustrating to get behind.

    7- i'm reading some of the canterbury tales for my brit lit class. they're pretty entertaining.

    8- gran torino

    9- long haired cats and dust mites

    10- same as every other day

    11- 21

    12- i weigh a few more pounds than i should, and i am 6'6'' tall.
  • myspace layouts
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  • CONSEQUENCES for an underaged drunk driver that got into an accident as a NEW DRIVER (CLASS 7) BC CANADA?

    okay so my friend and i were in a car accident at 2:40am. i was at the back and my friend was driving. i didnt know how much she had to drink but everyone said she was fine.

    so we were on our way home and i yelled to turn left and then she was about to change lanes and i guess she didn't do a shoulder check, the car beside us hit her side.

    moments later the cops asked if we drank. we both said yes. we admitted to drinking but she stopped drinking around 9-930 she said.

    she has no criminal record, her history is clean.

    The cops said theyre not gonna give her a ticket. but they did take her license away and towed her car for 24hours

    WILL SHE GO TO COURT???? JAILL????? pleaaassee dont comment if ur just

    going to say she should. whats the worse that can happen??? WE LIVE IN British Columbia,


    since the cop said theyre not giving her a ticket... is she getting any tickets at all? would this be a DUI charge? helppp pleasee

    since we admitted to drinking, she as the driver took a breathalyzer test.

    she scored ';warn'; or 0.05 which is BELOW the fail. for class 5 drivers fail is 0.08 and above. but SHE IS A CLASS 7 (new driver) which means shes not even supposed to have ANY alcohol in her system..

    We're both only months from our legal age for drinking.

    The cop said he wasnt going to give her a ticket! but a ticket for what? what ticket is he talking about? the only thing he told her was to pick up the car within 24hours. she got a slip saying 24 hour prohibition. they took her license and keys and we can pick it up tomorrow morning.

    the reason checked off for the prohibition is Alcohol.

    so what ticket is he saying that he isnt giving her? because that slip of paper he gave isnt a ticket.CONSEQUENCES for an underaged drunk driver that got into an accident as a NEW DRIVER (CLASS 7) BC CANADA?
    If she didn't get a ticket, you both lucked out. The cop took pity on you. The whole incident did not happen, officially.CONSEQUENCES for an underaged drunk driver that got into an accident as a NEW DRIVER (CLASS 7) BC CANADA?
    It's customary when caught drinking and driving to tow someone's car for 24 hours. She did break the law.

    She should expect to hear from ICBC pretty soon, either about taking away her licence, or resetting her probationary period for when she is able to take her test for her class 5.
    She sure got lucky. The officer should have charged her. I don't think he did her a favour.

    Hip Hop translation help!!!?

    Hi, Can someone help me translate this into HIP HOP. It is due for my translation class and I am not that familiar with Hip hop words. I translated this shakespear sonnet into modern language, now i need to transalte it into hip hop for my translation class. I started on it, can someone give me pointers on what to fix or how to go about. THANK's A LOTT

    Let those who are most successful enjoy the fruits of being fortunate,

    While I being less fortunate, have silently enjoyed what I value.

    People of high society are happy on certain days, just as plants flourish in the sunlight,

    But happiness does not last forever for them, because things don檛 always go smoothly.

    The soldier who has won thousand battles can be stripped of his honor with one defeat.

    But I love and am loved, therefore I am content and can not lose what I adore and no one can take it from me.

    Them big ballers be chillin shock dolla. A playa like me still flies high even thou, I aint got nothing but a dime. Big money man be trippin on some days, like a pitbull on cocaine. But they wont be rollin in on escalades with big grills on they face, when the streets times change like they change lanes.

    The soldier boy who blasted all through thousands of battles, bled only once from one battle, and he never heard another praise or a touch of a glamour.

    I love it and I am loved, no fool can take that from me, not until I die Il be walkin the streets with my head held high in the sky.Hip Hop translation help!!!?
    I really need to know where you go to school at and what board of education thinks ';hip hop'; is a flippin langauge?

    Please HELP, police pulling me over for stupid light issue!!!!?

    I drive a 97 Nissan Sentra and I got my car repaired a couple months ago and what happened is that someone had replaced my right flasher light (orange light) before I got it repaired, it blinked normally but now its really fast.

    How do I make it stop blinking faster and at a normal pace, I have a hard time changing lanes cause people cannot see the lights flashing.

    I asked smoeone and they said that maybe one of my lights on the right side is not working or bulb gone. I also have a problem with my license plate light, everytime I hit on the light, it works but many times it doesnt, do I need to change the bulb?

    Please help me with these questions, any opinion are welcome. The police keeps pulling me over for this and its very annoying, Please helpPlease HELP, police pulling me over for stupid light issue!!!!?
    In almost 99% of cars, if a bulb is out, the turn signals won't light at all, since there are in series. To me, it sounds like you have an incorrect bulb or bulbs installed. The incorrect bulbs will draw too much or not enough current causing the flasher to operate slower of faster. If it works for one side, the flasher is OK.

    The license plate bulb socket could be corroded. Take the bulb out and check for corrosion, it isn't rocket science.Please HELP, police pulling me over for stupid light issue!!!!?
    In some cars, the blinker appears to blink really fast (to you, inside the car) to tell you that the light is out. Is that what the cops are telling you? Check it out when you are stopped.
    I know that with many car makes, a turn signal blinking twice as fast does in fact mean there is a bulb out. Check this by turning the car on and turning on the turn signal and getting out and check it.

    If you replace the bulb and it it still blinking abnormally, I would recommend taking it back to the shop where it was fixed. They may not be able to do anything, but maybe they can!

    As far as the ticket, you should call and see if it is what they a call a ';fix-it'; ticket. Basically, as long as you get it fixed within a certain amount of time, they will not charge you for the ticket. :)

    Good luck!

    How about some funny Bumper Stickers to make you laugh and fall off your chairs?

    Caution -- Driver Legally Blonde

    Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.

    ―on't believe everything you think. Coffee, Chocolate, Men. Some things are just better rich.

    Cole檚 Law: Thinly Sliced Cabbage

    Doctor's say I have a multiple personality, but we don't agree with that.

    –onceive. Believe. Achieve.

    –over Me I'm Changing Lanes

    Condoms are easier to change than diapers!

    Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.

    Does The Name Pavlov Ring A Bell?Conserve toilet paper - use both sides.

    Don't Drink and Drive!

    ―on't drink and park - accidents cause people.

    ―on't drink to drown your sorrow. Sorrow knows how to swim.

    ―on't drive and derive. Alcohol and calculus don't mix.

    ―on't judge a book by its movie.

    ―on't laugh it's paid for.

    Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it, anyway.


    Energizer Bunny Arrested; Charged With Battery

    Happiness is Clinton's face on a milk cartonEver stop to think, and forget to start again?

    Hey dumb *** I bought my own car, not mommy and daddy!

    Every silver lining has a cloud

    Gravity- It檚 not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

    Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion

    Everyone Has A Photographic Memo

    FLORIDA: Home of Electile Dysfunction?br>

    FLORIDA: If you don't like the way we vote then take I-95 and visit one of the other 56


    ‵LORIDA: If you think we can't vote, wait till you see us drive.

    ‵LORIDA: Relax, Retire, And Revote.?br>

    FLORIDA: We count more than you do.?br>

    FLORIDA: We're number one! Wait! Recount!

    ‵LORIDA: Where your vote counts and counts and counts


    Got Brains?

    He who laughs last thinks slowest.

    Hey idiot- You're driving a car, not a phone booth

    ℉ey man, you live in America now... speak Spanish!

    I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

    HONK IF YOU LOVE GORE (use the button on your steering wheel)How about some funny Bumper Stickers to make you laugh and fall off your chairs?
    I love 'Condoms are easier to change than diapers'!!!How about some funny Bumper Stickers to make you laugh and fall off your chairs?
    Ha! These are good ones ;)
    I think I'm going to use some of these.

    Failure to stop in a stop sign?

    I got a ticket for not stopping in a stop sign and I was thinking if there is any possibility of not have it affecting my insurance. Is there anything I can say in court?

    I just got my VA licence. I had one from NC before and I didn't have to take any test to change my licence. As I am from Brazil, I thought maybe I could say that I thought in VA we could drive like in Brazil... just slow down and go... or maybe if that's really a bad idea just accept and request a ';lesser penalty';... but I don't know if to accept the responsability I have to go to court or not... how do I spend less $$$ (including insurance rates)??

    Does it matter that the police officer gave me the ticket and my licence back and kept my vehicle registration??.., he followed till the next red light to give it back to me and told me he forgot it...

    oh... and when he stoped me, he said I was also changing lanes in a dangerous way... something like that... but he idn't give me a ticket for that...

    Tkx...Failure to stop in a stop sign?
    It's very hard to disprove what the officer gave you a ticket for unless you have a witness to say you did stop. Usually for a small infraction like that you are able to pay the ticket in advance so you don't have to go to court, unfortunately since it is a moving violation it may effect your insurance premiums.

    Does anyone else hate domestic vehicles?

    I don't know about anyone else, but I can't stand people who drive domestic vehicles, especially trucks. People in American-made trucks drive like they own the road, like they are so much better than everyone else.

    Seriously, think about it for a second. How often do you see a Silverado change lanes RESPECTFULLY on the highway? Not very often, huh? I have actually called the police on a number of pickup drivers for driving like they are kings of the road, and almost killing other drivers in smaller vehicles in the process.

    Do you pickup drivers really think you are impressing/intimidating that man in the BMW or that lady in the new Honda? Grow up already.

    It's funny though, people who drive Tundra's, Frontier's, etc., don't drive like this. Why is that?

    Say what you will, but it doesn't change the fact that I feel much safer on the highway driving alongside a Highlander than I do a Tahoe. I for one am glad that GM is going under. One company down, two to go is what I'm saying.

    Anyone else agree?Does anyone else hate domestic vehicles?
    Yea dude i totally hear you there at the end when you said you want to see GM go under. I also want to see 25 million more americans lose their jobs. but hey, i should have expected that kind of inconsiderate thinking from an idiot like you who bought a Japanese car which, by the way, i dont know if you knew this but our tax dollars paid for. In the 1980's the United States government gave billions of dollars to Honda, toyota, nissan and mitsubishi to lure them into opening plants here for the jobs it would create. we gave them free land, built the buildings, and gave them a fat check on top of all that. all the free crap they were given made them the competitive automakers they are today, and is the reason why the US auto-makers bagan cheaping out in the late 80's and early 90's, cause they couldnt compete with all the free **** we gave Hondas and Toyota. I'm glad the guys in the American trucks drive like dick's, they are true Americans and deserve to do whatever they want, thats why we drive trucks that get 8 mpg, cause we have nuclear weapons and the best military on earth, so we can do as we please, and we dont want your piece of crap Accord on our roads, so we'll just run it the F over. This is America: either love it or leave it.Does anyone else hate domestic vehicles?
    Get real. It doesn't matter what make or what country the stupid trucks come from,there all operated by inconsiderate idiots.That also applies to Honda Toyota Nissan and Korean junk.Cars included. As far as GM going under,hope your job follows it.
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  • Do you ever make minor mistakes when driving?

    How often do you make minor mistakes while driving? By this I mean things that don't result in a ticket/accident, but could have if you didn't realize your mistake and adjust. For example, things such as almost missing a stop sign, or starting to change lanes then realizing there is someone beside you that was in your blind spot, or accidentally speeding because you missed the sign indicating the speed limit changed, or accidentally cutting someone off when merging onto a highway because it looked like they were slowing down to let you merge, things like this. Feel free to add any other minor mistakes you have made or seen others make if I didn't mention them.

    It seems many people like to get on other drivers' cases when they make a minor mistake like these, even when they don't result in an accident. So do you ever make any of these minor mistakes? If so, how often do you make them?Do you ever make minor mistakes when driving?
    Far too often. Everyday my journey teaches me what to do during driving, and what NOT to do. The angels are protecting me still.

    I'm a new driver.Do you ever make minor mistakes when driving?
    NO! I'm perfect.

    And don't label me conceited. Conceit is a fault and I have no faults either.
    I talk on my mobile while driving
    Everybody does this. Nobody's perfect...even Mr. Conceited, here.

    I was stopped at a light once and the left turn signal turned green but my signal remained red. I got off the brake and moved into the crosswalk before I realized it was still red.

    How did I run this red light while looking straight at it?

    Last night, I was driving myself and two friends home from another friend's house (not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol), and I had gone past a couple of green lights, but when I saw a red one, I recognised it as a red light, but I didn't stop. My brain like didn't make the connection between red and slow down and stop. I finally slammed on the brakes in the middle of the intersection when one friend said ';What are you doing? It's red!'; Then, I realised I had to stop. Thank god no one was coming, otherwise it would have been a very bad night.

    I don't know what even happened. I was paying attention, and I wasn't distracted. This has happened once before, too. I was driving with my dad, and I did the same thing. I stopped when he yelled at me, and I again realised I had to stop. This is so weird and not good. Why did this happen? How can I stop it from happening again? This was really scary.

    I don't know if it's related, but a few times before, I have had like ';time lapses'; where I completely forgot some period of time, around 30 or less seconds each time. I was conscious, but had absolutely no memory of it. Twice while driving, once while playing tennis, maybe another time, too. I can't remember. While I was playing tennis, I supposedly played the last point of the game but had no memory of it and tried to play it again, until my dad and sister said it had already happened. While driving, the driving instructor told me to change lanes, which I did not remember happening, and when I was supposed to change, he was like, ';Why aren't you going?'; The other time, my mom told me to turn, and I almost drove past the intersection before she told me again to turn.

    Also, I get plenty of sleep, and I didn't have too much on my mind at the time. I can't see any reason for this to happen.

    Thank you for your help.How did I run this red light while looking straight at it?
    It looks as if you may have more on your mind than you are aware of. This is probably a problem with concentration. It happens to everybody. But if you are concerned you may want to see a psychiatrist to check for any problems. He may refer you to a neurologist for a workup. Nobody can diagnose you on this site. If you think you need help than you should get it.How did I run this red light while looking straight at it?
    This same thing happens to me. It scares the hell out of you when you realize what is happening. It can also happen as you drive by your highway exit while you are looking right at the sign. People tell you their names and as they say it you are already forgetting it. This is one thing that helps me. 3 words. Task at hand. Tasks at hand. Concentrate on the task at hand. That was said by someone in a safety meeting at my job and I actually repeat that to myself to make sure I am paying attention.
    this happens to me mainly when i'm mentally tired. the only difference is that i stop at green lights! make sure that you don't drive while you're tired, even if you've had enough sleep, if you're feeling tired at all, have someone else drive. i've heard statistics stating that driving while tired is just as dangerous as driving drunk.

    i've also gone on ';auto pilot'; which i think happens when you're just in the groove of what you're doing and not really paying attention. try to keep yourself stimulated while you're driving so that you don't lapse into a different world :)

    good luck, stay safe!

    My boyfriend might be cheating.?

    so, last night my boyfriend told me that he couldn't have dinner with me because he was working later than usual. i told him it was alright and that we could plan something maybe friday or saturday (since we are both off work)

    so instead of slaving in the kitchen for one i thought i would go out and get something.

    as i drove downtown to one of my favorite thai restaurants i saw my boyfriends BMW two lanes over and he was in the car with another man. JUST my luck right? i thousand things immediately flooded my mind. i thought i should change lanes and get right behind him and honk the hell out of my horn..or maybe i would call the asshole and catch him in the act.

    but i stopped myself.

    i don't want to seem too clingy and pathetic but i don't know how to confront him about it ):

    i need help.My boyfriend might be cheating.?
    you had the opportunity to find out if your suspicion was true or not and you blew it. he may make up any excuse once you confront him but you probably should .otherwise hire an investigator to follow him .you might find what you fear.

    good luckMy boyfriend might be cheating.?
    be blunt. be forward. be YOU. you're mad right? so what? let it be known. if he really liked you he wouldn't be alone in the car with another man. if you think he's cheating...he probably is. everyone gets gut feelings. stick with them. you deserve to be in a stress free relationship.
    It COULD be that he was having a drink with a business partner. If you smell cologne on him or if he acts funny, maybe ask him.
    All i can suggest is to be vague about asking him how work went that night. Don't let him know that ur on to him. See how he is the next week or so. Is his behavior different at home? Any changes lately that might make sense now? It could have been innocent, but keep an eye on him. If he knows ur suspicious then he'll be more careful. If he is up to something you will catch him.
    I would ask him. I would tell him what I saw, and see what his explanation is.

    Contradictions, lies, are something that I also would be weary of.. If he can b.s. you, then that's not cool.

    If he has a legitimate reason, then that's a different case.

    Hope it was innocent though.

    Trying to pass CT license test. Please help.?

    Hi, I'm going for my license next week, I've already passed the vision and law test, now it's just the road part that scares me. I can drive pretty well, but I have some questions that I hope people can answer:

    1. What's the best way to back into a space??

    2. What are some stupid technicalities that the DMV can snag you on?

    I think I've got it down for the most part. I know to not roll at stop signs, not skip lanes when turning. How to change lanes, how to signal, hand signals, I know how to work the window wipers and all of the lights. I know to turn the parking brake off before I start, adjust seat and mirrors and say that I'm adjusting the seat and mirrors while I'm doing it. I mean, what the hell could we be doing out there for 10 mins? I know how to K turn, I don't know how to paralell park though, is that a problem? Do they usually ask us to do that in Connecticut? No speeding, signal before turning, looking at my mirrors approprately?

    Am I forgetting anything? Thanks...Trying to pass CT license test. Please help.?
    I took my test about 3years ago in the dmv in Bridgeport,

    although i had never gone to any driving school, but passed flawlessly.

    one of the most diffcult thing is probably the parallel parking all others are pretty much straight forward. Just do what he asks you to do.

    also the speed limit stay around 25mph if you go over 30mph you fail automatically. Also do not drive on the yellow line, if you do you will go home without a license.

    My test was about 15mins, the whole time we basically drove around the neighborhood, I did a three point turning, reverse parking, parallel parking, and straight parking.

    Just practice some parking maneuver the morning before the test, and you're all setTrying to pass CT license test. Please help.?
    Question 1.

    When the space is vacant, pull ahead of it until you have pulled up beside the car parked in front of the space. Your rear bumper should be even with that car's rear bumper with about 2 feet of road between you.

    Put the car in reverse. Begin to back up slowly; as soon as the car starts moving, turn the wheel as far as it will go toward the curb.

    Back slowly into the space.

    When the back of your car's front door is even with the rear bumper of the car beside you, begin turning the wheel away from the curb.

    Continue turning the wheel away from the curb and backing slowly into the space.

    Straighten out the wheel, then pull forward or back in the space as needed to center yourself between the cars in front of and behind you. Your car should be 6 to 8 inches from the curb when you are parked.

    Question 2.

    Observation may seem to be a small part of a driving test, but it is actually a very significant part of safe driving. When the driving instructor sits down beside the student, they will be observing them for the duration of the test and making sure that they watch the road ahead.

    This means that whenever they get to an intersection, crossroads or even a set of red traffic lights, that they are observant at all times and act accordingly.

    Making a correct turn at a stop sign means coming to a complete stop and then looking left and right for traffic and halting if another vehicle is coming.

    Students must also alert other motorists of their intentions, by using their indicators. Failure to exercise proper observation and due care will mean an instant fail, because it does not prove to the driving instructor that they are sitting beside a safe, cautious driver.

    It is very important to keep within the legal speed limit at all times during the driving test.

    Failure to do so will mean instant disqualification. Students should keep an eye on the speed that they are doing and adjust it to the road conditions.

    That means if the posted speed limit is 35mph but the road ahead is icy, a lower speed limit would be more appropriate. This shows the examiner that the student is alert to the need to slow down, even though the posted speed limit is higher.

    By the time a student books their driving test, they should know how to operate the car. However, if they cannot prove to the examiner that they are in full control of the car and know how to drive it correctly, then they will not pass their driving test.

    For example, if taking the test in a manual transmission car, the student must know how to change gears according to the speed that they are traveling, and use the clutch. Drivers must also know how to find the “biting point” when using clutch control and try to prevent the car from stalling.

    Stalling the car once will not be viewed as a reason for failure, but as a minor fault, as long as the student recovers from it and proceeds well during the rest of the examination.

    Part of the driving test will involve manoeuvres such as performing an emergency stop, doing a three point turn and parallel parking.

    A student needs to know how to carry out these requests when asked to do so and show the examiner that they can competently manoeuvre the car.

    They must also watch the road carefully during these procedures and be mindful of the appearance of small children and other vulnerable road users.

    The driving examiner will expect the student to stop or slow down if there is any obstruction and continue with the manoeuvre only when it is safe to do so.

    A student who does not give way to oncoming traffic and almost causes a collision will fail their driving test. It is as simple as that. As far as the examiner is concerned the student did not obey an important traffic law and is therefore a danger on the road.

    Driving examiners are not looking for perfection when examining student drivers. They simply want to see the car driven responsibly and skilfully.

    A student will be nervous when taking their driving test, which is quite natural, but they need to show that they can overcome their nerves and prove that they have earned the right to drive alongside more experienced drivers on the road.

    By doing this, they will be more likely to pass, rather than fail their driving test.

    Doing the right thing?

    I only got 4 responses, so posting again.

    I drive a 2003 VW Jetta. Sunday, a 23 year old girl rear-ended me in a traffic jam on the interstate. I was completely stopped in traffic, she was turned around looking in the lane to the left, and hit the accelerator to change lanes. Her front passenger side smacked into my rear driver side. It did quite a bit of damage. The whole back end (bumper) needs to be replaced, and my trunk isn't closing properly. Perhaps the trunk will be fine once the new bumper is put on.

    She was very upset and apologetic at the scene. I was very nice to her, reminded her that it was an accident, and told her everything would be okay.

    Well, the police report was ready today, so I was able to get the ball rolling to get my car fixed. I called Progressive (her insurer) and after filing the claim, they informed me that she has lapsed in her insurance, and is in fact not covered.

    I contacted her, and her father called me back. He said that he would pay for everything, and recommended a mechanic (someone he knows). If I report to the police that she is uninsured, she is going to be in a LOT of trouble with the state of Georgia. She could lose her license. I don't want to do that to her. However, I do want to do the right thing for me. I told her dad that I would be happy to get a few different estimates including one from a VW dealer (where I had planned on going when I thought her insurance would pay for everything) and the guy he recommended. He will have to agree to pay for a rental car while it is being fixed. I drive to school and work every day.

    Assuming that her insurance was going to pay for everything, I planned on taking my car to a VW dealer to be repaired. The value of my car has already been compromised because now it has been in an accident. Will it be compromised more if I don't get it fixed at a dealer???

    I don't have uninsured motorist protection on my own insurance. I can file it under collision, and make them pay for the $500 deductable. My agent said that since it was not my fault, my premium would NOT go up. But then woulnd't she definately be reported? Would my insurance company go after them??

    What if I don't claim it under insurance, and it's not fixed properly? What if the trunk starts to leak?

    I would love some advice!! I'm trying to do the right thing. We're all human, and she made a mistake. I've been late on my insurance before for financial reasons, and thankfully did not get in an accident.

    What would you do?? Does anyone know around how much it will cost if it is only the bumper??


    Doing the right thing?
    in my humble opinion, i think you should do what you need to do for yourself. her mistake wasn't bumping into you, it was driving without proper insurance and stuff.

    don't bend over backwards for them, you don't owe them anything. looking after yourself is the right thing.Doing the right thing?
    If the trunk is not closing properly, you have more damage than just a bumper. Take the car to a shop of your choice (VW dealership) and have her pay for the repairs, no matter how much they cost. She will most likely pay up because it will be cheaper for her than to have her reported.
    before i start to answer this let me just say i used to work in a auto body shop and i worked with the adjusters and with insurance agents. the value of your car DOES NOT go down because of what place fixes it. so get it fixed at a local place that the girls father will pay for and before you let them take your car, ask the shop owner to give you some phone numbers of past customers to see how satisfyed they were with he work of the shop. if this girl and her father give you any problem or arnt willing to pay for EVERYTHING, then threaten to report them, youll get what you want, im from new jersey, i know how this stuff works haha