a cop pulls me over saying i cut him off and made him go into the middle divider, when swear i checked both mirrors AND my blind spot. What DID happen was i DID see a car (3-4 car spaces behind me) going about 43 mph and i didnt know it was a cop.
Im a pretty safe and slow driver, so probably by the time i had switched lanes he was right behind me.
i didnt speed, i was going 37 on a 40 zone and i had my signal on.
ive never heard of somebody getting a ticket for something so ridiclouse!!
cops are just giving out tickets for the most b.s reasons to gain some money for the government in an economic time like this!!!!!
i dont know if its worth fighting and what happens if i fight it and loose? or the cop shows up?
and how much is the ticket?
what should i do?Ticket for unsafe lane change...?
It's right around $146.00
http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/reference/doTicket for unsafe lane change...?
I would go to court and fight it. I think that you have a very good chance of winning.
I don't know why I got the thumbs down. Both my son and my sister fought and won cases like these.
Every time you get behind the wheel, you violate some traffic law before you get where you are going. This time you had the bad luck to do it just in front of a LEO who may have been having a bad day or ???? Pay it and forget it, you can never win, the LEO is always right.
I would fight it in court. It is the only chance to be vindicated. if your lose you will still pay the fine and court cost so you don't have a lot to lose. You can tell your story to the judge. If you can tell it in a respectful manner you have a good chance. Is your driving record clean? Good possibility that the judge will rule in your favor. Dress appropriately for court and do NOT deride the officer to the judge.
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