Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why do they always put the bicycle lane in the most dangerous possible places?

Does the government hate bicyclists and want to see them all die? In my town they put the freakin bicycle lane right BETWEEN the forward lanes of traffic and the right turn lane so that cars HAVE to cross it in order to turn right! And as if that's not dangerous enough, they require bicyclists to travel in the SAME direction of travel as the traffic! At least if the poor guy on the bike was FACING the car, he might have a chance to avoid it when the make up applying, cell phone talking, drunken dip sh!^ in the car with a screaming kid in the back seat is paying no attention to the road changes lanes RIGHT into him at 45 mph! When I was a kid they used to give safety classes on how to survive childhood and they always told us to look both ways before we cross the street, cover your mouth when you sneeze, and ride your bike in the OPPOSITE direction of the flow of traffic so you can SEE all the morons that are trying to kill you and at least TRY to avoid them! Why is it that once we become adults the rules for bicycles change into suicidal ideology?

And its not just the bicyclists who have to be pissed about this. When I'm driving my car I can't freaking stand it when some dufus in tight underwear is riding his bike down the street at 5 miles per hour with nothing between me and him but a couple of painted white lines. I say, get out of the dang street and ride the F ing bike on the dang sidewalk. I think the bikers and pedestrians dodging each other is a little less psychotic of a game then the bikers and cars trying to do the same.

With me or against me?Why do they always put the bicycle lane in the most dangerous possible places?
Riding facing traffic is much more dangerous than riding in the same direction. One reason? Basic physics. If I am riding at 30 kph, and the traffic is moving at 50 kph, they are overtaking me at 20 kph, plenty of time to see a cyclist and pass safely. If I am riding facing traffic, the relative speed is 80 kph, giving very little time for either cyclist or motorist to react if something happens. In addition, at intersections, motorists are not looking for traffic moving in the wrong direction in the lane, and of course, you run the risk of a head on collision with other cyclists who are actually following the rules of the road. Those safety courses teaching kids to ride facing traffic were given by people who didn't cycle and had no clue about the real world conditions for cyclists. As for the suggestion that cyclists ride on sidewalks, that only puts pedestrians in danger from the cyclist who is probably moving 4 times as fast as you seem to think he isWhy do they always put the bicycle lane in the most dangerous possible places?
yes they are trying to kill cyclists like me, but those stupid cyclists that ride really slow and stupidly getting in the way give us all a bad name.
with i have notice this too cant really believe they do that ha ha

bike vs car car will always win

bike vs person depends on how big the persn is ha ha
Mainly because the city planners who create them......are not avid cyclists. After being hit by a car- I learned to ride ALWAYS looking behind me. Use signals, and wear the brightest, loudest, high-visibility cycling wear possible. If riding at night- buy the BRIGHTEST light you can afford.....it will save your life. Wear a helmet!
Man when im on my bike i dont ride on no bicycle lane its still dangerous getting doored doesnt feel good at all
City bike lanes may not be well thought out sometimes, but there is no way I am going down a sidewalk full of people at 17 to 23 mph. A lot of studies have been done and it IS safer to ride with traffic. In fact, you ARE traffic. It has been a long time since anyone, anywhere has been instructed, by someone paid to instruct people on these matters, to ride against traffic. So to answer your question, against you. By the way, with an attitude like that, I have a feeling you are not as avid a cyclist as you think you are.
I could not agree more with mtlbiker. Read his answer and calm down. Is there a law that bikes have to use the bike lane -- if said bike lane is stupid? I will stick to riding on the right hand side of the right lane IN the same direction of traffic thank you.
As a cyclist on the road it is our job to aggressively defend ourselves by being hyper aware of our surroundings. Car doors open suddenly and without warning. Pedestrians walk in front of us. Debris and potholes come up quickly. Aggressive drivers seem to want to kill us.

These moments and more happen rarely but often enough that we maintain a vigilance. A bike will never win a battle against a car and we are well aware of that.

The white line that separates us is the same line that separates you from other cars. Drivers that do not understand this or respect it are a danger to society other drivers and bicyclists.

I have seen some bikers that demand there right of way and give all cyclists a bad name. Most of the time I see them when I am driving. If I see a cyclist behaving badly when I am riding he our she gets an earful from me explaining that there actions not only put them in danger but myself as well. I am not kind nor do I attempt to be eloquent when doing so.

The tight pants keep our jewels from being damaged from friction and are quite obviously not a fashion statement.The bright clothes are for visibility to give drivers behind us the chance to see us.

I grew up as a chilid in the sixties and seventies and our bikes were our transportation. I was at many bike saftey demonstrations at my elementry school put on by the police department. I never had insructions to ride facing trafiic. We were always told riding on the sidewalk was dangerous to pedestrians.

Riding on the sidewalk would surely endanger pedestrians. It would be less than fair for us to be on the sidewalk. I would not want to run into a child or any one else while riding and hurt them. The sidewalk was designed for them not us.

I understand your frustration. Please share the road.
I wouldnt want to face traffic. You would have to move aside when the car moves into our lane to do a right turn. You are going in the same direction as the traffic for reason.

I suspect you are not really a cyclist but more of a bike rider. I dont have any problems with what you described. In fact thats how it is in my area. Bike lane is between the forward lanes and right turn lane so that you dont block the cars that want to make a right turn while you are stuck there on the intersection. There is a reason for that.

If you are so worried about this stuff you dont belong on the road while on a bicycle. I am not afraid of riding on the bike lanes. Why? Because I know what its like to be a motorist also. I have patience for cyclists when I drive because I also happen to be a cyclist.

Those bike lanes are not for out of shape people. If you cant do atleast 20mph on flats for brief periods no matter what type of bicycle you ride then I suggest you get in shape. At most of these suburban or city streets I keep up with traffic because they stop every one or two intersections because of a red light. By the time I catch up to the car that passed me the light is either turning green or still red. This would continue on for miles and miles.

You wouldnt be so worried if you could keep up with traffic or sometimes sprint and get ahead of them on these busy streets. You need to go on youtube and see how bike messengers in New York would ride around the city. Not saying you should weave in and out of traffic like they do but atleast they are not about to have a heart attack because they cant keep up with traffic.

Then again you might live in a bad area for cyclists or bike commuters. In which case you just have to be more careful. But what you mentioned is the standard for the entire nation.

How would you react if....?

someone cut you off while you were trying to change lanes in order to make a turn, posititioned himself so that you could go neither in front of nor behind him, stopped, rolled down his window and screamed ';Maybe you should learn how to drive before you complain about me'; and then sped away?How would you react if....?
The finger is definitely in order here...How would you react if....?
I would say he's crazy from the heat and avoid at all cost.
I would feel very glad that I made it out without being hurt....then I would cuss him out.
uhm....the finger comes to mind.
Just another drive in the big city. Oh wait, you might be talking about my crazy aunt, which then it is still just another drive in the big city.
I'll do the ';up your a**'; sign...the finger and than spit on his car...then I would speed away like I had the willies! :P
probably cuss and give em the finger
I would say to myself...See? This is what happens when you get dressed in the dark. Then I would get the needed info for the cops so this person don't kill anyone.

Wat to do for graduation?

ill be graduating high school in june. my friend and i have some thoughts, one which includes a road trip, but i dont really want to drive that long, especially on the freeway (where i almost crashed kuz some idiot didn't know how to change lanes) anybody have some ideas??

--i live in San DiegoWat to do for graduation?
Don't completely dismiss the road trip idea, it could be lots of fun. Get your passports ready and go to Mexico to party it up. If not than have a big party right in San Diego. The only thing is that you'll have to find a place, plus someone to buy booze. Or you could be a bunch of goofs and go to DisneyLand for a day... that'd probably be fun too.
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  • Unsafe lane change ticket in Alberta. Fighting tickets.?

    Hi, so im a youth, 17 years old, and last night i got pulled over by the police and got ticketed for unsafe lane change. I really do not think i should have got it because:%26lt; I was in a lane, and i signalled to the right. As i was switching lanes (i was in the middle of both lanes), i saw that there was a car parked on the side so i quickly moved back into my lane without signalling. %26gt; That is where i got my ticket.

    The amount is 172$.

    How do i know if i got demerits? I want to go fight this ticket, so can I go anytime i want? What is the best way to fight it if any way? Will my story work because I beleive I do not deserve the demerits atleast.

    And if my father goes to pay off his parking ticket on the same car, will he be able to find out this ticket?

    Thank you all very much! I Appreciate it!Unsafe lane change ticket in Alberta. Fighting tickets.?
    well here in the US you have to wait until the court date before you can fight the ticket but your able to pay the ticket off anytime before the court date

    but you say you don't deserve the ticket yet you admit that while in the middle of changing lanes you swerve suddenly back into the left lane without signaling, even if you signaled that would still be illegal because your not supposed to make a really quick sudden lane change, but also its annoying to take 1/4 mile just to switch lanes so its a middle ground, honestly the only way you'd be able to win when fighting it you'll have to lie, but thats not to smart because the cop will most likely show up and of course the judge will believe the cop over you, and then after that the judge wouldn't go easy on you or give any break because you lied to them

    so all in all, you have no case at all unless you lie but then thats not smart to do, so just pay the ticket because to me you do deserve the ticket

    but why did you swerve back just because of a parked car though unless you almost hit the car which would have still been your fault because you didn't look far enough ahead to make sure it was safe for you to switch lanes, or is it a law in Alberta Can. that you can't change lanes beside a parked car or something? because its nothing all that unsafe about switching lanes beside a parked car especially if you don't see movement in or around the car, even if someone in the parked car opened the door and you ran into the door tearing it off the cop will say its the person's fault that was in the parked car, reason is because when your parked and getting ready to get out its your responsibility to look for traffic and to open the door only when its safe for you to, the person in the car driving can't help that the other person opened the door when it was unsafe toUnsafe lane change ticket in Alberta. Fighting tickets.?
    Although under normal circumstances, I believe that honesty is the best policy and that you should just pay the fine...

    But... I also understand that at your age mistakes happen, and insurance is really tough.

    In fact, the insurance would be far worse than the cost of the ticket if found guilty. The best advice I can give, is for you to see a traffic ticket specialist. They will charge you a little bit more than the cost of the ticket, but the amount you save on insurance will be by far worth it. A specialist will almost certainly get the ticket reduced, possibly even eliminated. Going to court can be a stressful ordeal, not to mention if you say so much as one wrong word: ';GUILTY! FULL FINE!';. It's absolutely heartless, and from experience I have never seen anyone given any sort of mercy or leniency for honesty or reasoning. It's rather sad, but the way it is. The traffic ticket specialist will know how to handle the ticket, what the best option will be, and represent you in court so you don't need to attend.

    Check your local phone book... I'm sure there's traffic ticket specialists somewhere in your town.

    Good luck!
    Yes there will be demerit points attached to that ticket. How many I'm not sure of, but any ticket in reference to ';unsafe'; will carry some.

    Yes go fight this ticket. Stick to the truth, explain exactly what happened. It would be more ';unsafe'; to smash into another car don't you think?

    There are a couple things that will happen:

    1. The officer doesn't show up - your ticket is thrown out.

    2. The officer shows and fights you - It's up to the judge to decide, and most likely will reduce the ticket if you haven't got 20 of them already, or decide that it was an innocent mistake.

    3. The officer shows up and you lose - same as if you didn't do anything at all.

    So really, nothing to lose by trying other then a little time.

    Just one tip, before the day's court starts, they may call you up and ask you if you'd like to ';make a deal'; basically plea to a lesser charge. This just helps them make the court day go quicker if you don't go in front of the judge. But you don't know at that point if your officer has shown up, so if you plea out, and he didn't show, you're still stuck with some of the fine, and all the demerits as they normally don't reduce those from a ticket.

    Good luck.
    In accordance with the Alberta Traffic Safety Act, and common sense you have some defense. You made a decision that resulted in preventing a collision with another vehicle so I would fight that until I was blue in the face. As the Motor vehicle operator it is your job to do what you did.

    Now, where this does get a little tricky is the fact that you were in the process of changing lanes and should technically have been aware of your surroundings prior to initiating your maneuver.

    I would fight it if I were you, to A) Fight the ticket amount B) prevent you from getting demerits on your licence as it will affect your insurance. - and C) For the Principle of it all.

    Question about driving on a 6 lane highway?

    Ok, let me set the scene for you. I'm driving on Rt. 3 in NJ towards the Lincoln Tunnel. 6 lanes total, 3 in each direction. I'm in the far left lane and decide to change to the middle lane, as I'm doing this I almost get sideswipped by someone from the far right lane also changing to the middle lane at the same time as me. Looking in my mirror I can only see the lane next to me, not the far right lane. This sort of this has happened to me several times. How do people both changing into the middle lane avoid an accident? Is there some sort of right of way here? It would be nearly impossible for me to turn my head far enought to see if cars in the far right lane are changing to the middle just before I change lanes. Any suggestions to avoid dying doing this?Question about driving on a 6 lane highway?
    Your going to have to turn your head and look or get more mirrors that cover your blind spots.Question about driving on a 6 lane highway?
    slow down, turn your head and look.

    an inability or refusal to turn ones head and actually check where one is going makes for an extremely dangerous motorist
    well, its your responsibility to make sure its safe to change lanes. the person in the front needs to look back and make sure its clear. the person further back should also be looking to make sure. its nobodies right away, but the guy thats more forward obviously is in more danger and should be more careful.
    Can only tell you about Houston.

    DO NOT use turn signals. That will assure that you end up in Timbucktoo.

    You need to turn your head as far as you can, use a convex mirror for wider vision, put the pedal to the metal.
    You can avoid this by just looking to your right of left as needed and if all is clear then proceed and if not give way to the other vehicle.
    Who has the bigger vehicle? No, I'm just kidding. It really depends on who has less to lose. No, I'm kidding again.

    Seriously, you need to look. If you think you see a space, make sure no one else thinks the same thing. A lot of defensive driving comes from thinking the worse about other drivers. Imagine what bad things the drivers around you can do. Now, figure out a way to avoid them.

    Is it Me..or are People driving like crazy lately..where are all these nut-case drivers coming from?

    I have noticed in the past 2-3 years people are driving like nuts..I can't believe how bad drivers have become. We took about a two hour trip yesterday and I can't believe how people just cut you off..change lanes 3 feet in front of you. We saw 5 bad accidents on the highway...one where there was NOTHING left of this car, 3 cars destroyed and I'm sure everyone was dead. Of course traffic was backed up for miles from the gawkers staring like idiots as they came up on the accident further blocking traffic...as we passed there must have been a 1/2 of mile between us and the car behind us because these idiots wanted to get an eye full...even the traffic on the other side of the expressway was backed up...what idiots these people must be.Is it Me..or are People driving like crazy lately..where are all these nut-case drivers coming from?
    It's not you... people are definitely taking more chances on the road these days... Drivers don't think twice about cutting each other off at high speed and when those drivers do cause others to lose control and crash, they do the obvious, flee the scene... I've seen this more and more myself... speeding is the norm and not just a few miles over the limit, but 20 to 30 mph ! I see riders of crotch rockets doing wheelies all the time and police seem few and far between to stop any of this madness !Is it Me..or are People driving like crazy lately..where are all these nut-case drivers coming from?
    I live in Jersey...everyone drives crazy here.
    They all voted for Bush.
    More cars on the road than ever before = more nuts on the road than ever before

    The days of the roads only having traffic on Sundays is long gone, and people are used to instant gratification these days, so having to actually WAIT for someone to change lanes makes people nuts (like myself..big road rager here)
    I hate to day it but everyone is stressed.
    Its not you, people do drive like nuts these days....everyone is in a rush to get somewhere and talk on their cell phones while driving, its just flat out crazy....people have no regard for the roads and others sharing the road with them.....its very scary actually.....
    I just recently got my license and I'm very fearful of getting in an accident. I live in southern California and have some of the deadliest freeways in the world here. We took a trip to Disney Land in March and on the way home in the middle of the day we saw at least 5 drunk drivers. And of course the usual speeders and lane changers without signaling. You have to drive very defensively to avoid being one of those people dead on the side of the road that everyone is staring at.
    In Oregon, the bad drivers come from California
    I completely know what you mean. People these days aren't being courteous drivers, they are more in a hurry and want to get to where they are going as soon as possible, at the expense of everyone else on the street. If everyone would just leave 5 mins earlier, they wouldn't be in such a rush, because by speeding, cutting people off etc you only save at most 5 mins from your commute. I have a newborn and I am scared to death of taking her out because drivers are so careless. And don't get me started on people who do their makeup, shave their beards, or text message on their cell phones while driving! I have seen all of these quite frequently. Its bad.
    This really isnt new I think there just is more people today than years ago, so the roads were not as conjected, but I hear you, my town has a three year construction going on Highway,, about 10 miles of it 2 lanes either direction and 55 Mph, I always leave a space in front of me because there is NO break down lanes, and concrete barriers up,, and people cut off the other lane to cut me off and get in front of me, we are not going anywhere so why go around me,, dont know why Americans are in such a rush, seems like the more they rush the more I see them at the next stop light where I look at them and wave,,
    ';Lately?!!'; That's an understatement. People have always driven like crazy, that's why there are thousands of deaths every year. Unfortunately the problem will never go away if people don't stop being stupid and irresponsible.
    It could be global warming, brains are getting too hot.

    It could be that they come from a country, that most drive without training.

    It could be they come from California.

    It could be they think what ever they do is more important than anyone or thing.Get out of my I am coming through.

    It could be we now have a complete break down in the rules of the road.
    It,s been like that for quite some time. Some days are worse than others but it's always been crazy where I,m from (Chicago area).
    Feel free to use the Oklahoma method. Drive friendly, if you see the idiot, just say ';Well bless his/her heart';, back off a bit and give 'em room.
    Well, laws are for honest and responsible people. As humans we have a tendency to be lazy and opportunistic. The highways lack ';enforcement'; of these laws.

    As a result, I think more and more drivers see more and more other drivers getting away with bad behavior and so, tend to follow suit.

    We all have skills. We all have talents. We all lack self discipline too!
    You're just getting older and more cautious. It happens to everyone...eventually.

    Steps to learning how to drive?

    this is what i did so far..

    1) Practice in parking lots

    2) Practice parking (in parking lot)

    3) Practice in neighborhood

    4) Practice on one-way roads

    What's next?

    Practice changing lanes, practice highway driving, practice parallel parking...is that is?Steps to learning how to drive?
    First of all know your controls on the car. May ot apply to you but some new drivers have to look around the steering wheels before turning on their turn signal or wipers.

    Understand the rules.

    I think you can leave the highway to last. Most people can still go to most places without using highwaySteps to learning how to drive?
    Different states have different requirements for driver's license. Your best bet is to check with your local driver's license office or agency. Most states have websites for driver's license, you can find out what the testing requirements are there.

    I got a big chain and woodgrain.....?

    I got a big chain and woodgrain, how do i get brain from a dame who is sane but not lame, loves my fame and knows how to bring the flame when I bring the pain, hides my cane when police change lanes and won't snitch on me like a *****-*** mane?I got a big chain and woodgrain.....?
    Wack yo. 'Cane is bad news.I got a big chain and woodgrain.....?
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  • Help with Driving Stick Shift in the freeway and traffic.?

    How do drive manual in the traffic. I live southern California and theres traffic from 4pm to 7pm most of the time.

    I new at driving stick shift and I'm ok in driving in the streets but not in traffic.

    what do you guys do when changing lanes in traffic and what gear are you mostly on.Help with Driving Stick Shift in the freeway and traffic.?
    Yup, just love that 91 freeway... try to find the gear that you can just idle along in.. (probably 1st or 2nd) and run as much as you can at around 1500 rpm when traffic is slow.. do your best to not stop completely unless you have no choice. If traffic sits still for an extended time .. put it in neutral with the clutch out.. this will save wear on the throw out bearing.. I even lock the car in 2nd gear on my other car that has an automatic when creeping... good luck..Help with Driving Stick Shift in the freeway and traffic.?
    That depends on the speed, if your going slow put the car in the gear that dose not lug the engine, it will take a little practice but you will get it, Good Luck and GOD Bless
    I know the feeling. I usually would use the lower gears until I knew that I had enough space and knew that traffic was speeding up and shift into a higher gear. What do you mean what to do while changing lanes? you can shift while changing lanes. You may want to shift prior to changing lanes since you are getting use to shifting. I usually used 3 or 4 gear. I lived down there so I understand.
    i own a repair shop and truthfully you need to take a few lessons from someone who is really good at driving a standard shift car,if your not that experienced with one,and something happens and you have to stop really fast you could get hurt as well as cause someone else to get hurt,I'm just telling you strait out,you need to have some experience,and feel very comfortable driving one of these,I'm sure you have a friend who could give you few good lessons on this,it would be a lot better than getting in,or maybe causing an accident,good luck with it hope this helps.
    Number one rule for new stick driver:

    Do not change gears on turns, curves or while changing lanes.

    Always change gears before or after.

    Once u reach highway speed u usually do not change the gear since u will be on high gear. U may need to dawn shift if u need to accelerate fast, but that occurs very seldom, and do not dawn shift more than 1 gear at the time, u may blow ur transmission.

    Practise some more on relatively empty city streets, and do not go on the highway at rush hour until u fill confident.

    The best way to learn is to have an experienced driver show u how, and then drive with him or her so he can point out what u r doing right and wrong.

    Good Luck
    The 2 hardest procedures when driving a manual transmission are...driving in stop %26amp; go traffic and starting from a full stop while on a hill on incline.

    In heavy traffic I usually use 2nd or 3rd depending on traffic and speed... never 1st...it's gear ratio is too low and car will lunge.

    Don't ';ride the clutch';...driving with your foot on pedal with it 1/2 depressed. This will cause costly premature clutch replacement.

    Under Washington State Law, how can a police officer issue a ticket if it wasn't personally observed. ?

    I was hit from behind, no witnesses other than me and the other driver. I denied changing lanes, yet I got the ticket. I am looking for statutes or case law which give guidance. The only thing the ticket says is the officer had probable cause to believe the offense happened, however, we were both pulled off on the side of the road and waiting for 30 minutes until he arrived. My bumper was hit. Please helpUnder Washington State Law, how can a police officer issue a ticket if it wasn't personally observed. ?
    It is called an ';investigation';

    Just because you moved your vehicle, does not mean there was no evidence at the scene as to what happened.

    You denied changing lanes...........but I'm guessin you did just that or you would not have been cited.........

    How can I defend myself against charges of speeding and dangerous lane changes?

    Police car stopped me today in Fremont, CA on I-880-North.

    I saw him behind me from the distance of ~2 blocks. And I was going 65mph in 65mph zone. He changed lane into mine, caught up with me, followed me for ~3 miles and turned on lights.

    He didn't even give me a ticket. He said: ';It's too dangerous here for me to write a ticket. You will get it in mail. Turned back and left.';

    How could he know if I was speeding or not? I didn't change lanes dangerously, I always look behind and always keep safe distance.

    I am afraid that court will just take his word. I heard this is the case and also had bad experiences before.

    What can I do to defend myself?How can I defend myself against charges of speeding and dangerous lane changes?
    1. He can pace you to determine if you were speeding - or he could have used radar (it works in the moving mode).

    2. If he didn't take your drivers license info or name and DOB, then he doesn't know who you are - so he can't write/send a ticket. He may know who the registered owner of the vehicle was, but that ';might not have been you driving';.... if you get my drift.

    3. Did he tell you why he pulled you over?

    If a cite comes in the mail and you decide to fight it, remember that he has to be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was you driving, and that it was you that committed the violation at that date/time/location.

    My personal opinion is that he was just giving you a warning. I've never heard of this type of thing happening in the SF Bay Area, and I've issued plenty of cites where it's just as ';dangerous'; on I-880. Frankly, it sounds very unprofessional.

    Wait until you get the cite in the mail - then repost your question... or send me a msg via Yahoo answers for clarification.

    CA DeputyHow can I defend myself against charges of speeding and dangerous lane changes?
    I think he's screwing with you. I've never heard of being mailed a speeding ticket when he had you right there. But if I'm wrong, then you are correct about not being believed. I'd just pay it.

    Why whenever I walk up stairs?

    Theres always somebody's a** in MY FACE

    I have to do the ';change lanes'; routine so many times!


    Real question: How many people have stairs in their house and hate when you have to go up and down everytime somebody wants the AC on! I bet I have really stong legs by now lolWhy whenever I walk up stairs?
    Why don't you just tell their lazy butts to turn it on themselves?

    I have stairs, but I li ve on the first floor, so only to my door (from the outside) and to the basement.

    When is the right time?

    i made my driving test in the afternoon. when i read the book, it said to take it in the morning if possible. why does it say morning instead? is it cause, less traffic? when is the right time to take driving test. afternoon or morning. im taking mine at 2. so... should i just cancel and take in the morning? thanks! oh.. how many time will they ask u to change lanes? %26amp; can i re-take my picture when i pass my driving test? thanks! XoWhen is the right time?
    You answered your own question. They just tell you in the morning because of less traffic. People, I think tend to drive better in the morning than in the afternoon. After the stresses of the work place etc..... that's my opinion. You don't have to change your appointment. If you feel you are ready, than keep it for 2. I have no idea how many times they will ask you to change lanes. I suppose if you look/act as though you may have a problem with anything during the test, they may have you repeat a maneuver. I would imagine if you wanted a retake on your picture, you would have to pay again, or pay more. In my opinion, once again, it wouldn't be worth it. I'll tell you something.....nearly everyone looks awful on there driver license picture. After all they aren't done professionally! Best of luck to you! My advice is to stay calm. Do your best. If you don't get your license the first time, it'll make you a better driver in the long run! :)When is the right time?
    Possibly recommended morning due to the fact the both your brain and reflexes are more alert and better able to handle situations. They should only ask you to change lanes once, and you can generally pay to have your photo updated as often as you like.
    People are generally more alert in the morning. 2:00 shouldn't be that bad. The work traffic will not be heavy and lunch traffic should be over.
    The best time to take it is any time during the day AFTER you know all the rules of the road and promised your parents you won't be doing stupid stuff like talking on your cell phone or drinking and driving.

    Seriously though, other than that, you'll be fine at 2. They probably said the morning 'cause by late afternoon the testers are annoyed by all the bad 3-point turns and parallel parking :)

    And yes, most places use digital cameras and let you see the picture and will re-take it if you hate it. Just don't make them take more than a couple or you'll annoy the other ppl in line :-)
    They probably recommended the morning b/c most people come in the afternoon or evening. That was the case at my DMV.
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  • Do you sometime like to be an ******?

    I sometimes on some days I have an urgent need to be an a** hole. Like driving really slow on purpose during rush hour, or intentionally blocking a 2 lane (2 lanes on each side) road by driving -10 speed limit and changing lanes every time the people behind tries to pass.

    Being an A hole isn't just restricted to on the road.

    so, how many people out there sometimes have a need to be an a hole on certain days? or am i just all alone out there?Do you sometime like to be an ******?

    Kindness is a next step to God.Do you sometime like to be an ******?
    I don't play around on the road, my insurance is already high enough.

    I failed my driving test and the reason is so riduculous!how long does a test last?

    the MVD book said residential area speed limit should be 25mph, not so? but the sign out on the road said 30mph, so in order to be good, i drove at 25mps, bcos i know i always go above the speed limit so i tried so hard to be careful.

    the man appeared plan-less. i always had to ask him where to turn, and he would hesitate to answer, like he had to make up his mind.

    then when we got on a major road and had gone like 8blocks, i decided to move over to the middle lane(a 3lane road) and he started complaining loudly that he wanted me to take the next turn i just passed. he kept hissing and hissing. that made him even more confused. he then askd us to return to the mvd and said i failed.

    he wrote ';too slow,15 miles below speed limit, and changes lane without direction means we go off course';.

    the whole test lasted 12mins. is that too short for a road test? i mean how long should i expect tomorow when i go back?I failed my driving test and the reason is so riduculous!how long does a test last?
    that's actually a long time for a road test, mine only lasted about 5 minutes, and we just drove around the block. maybe tomorrow you'll get someone who isn't such a jerk. do exactly the speed limit tomorrow, and stay out of the middle lane unless the grader instructs you to go there. don't ask where to turn, just wait for them to tell you. just don't say anything, concentrate on your driving!!

    good luck!!I failed my driving test and the reason is so riduculous!how long does a test last?
    My test didn't seem that long. Of course that was 11 years ago. We stayed only on backroads behind the DMV except for about a block of the main highway (where I almost pulled out infront of someone).

    If the instructor doesn't tell you to change lanes, then don't. Just stay where you're at and keep on driving until he finally tells you to turn. Hopefully tomorrow you'll get a different instructor! Good luck!
    If you really feel like the examiner was being unfair, I would go to a different DMV next time, or at least ensure that he isn't working there on a day you plan to retest.

    I really don't understand why you were asking him any questions at all. If he doesn't tell you to turn, just keep driving straight. Do what the examiner says and nothing else. Also, always obey the posted limits. Official road signs you see while driving override anything you may have learned in an outdated book.
    Go the speed limit and DO NOT ask questions or engae in conversation. He does have a plan........confusing you is a part of it to see how you react.

    That guy sounds like an idiot. The first time I took the test I failed. One of the reasons was because I went 20mph in a 20mph school zone, he said I was going too slow because he ';didn't see any kids'; The guy hardly ever looked up from his clipboard.
    A driving test is designed to tet your competence at handling the vehicle you are in charge of on a public highway.

    If the peed limit is 30mph and you drive at 25mph you are going too slow, the vehicle should be travelling at approx. 28 - 30mph and you should have the ability to hold that speed unless for reason out of your control you need to drive slower. I your case as you said, you were trying too hard, the examiner see saw it different, he has guide lines to apply, if you drive too slow the examiner doesn't know if you can handle the vehicle travelling at 25mph when you should be travelling at 30mph you have failed.

    You should never ask an examiner where he wants you to turn, the examiner tell you when to turn or stop, untill he/she does you keep driving straight ahead.

    You made another mistake by talking to the examiner while in control of the vehicle on your test, you only speak when spoken to by the examiner.

    My explanation about should inform you why the yest only lasted 12 mins.

    All your points added together says you failed, it's time to go back to the test center.
    Wow that sucks man. In NJ we have too take a test in a closed off lot with no other cars. We usually go about 3.5 mph for 2 minutes and we pass. Just follow his every instruction. Dont do anything unless he asks.
    Part of you test...believe it or not. Includes being able to follow instruction...which you obviously are too impatient to do.

    A sure sign that you would be willing to disregard these signs you so carefully ignored when it came to the test. Even if you were doing less than the posted limits.

    Test....a check of your abilities. Don't anticipate. Stay to the right unless instructed to do otherwise. ALLOW the person who is giving the test to concentrate on HIS/HER job...rather than your insistant need to stay informed.
    Take a deep breath, calm down and let the tester give the directions. You got a jerk! I hope you get someone normal tomorrow. Best of luck.
    i dont think he knows how to do his job he's probably a lousy driver himself

    Why are people so mean on the freeway!?

    Today was my 2nd day on the freeway. My dads been teaching me because my college is 25 miles away. Anyways, I feel like I'm never gonna be able to drive! Today I got honked at twice and this lady yelled out of her window, ';The slow lane is on the right side!'; I know that! My dad was just showing me how to change lanes!! Gosh! Why are people so mean!? Its the freeway! Its not like youre never gonna get to your destination!Why are people so mean on the freeway!?
    it's a jungle out there.Why are people so mean on the freeway!?
    Information is missing, such as whether or not the freeway was crowded. If so, you had better pick another time of day to practice. Additionally, you do not mention if you moved in front of another car while going much slower than the flow of traffic, another thing you ought not to be doing. The bottom line is that if you are too slow, you are dangerous. Other drivers will find themselves up your bumper before they know it because they are not used to people doing 50 when everyone else is doing 70. Further, people have little tolerance for this sort of thing because they are so tired of having to deal with the multitude of nitwits on the road. Now, if the road was not crowded and you did not cut anyone off, then I would say you had the bad luck of running into one of the many aforementioned nitwits. You will just have to get used to it.
    the problem is that these people grew up in the ';i want it now'; generation. they think they are entitled to drive as fast as they want on the roads, so they get impatient with others. i just ignore them and go on my merry way. i have also been known to slow way down to irritate tailgaters even more than they already are.

    your best bet is to concentrate on your driving, and don't worry about what others say, but do drive defensively as these people will do something really stupid to show you that they think they control the roads. one day they will get their comeuppance with a fist full of tickets, and high insurance rates.
    I believe that people are mean on the freeway because in there mind they are the only people who have places to be. They don't realize that there are other people who are on the road and probably have just as important destinations. Humans are selfish creatures. I'm not saying that I'm better. I can be just as mean. Its one of the human conditions.
    It's the same reason people are mean on the internet: They take advantage of the anonymity and lack of face to face contact just so they can take their day to day frustrations out on people they don't even know. Don't worry about them. Anyone who acts like that is a miserable person, just like an internet troll. Just listen to what your dad says, be a safe driver, and you'll be fine. I can tell you already have the right mindset to be a safe driver because you understand the value of patience. Sounds like you have some common sense!
    People these days always seem to be in such a hurry and they don't consider that there may be people who are learning how to drive, someday when you're a lot more used to driving on the freeway just remember that you once thought people were so mean when you were trying to learn so take it easy on others because you never know if they're just learning too! :) Just don't get hostile back with these people just ignore them because if you do react then they may be some scary a$$hole with road rage
    Suddenly singing...(guitar strums up...)

    ';Cuz there ain't no rest for the wicked, and money doesn't grow on trees, we got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed, ain't nothin' in this world's for free, and we can't hold back, and we can't slow down even though we wish we could...cuz there ain't no rest for the wicked, until we close our eyes for good...';
    It is not that they are mean, you just have to know how to drive on a freeway. It is not like a slower road, you have to be able to make more safer yet speedy lane changes, you cant just force into a lane change going 40mph.
    well how fast were u goin i understand the others if u were goin like 30 or somthin like that but if u were goin like 60 then i agree with u but theres reasons for ppls actions but if u could make out wut the person said i imagine u were goin pretty slow so jus simply speed up a lil bit hope i helped
    Because we are busy and stressed out and are tired of driving to work day in and day out for the past 30 years and we don't have time to waste looking out for nubes.
    Yeah traffic sucks. People want to get out of it and get angry if you become an obstacle. Kinda how you get mad when someone cuts in line in front of you.
    Driving is a high stress situation, sometimes people are late or in a bad mood, sometimes they have screaming kids in the car.. it makes them less conscientious drivers who typically take their aggression out on other motorists.
    because it's totally rude to hold people up in the fast lane. if you're not aggressive enough on the road you could cause an accident.
    People are rude because they are impatient and selfish. You should never feel pressured to drive faster, or turn at a certain time, etc...
    Some people are just jerks and when that happens to you, you slow down to annoy them more because they deserve it.
    because people are impatient and trying to get 2 their destination as fast as possible . you'll get the hang of it tho ,
    Because their parents don't teach them to wait their turn.
    because most people on the freeway are tired and don't know how to drive.:)
    some people are just plain rude, sorry that you have to drive in a mess of traffic, i live in rural area
    Because they are in a hurry. Speed up and no one will scream at you through there windows. People are crazy these days...
    tell her the retarded lane is at her house
    people probably are in a hurry...why else would they take the freeway
    their in a hurry, or just very impatient
    Freeways are not free!! There should not be any tolls!

    I'm sorry you had such a s h i t t y driving experience on the freeway. People are jack a s s e s behind the wheel because they think they own the bloody road. They have no concern about anyone else's destinations but their own but this doesn't matter. Never feel like you are never going to accomplish something because of someone else's impatience. The key to a good driver is patience! lol You learn your traffic rules and laws and stick to them no matter what someone else is doing because you are a strong Intelligentnt person who can and will overcome any situation or obstacle presented to you. You will learn from bad experiences to create better ones for yourself, got it?

    Now, when you are changing lanes, freeway or street your body's natural responce is to slow down. However, you do not slow down specially when traffic is running fast. Slowing down suddently can cause the car behind you to crash into you. Instead what you should be doing is checkin your mirrors every 20 seconds, rearview and side mirrors through out the whole drive check them continuosly. This way you will know where the cars are around you at all times and when you have to make a quick lane change it will be easier because you will have known if there is a car next to you or not. Practice that but avoid slowing down. Also when you enter a freeway you want to speed up to the speed of the other cars, any slower than that can cause accidents. VERY IMPORTANT every time you switch lanes ALWAYS, ALWAYS shoulder check! Do not rely on the mirrors only please shoulder check because you have a blind spot that your mirrors wont capture and trust me I almost died twice by not checking over my shoulders to see if there was a car next to me before I switch lanes.

    My best wishes for you in driving and when you go to the DMV...Do not ';hope'; you will get your license, instead know that your going to pick it up. The mind is very powerful.

    Hey i am going on a motorway for the second time on sunday and i am physical wreck.?

    I am going on the motorway for the second time on sunday and i am really dreading it. I hate it when other people join from junctions via a slip road. I have to change lanes to give way. Thing is last time i did just that but big lorries were behind me and i was shivering and really in a panic state. I have tried to stay in left lane as much as possible and i think i was doing 50-60 miles. I have not even eaten properly since yesterday because i am scared on sunday i have to take family out. My mother talks alot so i know journey will be hard. I went on my own last time just to check how motorways are but this time taking mum and two younger sisters. Thank u just had to post again xxHey i am going on a motorway for the second time on sunday and i am physical wreck.?
    Sounds to me like you shouldnt be driving ANYWHERE! Find someone to do the driving for you!Hey i am going on a motorway for the second time on sunday and i am physical wreck.?
    ive read 2 of your posts. nowdays, bet you do 100mph and swerve lane to lane. hahaha

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    Try doin 70 then!!!!!!!!! i cant see what peoples problems are with motorways its just a big road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i answered your last question seriously just relax at junctions slow down abit and just relax let them in just don't panic after a few times i swear it gets easier.

    you are doing ok some people don't even go on motorways and some don't like doing right turns and some people try to avoid roundabouts.
    Listen u went thro all that trouble to do your driving and pass your test .... just take a deep breath and get on with it ... u know u are capable .. life is for living !!

    Relax and enjoy it !
    Why not think about doing Pass Plus or get some tuition from a driving instructor before going again.
    Then if you are scared to drive on the roads, then don't. Try to find an alternative route to take and just avoid them all together. It might take you longer, be more miles and more gas but, if you are nervous and driving, then you could cause an accident.
    Hi Maryam.

    Yes motorways are scary. I especially hate it when I'm in between two lorries!

    It does get less scary the more you do it, but if you've only just started driving it's probably best to phase it in gradually. Is there another way you can go tomorrow? The weather forcast looks bad too, so roads are going to be even worse than usual. If you go on to the AA or RAC websites they have route finder programs where you can specify that you want to avoid motorways - try them and see if you can find a more relaxing way - after all if you're taking the family out for the day it would be nice to be relaxed if you can.

    All the best
    The best tip my sister gave me is: When overtaking or moving lanes, make sure you can see the vehicles headlights in your rear view mirror. That way, you will always have enough room to pull back in.

    Just take it slowly, remember that motorways are actually the safest type of road as there are no sharp bends, it goes in one direction an everyone is doing similar speeds.

    Also, you don't have to change lanes for cars coming from the slip road, they will just slot in behind you.

    Also, I would have a tactful word with your mum, tell her you need quiet until you are on a calm piece of road.

    Good luck!
    motorway driving is safer than city driving, everyones going the same way at roughly the same speed, there's barriers everywhere.

    seriously if that freaks you out I don't think you should even be driving.

    You can actually fail your test for doing 50 - 60mph on motorways instead of the prescribed 70.

    Please stick to back roads, or get a bus, the world will be a safer place
    do 70 and stay in middle lane
    I am exactly the same...when I indicate to move over cos i come across a slip road cos stay in left hand lane, I am so scared that the cars in the lane that I want to move into will just plough into the back of me, I can see there behind me but I dont know if theyve seen me indicating and whether they are going faster.

    You should spk to your mom and tell her how worried u are and she should shut up on your journey as to not put you off even more!!

    I think im gonna save up for motorway lessons, you can do a pass plus course which helps you with things like that and it evenn reduces your insurance after cos your be seen as a more careful driver. Look on the dvla website.

    Dont listen to that ******** above ona bout big roads, its a common problem being scared on motorways, goodluckk!!
    You do not have to give way to them, they are joining your route and should conform to your driving, not the other way around!

    50 - 60 is fine if you stay in the inside lane, don't pull out as most will expect you to be going a darn sight faster in the middle.

    I would suggest driving for an hour before hand on the day maybe on a dual cariageway, play relaxing music.

    When you start out have a short goal in mind first, go on THEAA.com and find the first service station, head towards that, that will be your first destination! have a break, relax again and head for the next service station, as you get more confident lengthen the sections. You have all the time in the world, plan your journey, be confortable with what you have to do.

    You don't need to beat land speed records.
    To all the idiots who are posting absolute rubbish, go away and stop wasting this girl's time!

    Anybody who is aware of the law knows that 70 is the speed limit and 50-60mph is an entirely appropriate speed!

    Maryann, just relax babes and go at a speed that you feel comfortable at.

    At present I am a learner and deal with this type of thing everyday I go to work, it gets better with practice I promice!

    Just remember you have passed your test which must mean you are perfectly competent!

    Take care!
    We are all a bit anxious on our first time on the motorways just stay in the inside lane until you are a bit more experienced
    Just relax drive at a speed you feel comfortable with. Perhaps buy some Kalm tablets they are herbal and will calm you down from stress and stop you panicking . Also I found it was a great help when I had exams.

    Invest in an advanced driving course

    Good Lick and be safe
    Yeah. Its a great shame that motorway driving isn't included in the test, so you get some lessons.

    However, I would say that perhaps you are too worried. First, if someone is joining from the slip road, its their job to find a space. You don't have to change lane for them. However, if you want, you can slow down a bit or speed up a bit to make a bigger space for them. They are more experienced than you, so let them do the work.

    Also as someone else suggested, try doing 70, or whatever speed everyone else is doing. Don't worry about slowing down and speeding up once in a while - it keeps you awake and alert, and often saves having to change lane.

    All your problem is is lack of experience and as a result lack of confidence. Look upon next Sunday as another chance for a lesson, after which you will have gained a bit more confidence.

    Good luck, and enjoy your driving. Don't worry - everything will be alright - I promise
    So, if I could put it another way, though somewhat crudely, you just lost your virginity, and now the Emporer has invited you to This Year's Grand Orgy! I think, as advised, you need to have some tuiton from your driving instructor, but the truth is taht motorways are the safest roads in Britain! Far safer than where two vehicles pass each other at 70mph in opposite directions - someone makes a mistake, and that's a non-survivable 140 mph impact. There is a hard-shoulder to cry on when you've broken down, a lane to make progress on, and two other lanes for those in more of a hurry. If there's an immediate problem in your lane, you can get into clear space to your side. Motorways are safe, period.

    And I can attest that the standard of driving in this country, on the motorways, is very good. If you lack confidence, keep left, set your speed to 55 or 60, and stay there. Signal clearly in good time, DON'T DITHER, but be decisive and polite, and you'll be welcomed with open arms. When people are joining the lane you are in, observe them, but don't vary your speed, trying to second-guess them. Stay calm, and they will work around you. And consider some time on amusement-arcade driving games, they are excellent simulators, where you really have to work to go smooth and fast, and there is a real sensation of speed and cornering, and no pesky 'DEATH' problem to worry about! See if you can get on a race-track or private land. When you've PERSONALLY had a car up to over 100mph, with no bother, nothing falling off or blowing up, and you learn how little effort is involved, you'll relax, you'll even start to enjoy yourself, and perhaps later, enjoy the thrill of driving a seriously fast car, which is really something. Better than an orgy? Yup!

    Good luck!
    relax you will get used to it, do a little time on the motorway every week and you will pick it up, don't worry when your at the slip road just look for the signs of the junction in addavnce so you have plenty of time to move over. get somebody to drive you around the motorway a few times and watch them.
    Go onto the Motorway first light on a Sunday morning so that you get used to the layout of the road without to much traffic .It helps your confidence.

    Rental Car Collision in Toronto and liability?

    I rented a car and hit another car, when I was changing lane. It was all my fault. There are some scratches on his passenger side two doors. It was a 2000 Saturn

    My questions are:

    1. Does the rental company have the liability insurance to cover the damage done to the other person's car.

    (The rental company told me they only pay peronal injury or public property damage, not vehicle)

    2. Normally how much does the repair cost?


    Rental Car Collision in Toronto and liability?
    The rental company ask you if you want you insurance or you want to use your own, if you did not get the rental companies insurance then your own insurance should cover it. My insurance company insures any Vehicle I drive even if it's someone else. Rental Car Collision in Toronto and liability?
    if you paid for insurance on the vehicle it covers everything and as a matter of fact in Toronto Canada every vehicle rented or personal should be insured as to protect the public so either way the rental company has to pay the damages to the other vehicle through the other insurance.
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  • How do you stay back 200 feet from those dump trucks that sling the rocks on your windshield?

    When they pull right out in front of you on the road? I noticed a sign that said ';Not responsible for broken windshields'; and ';Stay back 200 feet';. This was sitting behind him at a redlight. I had one that pulled out right in front of me on the Interstate and when I tried to change lanes to avoid the rocks he was slinging, a big rock still hit my windshield and broke it. I noticed they don't have any tags or numbers that you can call so if you drive a dump truck then is it ok for you to break a person's windshield because you have warning signs? If I were 200 feet back I couldn't even read the signs!How do you stay back 200 feet from those dump trucks that sling the rocks on your windshield?
    Give me the plate and I'll run it for you and get the info. How ya been sexy?How do you stay back 200 feet from those dump trucks that sling the rocks on your windshield?
    I got like 20 rock chips in my windshield , but they trow them at you when you meet them also .
    dunno, but one got me last year ....
    I share your frustration.
    Welcome to the loophole....I just look for the trucks that ';look'; like they are gonna throw stones...I swear sometimes I think there are little green evil gnomes in those trucks throwing the stones out....I get nail at least once every two months...I have 3 little stars in my windshield now...and this is my third windshield...little bastards are accurate too!!! LOL!
    All you had to do is get out of your car and smile. Any guy in his right mind would stop and say hello. Then get his name and sue his a$$ since you cannot avoid a libellous action just because you have a sign up.

    How to fight a lane change and u turn in a business district ticket?

    officer cited ticket for unsafe lane change.. I think it was not a fair ticket...

    got a u turn ticket in business district.. neeed help....How to fight a lane change and u turn in a business district ticket?
    try an obituary

    Question about car pulled over?

    How do you pull over your car if you are in the left most lane on the freeway? do you just stop or do you change lanes to the right most lane? what about if you are in the right lane? do u need to pull over to the right?Question about car pulled over?
    Turn your blinkers on, look over your shoulder and check the mirror and recheck before you changing lanes and for the using the shoulder do the same plus when you come to a complete stop turn your emergence flashers on...................Question about car pulled over?
    In the U.S. you ALWAYS pull off the shoulder on the right. You simply indicate and then change lanes to go to the right. The Cop will understand that you arent' trying to get away or resist as long as you get pulled over as quick as possible.
    you never stop your car in a lane other then the brakedown always pull to the right unless your in an accident or other wise can't move the car, if you can't move it put the hazards on and get away quickly as most likely someone is gonna hit it
    If you are in the far left lane, and Mr. Plod pulls you over, he/she will stay behind you and 'help' you cross to the right hand lane(s), then the breakdown lane where you come to a stop.

    By all means, if you are in the left lane, pull up immediately, and without a doubt you'll make international television, on something like 'World's Dumbest Drivers'.
    Do U have a licence to drive?

    Digital speed cameras that work out ur average speed?

    I just found out that if you change lanes the camera cant tell how fast you were going! no way!!! but its true ive seen it a proper report this was probly already on the news and i just missed it. but basically it states that the camera can only look at one lane so after you pass through the first camera it clocks ya but if you change lanes before the second one it cant, it also says that this problem was noticed before they started using them but the cameras are to expensive to have one per lane!!! and so say on a two lane carrigeway there is only one camera looking at one lane and on a three lane carrigeway there might be two cameras looking at two of the lanes. has anyone else heard this?Digital speed cameras that work out ur average speed?
    Speed cameras are actually illegal.

    They are another form on tax on the motorist, in contravention of the Magna Carta.

    Some people are already getting together in order to fight this through the courts.Digital speed cameras that work out ur average speed?

    Report Abuse

    As reported by who? The people that run the speed cameras probably, so they get more money from the fines..
    I wouldnt gamble the points on my licence, would you??
    I highly doubt the accuracy of your statement...but either way, Congratulations, you've just become the cause of hundreds of road accidents. Speeding idiots who normally cause accidents by slamming on their brakes, will now cause twice the damage by attempting to switch lanes at break neck speed too.

    There is only one way to truly avoid a speed camera and that is TO NOT SPEED.
    What if u just slow down for a bit then go for pedal to the metal again sorted
    I have read this, and it is true, but it is not as simple as you think.

    The problem is that each camera may be monitoring any of the lanes. For example, the first camera might be aimed at the inside lane, and the second camera may be aimed at the same lane, OR one of the others. Therefore, by switching lanes, you might actually be moving to the lane covered by the second camera, and thereby land yourself with a speeding fine, whereas had you stayed in the original lane, you would have been undetected.

    It's kinda a driving version of Russian Roulette. Enjoy.
    just remember SPEED KILLS
    I do not know the answer however as I have been driving up and down the M1 I have found that using big lorries is the best way to avoid getting your (or rather your cars) picture taken. Position your car next to but near the back of a big lorry and your car should be sheltered from the cameras. Of course I can not guarantee this but I have not had a ticket yet.

    We need to educate drivers for road use.?

    We need to educate about lane driving, how to change lane , when to change lane ,when to give way to others. This is a must on Indian roads now . Wher should I send my request ??

    I hope all of you will practice right driving habbits on indian roads .We need to educate drivers for road use.?
    It's not that there aren't road rules in India. It's just that people don't follow them. There's just too much traffic there, which is better relieved when all the 2 wheelers run a red light (hence the breaking of rules).

    It really depends where you are.

    In USA we have spacious roads, which is one reason why it's easier to follow road rules than to not. In India, it may not be the most convenient idea. Even if someone does do wrong there, I pressume it's very hard to track them down there, given the high population, and obscure addresses.We need to educate drivers for road use.?
    I have no idea where to send your request...but I definitely agree...people suck at driving all over the place...something needs to change with the testing or something
    To the Indiana Department of Transportation and to your state senators and representatives.
    That is a very good idea, both for personal and also for the safety of others
    Of course. When I visit India every two years, the driving is terrible compared to the US, even California.
  • remedy for acne scars
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  • How often do you think about death, how do you think you are going t o die, what kind of death ...?

    ...do you wish for if you have the choice and how old do you wish to die?

    I ponder about this since I was kid; I grew up surrounded by death and people dying for different reasons at different ages. Many people think of death as a morbid thing, I grew up thinking it was my best ally, it made me look at the world as a ';transit bus'; where at some point, each one of us will reach our destiny and get off.

    I see people racing their cars on the city streets 100 m/h, skateboarding down the hills into incoming traffic with not hamlet, I saw a guy with sharp pointy scissors trimming his beard while changing lanes on the highway?I call these people the IMMORTALS; I am convinced that they think they are. I檝e known many; I have accompanied them to the cemetery, I檝e seen at the cold morgue and funeral homes and on the streets surrounded by ambulances and fire trucks and curious people like me, and ';Death'; presenting them to me as an example of my own end.

    Is it strange to think that way?How often do you think about death, how do you think you are going t o die, what kind of death ...?
    1. Not very often.

    2. Statistics say heart problems or a car accident

    3. Something quick

    4. Before I get to the age where I become an embarrassment to myself.

    No, you're not strange. Everyone has personality quirks, yours just happens to be on that makes people go ';ew.';How often do you think about death, how do you think you are going t o die, what kind of death ...?
    I mean, it's not that profound, really. Everyone knows they're going to die, so what's the point of thinking when, where and how. It just takes up valuable time away from you that you can't get back. Your thinking is quite morbid and I don't know if you're suffering from some sort of depression, but you may need to talk to someone because it is not normal for you to obsess about death like this.

    Good luck.

    I'm scared to drive how can i fix it?

    Okay so I got a bad Reputation for driving(even tho I never Driven before I was wondering If I should use my skills from playing race car games with the steering wheel console and I have become an expert in that game

    No Crashes Checked my rear mirror window check my sides and change lanes when I want to go faster or If I'm going Slower

    But I would really appreciate if you guys can give me any additional tips that I might need in order to pass my drivers exam? Thank youI'm scared to drive how can i fix it?
    practice more.

    You will not fail if you make a mistake that is overly safe, you may just lose some points. But you will fail if you do something that is even slightly considered dangerous.

    So always just error on the side of going slower or more cautiously then usual.

    What should I plead on my speeding ticket?

    A cop was behind me while I was traveling in a 35 mph zone. I set my cruise control on 33 while the mph zone declined. I thought it changed to 30, but it was actually 25. The cop behind my pulls me over and asks me if I know how fast the zone is. I say 30 and he tells me its 25. He gives me a ticket for going 38 mph in a 25. 13 over.

    I ask him if he had me on radar, he says no, but he was tracking me.

    He also threatens to give me another ticket for not signaling while changing lanes, even though i did signal.

    On my way home driving back on the same road, I see that the speed limit is 30. So i turn around and check what it is in the direction that I was traveling, and it was 25. Two different speed limits on the same road, depending on which way you go.

    This is my 3rd ticket, and I have very few if any points left on my license.

    I haven't taken a driver's class yet, but i want to keep my license. I don't care about the money, i'm just concerned about the points and insurance policies.

    What should I plead to keep my license?What should I plead on my speeding ticket?
    What do you mean ';What should I plead?'; You have two choices, pay the ticket or go to court and lie and say you were not speeding, which you have already admitted to. From what you have already said there is absolutely no way the judge will dismiss the ticket, so by going to court you would just be wasting gas money and the time to go to court.

    Police officers have discretion. That means they can let some things go while citing for others. I did that often, although I wrote those other things in the comments, like the failure to signal. That way if the person went to court the prosecutor would add those charges to the citation.

    When I was on patrol I never used radar. Our squads did not even have it. Any time someone was pulled over by an officer they were paced for .25 miles or more.What should I plead on my speeding ticket?
    Plead Not Guilty and get photos of different speed zones and present them at next hearing. Should get thrown out.
    The only thing about pleading not guilty is multiple tickets within a year will persuade the judges decision before you step in front of him.

    Your license won't be suspended though.Especially if you take a class to get one of them removed.

    Plead guilty.Oh and the police are under no obligation to show you the radar if they do not feel like it.Good luck and obey them little pain in the *** trafic laws.
    Plead Not Guilty. The court will find against you. Then, on appeal, make the State show their calibrations, and you show yours for the Cruise Control. Take photos of the signs in both direction, and claim the State is ambiguous in setting Limits. You will win the appeal.

    More than likely if you appeal, the officer will not show, and you will win on default. But be prepared.

    Sounds like fun, but lots of $$$$$
    It is common to have different speeds on the same road depending on the direction of travel. That will not work as a defense.

    Try for traffic school.

    How do I get a friend to learn to signal their lane changes?

    I've got a friend - okay, actually, my manager - who drives kinda like a derp. Sometimes we leave at the same time, and I can see how he drives. It drives me nuts to see him ';drifting'; into other lanes without signaling. I know it drives most other people mad as well. I've poked him endlessly about his goofy driving and signaling and yet he totally fails to give a crap. Anyone have any experience in getting someone to change their hazardous driving habits?How do I get a friend to learn to signal their lane changes?
    You are not your brother's keeper. You have already informed him of the error of his ways, there is nothing more you can do. You need to accept what you cannot change.How do I get a friend to learn to signal their lane changes?

    Car crash

    it makes then change their ways
    Set up a time just after lunch because your friend will have nothing to bother him..

    Make sure you come armed with information, it will make your conversation go more smoothly. You can even create a list of specific questions you want to ask him..

    Be blunt, after all you are the one that is trying to help him...
    why dont you just tell him that he needs to use his blinker?
    Not your problem. Just mind your own driving and stay out of his way.
    I agree with the others who say NOT YOUR PROBLEM! why do you feel the need to try and control other people's behavior???

    If it were ME, I would tell you to go **** yourself. Maybe HE will too.
    you should ask him how he got his license?
    if you ride with him, constantly nag him about signalling.

    i. if he drifts out of his lane, say ';watch out for that car'; even if there is no car

    if not, show him accidents that were caused by inattentive drivers drifting out of their lanes.

    if all else fails, then the accident he will cause will change his ways

    Supporters of illegal immigration, why the race card?

    If I want immigration laws enforced many people automatically assume that I'm a racist.

    Let's look at some other laws I would like to see better enforced.

    I've seen many traffic accidents and near accidents as a direct result of people neglecting to use their turn signals when changing lanes. This law should be enforced much more strictly. Does this make me a racist?

    I read in the news quite often that someone was caught having sex with an animal. Very rarely was this person arrested or even punished due to lax bestiality laws. I would like to see more severe penalties for such cruelty to animals. Does this make me a racist?

    I know of too many true stories of a police officer using physical violence or excessive force when completely unnecessary. These cops usually get off with a slap on the wrist at most. I want laws enforced to see these bullies put to justice. Does that make me a racist?

    How then do I suddenly become a racist when it comes to supporting immigration law?Supporters of illegal immigration, why the race card?
    The race card pulls attention away from the problem, illegal immigration. If the Federal Government would take tax money from the states and or Cities that provide Sanctuary for illegals, you would hear a different story as they scream like pigs.

    Los Angeles is one of those cities that officers cannot ask if someone is legal or otherwise. Look at the New Jersey bunch that were planning to kill soldiers at Ft Dix. ALL had multiple arrest and complaints against them, and not once, was their immigration status checked.

    Its not just Mexicans, its ANYONE who crosses our borders illegally.Supporters of illegal immigration, why the race card?
    There are No ';supporters'; of Illegal immigration.

    Not even one citizen in the whole country wants ';illegal'; immigration.
    Racist, no. I don't think it makes you or I racist. I would like to see our current immigration laws enforced as well. They've been in place for over 20 years and went ignored by big business for their personal gain, they've never been looking out for the general public.
    The non-hispanics that call you a racist are scared that their gardner will get deported, that their cooks will be deported and that some Americans might actually have to take a job they don't want so they can get off welfare.

    I say send them all back, make them come here legally. If you are here illegally and you want medical help, you better pay and not the taxpayers. Illegals are sucking the funds and resources out of this country. People on welfare, sorry if you think certain jobs are ';below'; you, but you are on welfare, nothing is below you. We have the people to fill in the jobs that would be created once we deport everyone who is not legally in this country.

    OK, I'm done ranting.
    It is merely a word used to incite anger, and one which redirects the focus away from the real issue - respect and abidance of our laws. Don't let it get to you.
    Because there is no sane argument supporting illegal immigration. Can you blame them for using the race card?
    I've never played the race card; however, I do think the question is unfair. I, and almost no one on earth, supports illegal immigration. I and others support some pragmatic solution to the immigration problem that acknowledges 1) the economic dependence on unskilled labor and 2) the need for immigration to be done through legal channels and 3) the recognition that current laws are not simply unenforced but largely unenforceable. The status quo is a mess in every respect.

    The reason the race card gets played is because often anti-immigrant statements are often racist and reactionary. We need to move from somewhere and the enforcement only approach is destined to be a failure. The three acknowledgements are hard to push for when people simply posit that ';Immigration laws should be enforced.'; This doesn't appreciate the nuance of the current law which fails on a number of issues namely incoherence and failures. We need to REWRITE the immigration law from the bottom up before the next presidential election. Enforcement of a incoherent mess is not worth the money time or energy.
    I'll only call someone prejudiced if they bash on one group of people. I asked a question yesterday about Mexicans (even though they are the majority) not being the only illegals here. i hear people say Go Back to Mexico when someone isn't even from there. It is ridiculous.

    Some of the people like you don't only bash one set of people but actually have a problem with illegal immigration however there are others who only complain about Mexicans when someone talks about illegal immigration.
    You are no more a racist than I am, and I am not a racist.
    It is an inflammatory means to shift the public view from the real issue; millions perpetuating a criminal act that is harming this country.
    it doesn't make you a racist. There are many reasons why it's bad. People sending US money out of our country makes our economy go down. I have a lot of friends who can't find jobs right now; they usually work in construction and suddenly they can't find work....another thing that's bad for our economy. Plus if your not an illegal your not paying taxes but receiving money under the table; also very bad for our economy. I don't care if your illegal from Mexico, Africa, Europe or Asia...it's not a race issue it's an economy issue!
    It doesn't make you a racist, it makes you stand out from the majority who don't want to support these laws for fear they will be singled out. I also would like to see the laws you mentioned enforced as well as those who protect wildlife, land, and anything that cannot protect itself. I am not a racist, but a firm believer that when people support and protect the law, we will all get along better. A presence of 8 million to 11 million illegal aliens in this country is a sign that this country is losing control of its borders and the ability to determine who is a member of this national community.
    You oversimplify the position of those who disagree with you. However, I will speak for myself.

    I do not ';support'; illegal immigration. For that matter, I do not support illegal anything. The laws of the land are there for a purpose. For example, I obey the speed limit, not from fear of the police or getting fined, but because I recognize that I owe a duty to the safety of other users of the road.

    The race issue is not a ';card';. Any reasonable person would agree, after reading some of the posts and some of the answers on this topic, that the writers deliberately encourage dislike, contempt, and fear of Hispanic persons.

    I agree that laws should be enforced. However, there is also the question of funding, and allocation of scarce public resources. To patrol America's borders, to stop illegal entry in a way that is humane and reasonable (not land mines--as someone suggested), would require huge expenditures of staff and money. Sorry, but I would rather have laws against armed robbery and rape and home invasions enforced.

    In any case, the majority of illegal immigrants are ordinary people who want a better life for themselves and their families. They break the law by entering the US illegally, but they are not criminals.

    There is no doubt in anyone's mind that illegal immigrants who commit crimes should be severely punished--as should anyone who breaks the law and hurts people.

    I do not assume that you in particular are a racist, but when others suggest that the government should deliberately injure or kill Mexicans sneaking into the US, it is reasonable to infer that those persons are, in fact, racist.

    If it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
    I don't think you are a racist because you don't support illegal immigration. I don't think that because a person doesn't support an amnesty or immigration reform that makes them a racist. I do think however that there are many people here that are racist. Like those who post questions calling immigrants, wetbacks, trashy leeches that reproduce like rabbits and such derogatory terms. It is because of those people that the race card is brought in this debate- because they introduce it with there derogatory terms- specially about Mexicans....
    You inadvertently brought to light 2 liberal tactics. 1st, redirect attention. 2nd, demonize opposition.

    In this case, redirection is giving the offense a fluffy name, ';immigrant';. The liberals want you to think, ';They only want we have, they want to be part of this great nation';, and so on. Truth is, if they call them ';Aliens';, which is more correct, then you picture them for what they are.

    Demonize, this is their best tactic. The simple fact that you had to bring this up means it working. As soon as you feel forced to say something like ';2 of my best friends are Mexican'; then they won.

    If you vote against raising school taxes, then you must hate kids. If you disagree with the percentage of minorities being too high is prison, then you are racists. If you disagree with a liberal, then you must be stupid.

    Liberals say, ';be yourself, think for yourself. Just do it the way we tell you to';. Who are the real ';mind numb robots';?
    i dont think u are racist (from the little i know of u from reading)

    i like ur questions i think they force ppl on here to think about subjects (usually that makes ppl angry for some strange reason i dont understand)

    i view immigration like this

    unless u are full American Indian ur background has an immigrant in it. so now all the sudden........we dont want anymore. well my friends , that makes u a hypocrite
    When someone asks a question about ';Mexicans'; aren't people going to reply in regard to ';Mexicans';? That is a loaded question so pros can use the race card. Millions of people support illegal immigration (the uprisings every time someone is deported). America is not economically dependent on unskilled labor, as some would like us to believe. We are, unfortunately, at the mercy of greedy business owners and brown nosed politicians. The purpose of enforcing immigration laws is to help screen out criminals. To tie the hands of law enforcement officials and not allow them to enforce our laws is what has created the state of lawlessness we are currently in. Our immigration laws are completely enforceable and should be enforced. Yes it will be a blow to all illegals, but you can't say that they didn't know it would come someday. For anyone to feel they are above the law, illegal or not, is not only foolish, but will surely end up with them in jail. We need to stand up for our country as do all other countries. I don't know of any other country where illegal immigrants can enter and demand that they change their way of life to suit illegals. As so many other people do, I did not have to mention any race or nationality, as illegal is just that illegal, it is not a racist statement.
    It's NOT about Race. It's ALL about Entitlements.

    Thank L.B Johnson for the ';Great Society'; crap.
    The focus of immigration law has been primarily on the hispanic population. Undocumented and documented both feel threatened by things said and done in support of immigration reform. I'm sure you're not a racist, but many supporters of strict regulations have been known to make claims to the effect of ';these people don't try to learn english, they take our money, they take our jobs, they smell, they're dirty, they breed like cockroaches, etc';. A lot of people claim to support immigration law because it gives them a podeum to express their racist opinions.
    sorry but you are the one asking this question about race. and now people have to reply with that in mind.

    people like you keep bringing it up when no one else does.

    I think when people have a problem with illegal immigrants, i think there is something more they hate about them, not just their status, i feel that because they know most illegals here are minorities, they feel threaten and they have to bash and hate, yet they will never admit it, they will continue to say they are the true American patriots who follows 100% of the laws, etc. you know where I'm getting here. . . . . ?
    one only cuz you'v seen violence dose not make you a racist or if you see unfairness you are racist or if you know of somthing that is wrong it makes you a racist BUT IF YOU SUPPOR IT that my dear is called RACIST LOOK IT UP it is called a dictionary learn and you will be wise.
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  • Do people know how to use Turn Signals when driving?

    Your suppose to use turn signal any time your vehicle changes lane or direction, still I seem more and more that people don’t use there turn signals this includes cops.

    What’s up with thisDo people know how to use Turn Signals when driving?
    According to Response Insurance, a national car insurer, 42% of those drivers say they don’t have enough time, 23% admit they are just plain “lazy,” 17% don’t signal because when they do, they forget to turn it off, 12% admit they are changing lanes too frequently to bother, 11% say it is not important, 8% say they don’t signal because other drivers don’t, and perhaps most disturbing 7% say forgoing the signal “adds excitement to driving.”

    The Company identified several driver-types when it comes to ignoring turn signals – Impulsive, Lazy, Forgetful, Swervers, Ostriches, Followers, and the Dare Devils.

    The bottom line is that most drivers are failing to see the importance of using their turn signals........Do people know how to use Turn Signals when driving?
    Many people are lazy and oblivious to what goes on around them or they just don't care. I always use my turn signals!
    Around here, people seem to use their turn signals to let you know where they have come from. They use them, but so often, just a little late. And then there are the poor armless people who can't reach the indicator.
    Driving in the suburbs, I use them. But when I drive anywhere in LA County, I signal at the last minute. It seems in LA, if you signal in advance, they speed up so you can't switch in. You kind of have to surprise them.

    Cops are above the law. They are exempt from signalling, using headlights, stopping at red lights, stopping at stop signs, obeying the speed limit and most other rules outlined in the DMV driving manual.
    I know, I live in Michigan too and see this constantly, more so than in any other state I've ever been to. The only reason I can give is rudeness?
    No people DON'T know how to use them. This includes NOT using them as well as IMPROPER use(meaning they turn them on WAY too early or turn them on right before they turn). You are to turn it on at least a certain distance away, not turn it on because you suddenly are going to turn.
    Sadly a lot of drivers in the Chicago IL area drive vehicles without the optional turn signals. Hence even if they wished to signal their intend, there are no turn signals to operate.

    Or so it seems.

    If I was a police officer I would target the illegal lane changers and red light runners. And I would be merciless with tailgaters.
    Requires too much effort to move their hands less than 12 inches to the side of the steering column to indicate properly - in other words they are plain lazy.

    Obviously indicators are designed to be used when you are making any movement across lanes, or turning, or changing direction. This is common sense, as you would want to warn other drivers that you may be moving into their path.

    Unfortunately common sense is not that common and people either can't be bothered, are too lazy to do it, forget, are 'too busy' to indicate, are too busy trying to cut you up and then wondering why you are so annoyed at them, or they flick their indicators on for a microsecond and then wonder why you didn't see it, or they indicate for NO REASON AT ALL.

    I've seen people driving along in the left hand lane for several kilometres quite oblivious to the fact that they are indicating right and there is a column of infuriated drivers behind them (who will of course forget to indicate when they overtake).

    Then we've got people who make a left turn, and as soon as they start turning left, indicate RIGHT while continuing in the same lane. This is stupid. Indicating right while performing a left hand turn not only makes you look dumb, but moving lanes while turning is unsafe and inadvisable (complete the turn, then change lanes).

    Cops will usually do it because they think no-one will enforce the law against them, but they remain just as liable as the rest of the community for failure to indicate.

    Fearful when changing lane, how to overcome it?

    i learnt how to watch mirror and turn my head to see blind sport

    i am OK if changing the nx lane, but i always fear that the car which in the next next lane will also change to our middle lane, thats mean we'll crash together bez we are tryin to change lane in same time , how to overcome it and how to avoid it.

    Fearful when changing lane, how to overcome it?
    This is natural. You should be fearful of this, since it's dangerous. The key is to be aware constantly of the traffic around you. Check all your mirrors before you start your move, taking care to note where all the surrounding cars are and how far away they are. Don't start your lane change at the last possible minute, give yourself plenty of time. Signal, look over your shoulder, accelerate, and turn when it's safe. Some keys to watch for are: keep a safe distance from the car in front of you so you don't rearend anyone while your changing lanes, don't just look in the next lane, look in the lane adjacent to that lane also, ease slowly into the lane, so that you can move back safely if another car closes the lane up before you can complete your maneuver, and make sure you're going fast enough to drive in the next lane. If you're going faster than the cars in that lane and the one next to it, you shouldn't have any problems switching lanes.

    The real key is to practice more. Get comfortable on the highway in your own lane, practice lane changes on two lane highways, then move up to three lane highways.

    Usually, every lane gets to where you want to go. Take your time, leave plenty of time and space to make your move, and be safe.Fearful when changing lane, how to overcome it?
    I wasn't very confident with this when I just started driving but the most important thing my instructor taught me was:

    Indicate your intentions to the other motorists first by indicating. A common mistake I see people make is to first do a head check and get ready for the lane change, then when there's a gap throw the indicator on (indicating for one second) and change lanes.

    The proper way to do it is to start indicating before you even head check, because you're letting the other drivers know that you want to change lanes. This will also help to get you in the other lane if it's busy because you're forcing them to make a decision; either accelerate to get in front or back off to let you in. It will also let people who want to change lanes as well as you know that you're in the process of doing it so they will very likely wait until you do it, then do it themselves.

    Remember - the indicators are used for indicating.
    Never assume anything and when changing lanes check and recheck before doing anything.......with time you will understand this and it will become a natural thing that you will do...
    Driving is dangerious look twice proceed once to lane change. Being fearful you make other mistakes like signaling and not going ahead with the lane change out of fear. I reccomend a driving school ';the drivers edge dot com'; Or a car control school Bob Bonderaunt Or others get over the fear of driving by learining the limits of adheasion and how to control a slide or loss of control it is fun and the lessons you will learn may save your life and others.
    you can't worry about everything that possibly could happen. what you need to do is be aware of everything around you then when you make this lane change do it gradually and pay close attention to the vehicle in the other lane. Good driving is not cut and dried, black and white it is just using common sense%26lt;

    Question On how to handle this one situation?

    Okay i was caught speeding 85/55 on the high way and was given a tickett and at the same time he gave me two more tickets one for weaving or changing lanes improperly and the other for tailgating the person in front of me...So.. my court date is 2mororw 11/06/06 and im worreid because i am in the army and My job in the mlitary is Military intel and i will lose my mos if i get convicted whats my best bet in this situation and what should i do or say at court cuz i have to go to court wasnt given a option to choose to pay or go to court =/Question On how to handle this one situation?
    be as respectful and honest and contrite as possible. You messed up - if the cop doesn't show you might have a chance.Question On how to handle this one situation?
    I have determined that you are an idiot. Lets review. 30 mph over the speed limit...while tailgating. You wait til the day before court, then ask these questions here, why didn't you see an attorney? And the main reason is... you should have known better. Tough. Now you are going to suffer the consequences. Finally, I don't have any compassion for your situation. You are lucky you didn't kill someone and I'd bet you'll hear that from the judge too. Get ready to bend over, they're gonna stick it to you.
    If you ask for a trial and the police officer that ticketed you does not show up for the trial, the case will be dismissed and your record will be wiped clean. (At least that's the way it works in California.) Of course, your taking a chance. If he does show up....well, I'd hate to be you.
    Lawyer... and FAST!
    Goto court and see what options the judge will give you. As I assume your gonna plead no contest or guilty or something. But I could be wrong.
    Maybe you should get a lawyer. I doubt anything terrible will happen because it's a traffic violation, but I think you should have at least consulted a lawyer.

    Good luck.
    I think if you go in and say ';NOT GUILTY';, your honor,your excellence, your most highest of highest people of the land. LOL!!........He then has to have the officer appear at a later date.

    (I think). To make wittness to this terrible crime. Maybe giving you more time to seek some sort of real legal advise.

    Dont listen to Micky Mike..........But I will tell you now ..if found guilty...its $$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!...I was caught doing 95 in the car poollane ALONE!, riding in an out of the lane ...(what yellow line?)...954.00
    I had a similar situation. Go to the judge and say that you were sorry and that you are in the military and that if you can't have this sort of thing on your record. All the judges that i have met like miliatry people!and you may be able to do traffic school- 5 hours on a saturday- and it will all go away! another option (you may not have it in your state) is to have it put ';on the shelf'; that is if you you don't get another ticket in a certian amount of time the ticket goes away but if you get one then you have to pay them both.

    if i were you id just go to court and see what the judge said first he might be a little more forgiving than you think in this matter,i wouldn't try to get out of it right away ,see what he offers to do,since your in the military it may turn out better than you think it might but if you get another chance you better be care full your luck can run out on matters like this,good luck,and thanks for helping all of us.
    I have sat in on alot of traffic court cases and your only hope is that you have a really good lawyer. The listed charges are enough for the prosecutor to charge you with reckless driving which is worse than all three charges. Honesty and sincerety is your only hope. You can usually plea for one or two and have the greater charge dropped or vice versa. Good Luck, and slow down before you kill someone. Better late than never.
    As to why you got two tickets is that the 30mph over the speed is a felony charge. Lawyer UP! Its your Only chance,As for the cop that pulled you over THANK YOU!
    If you are found guilty you just pay the fine. Its a traffic violation , not a criminal conviction.

    Get a lawyer!!
    If you are as big a danger to the insurgents in Iraq as you are to the people on American highways you will make a hell of a soldier.