Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I am very offended by this bumper sticker. What can I do?

As a member of MADD, I was VERY offended to read a bumper sticker that said ';Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks';

This is obviously an unnecessary statement. I kept honking my horn so that the man driving the car would pull over and so that I could talk to him about how offensive it is, but instead he quickly changed lanes and made a quick left turn. I was unable to change lanes and follow him!

Can I address this to my city council? What can I do?I am very offended by this bumper sticker. What can I do?
Coldstone has a sign that says ';Friends don't let friends eat grocery store ice cream.'; I agree with you that the statements are a bit offensive.I am very offended by this bumper sticker. What can I do?
I think you are over-reacting. I want to preserve my RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH over your right to promote your immaturity. GET OVER IT! The ACLU will protect that bumper sticker, as it should. AND, for your imformation I'm a member of AA and haven't drunk for 23 years.

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are you for REAL!!?? OMG@ i mean, i am all for MADD, but I am all for HUMOR, too! that is just way too funny, and i think STARBUCKS charge way too much for their yucky coffee too...

so there! get over it already! :)

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Yeah when everyone on the board thinks you overreacted and thought you were filled with road rage, the least you can do is sit down. What do you do when you see really offensive/vulgar bumper stickers? Destroy the property?

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In America, we are all free citizens and pretty much allowed to voice how we feel, as long as it's not illegal or violating some radio stations' guidelines.

That person who owns that bumper sticker thought it was funny, bought it, and put it on their own personal property. It's their American right.

You as a person, can just blow it off, and think ';that's their opinion...'; If you let it get to you, then you're taking away their right to voice themselves and be an individual.

Thank God for free will!
look at mr.mobile bat scott!
You can get a life. That's what you can do.
LOL... You can't be serious!
get off your high horse, just let it go people are allowed their opinion ,you don't have to agree with it
First, grow up, there is such thing as freedom of speech. Secondly, if you start chasing and honking at someone because they OFFEND you with their bumper sticker, you are more dangerous than someone who drives after having a few beers!
I think you're the one with issues.
Here's a novel sugestion for you......

You put what you like on your bumper and let others put what they want on theirs.........

Where I live what you do is called road rage and it is not admired.





Perhaps you're one of those

You ask what you can do - leave others in peace
They didn't mean to offend. They're trying to dissuade people for falling into the ';evil coorporation'; of Starbucks and took a slogan that everyone has heard and is SO widespread that it's cliche. I didn't know MADD came up with the phrase, but it portrays its thought well. Be glad you've got such a catchy person writing things, I guess.
Would you pull over if a stranger were pursuing you in a car and honking the horn?
Wow! You must have had a very bad alcohol-related incident in your life.

I think the bumper sticker was protesting the commercialism and concept of a Starbucks on every corner. Perhaps it's protesting the $5.00 cup of coffee.

Maybe you should consider some time with a therapist if something this TRIVIAL set you off so badly.
This cannot be a serious question........... but in case it is.

There is a thing called freedom of speech.....and yes you can address this to City Council...again freedom of speech. Perhaps fathers who are against drunk driving may take exception to MADD bumper stickers.... are you saying that only mothers care about this?

If you had gotten the car to pull over they may have been offended that you disagreed with their outlook.... and perhaps they would address City Council.....
Wow... just wow. No offense but if I saw someone honkng angrily for what appeared to be no reason, Id say that you were on something. So that would be very bad for a member of MADD to give others the impression of being crazy and/or on something.
Are you for real? This is America lady. Ever hear of the first amendment?

If your thinking is to chase down every stranger in a car with a bumper sticker that offends you, I'd plan on becoming an assault or rape victim sometime in the near future. Around my town, when people start chasing you and honking their horn, it usually ends up in roadside violence.

Use your frickin head for gods sake!
Offensive or not, the person has a right to express himself as he chooses. I would just ignore it and chalk it up to someone who is ignorant and probably just doesn't know any better.
Gentle Reader,

Unfortunately the First Amendment makes it possible for all sorts of unfortunate things to be posted in public places. However what offends one particular sensibility does not seem to be an issue for another.

I support your enthusiasm for a program that encourages personal responsibility. In the absence of such an organization speaking out against Offensive Bumper Stickers, perhaps a slow deep breath and a moment of gratitude for our system of government would suffice.
I believe in MADD but this is folly.
Well, you obviously came off as a crazy person. This IS America, and he is allowed to put whatever he wants on his car, whether it be a bumper sticker advertising a favorite politician or a swastika.

The sticker was made to poke fun at Starbucks, not MADD.
Get yourself a bumber stickers that reads will ***** about the stupidest things on earth! Yet 2 follow this person, get a life! I wish I had that much time on my hands but sorry I enjoy a good laugh.
There is NOTHING you can do. Freedom of speech, and all that . . . I'm sorry, but I don't see why you think it would be offensive. It wasn't a slogan that MADD came up with -- the US Dept. of Transportation hired an ad agency in in 80's. It has become part of the American vernacular, and to get your panties in a wad because someone used a light-hearted approach to slam Starbucks is a completely waste of energy. If you had succeeded in stopping the man, he would have probably called 911 because of the lunatic screaming at him because of a bumper sticker.

If you felt offended because you lost a family member to a drunk driver, then I'm very sorry for your loss and I can see where it would be a sore spot for you -- however, in this case, I think you overreacted.
People need to take the issue of drunk driving more seriously.

I feel very sorry for you if you had lost a loved one over a careless drunkard. It's sad, because both the victim and the drunk dude are hurt. One goes to jail, one might even die, and of course, it affects society and their family. If you truly beleive in something you should do whatever you ned to do. But, the bumper was aimed at Starbucks, not MADD.

First...what? Are you serious?

And second... if it is...well then...

How would YOU like someone following you...? Just because of a car bumper...


Do NOT address this to the city council...

Unless you want to emabarrass yourself...

Hopefully this answer is not very offensive to you
I don't think you have the right to do anything, for all you know, he could be responding to the fair trade act and how starbucks isn't giving money to the local communities. It doesn't exactly say 'go get drunk' and even if it did there is nothing you could do as long as he's not driving drunk, he's not committing any crime.
First if you go to the city council they will probably laugh you out the door. Second there is this thing called freedom of speech. Third you need to see someone about your anger issues. Last but not least............GET OVER YOURSELF!!!
I think you need to get a hobby, and fast.
I think that your attitude is a good way to cause an accident, and if you were close enough to another car to be able to read a bumper sticker then you were driving too close. Keep you distance, that's how to avoid accidents. What are you trying to do, cause a pile up on the interstate?
I don't think you can do much about it at all.

... and, chasing down that car, with the bumper sticker, verged upon road rage, you likely scared the other driver very much... that person didn't know if you had a gun, and intended him harm...

About a month ago, where I live.. a man on the highway, was signaled by another car.. he pulled over to the rest area, the man in the other car had been ';offended'; by the harley davidson bumper sticker, the man in the first car, had displayed. They argued, the man, who stopped the man with the bumper sticker, pulled out a hand gun, and shot the first man in the hand, then he drove off.....

As for the statement on the bumper sticker... it seems to be a harmless statement, about a big business, who is repsponsible for the demise of many smaller businesses.

The bumpersticker, while offensive to you, is not breaking any laws, or is immoral, indecent or vulgar. It also falls within the first right amendment.
There are hundred of offensive bumper stickers out there. Free speech, nothing you can do. You have a right to your opinion, but you can't force it on others. Sorry.
I'm all for the good work that MADD does, but it I saw that bumper sticker, I'd get a laugh out of it. What you attempted is a bit like road rage and you could have been hurt or hurt someone else.

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