Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why do they always put the bicycle lane in the most dangerous possible places?

Does the government hate bicyclists and want to see them all die? In my town they put the freakin bicycle lane right BETWEEN the forward lanes of traffic and the right turn lane so that cars HAVE to cross it in order to turn right! And as if that's not dangerous enough, they require bicyclists to travel in the SAME direction of travel as the traffic! At least if the poor guy on the bike was FACING the car, he might have a chance to avoid it when the make up applying, cell phone talking, drunken dip sh!^ in the car with a screaming kid in the back seat is paying no attention to the road changes lanes RIGHT into him at 45 mph! When I was a kid they used to give safety classes on how to survive childhood and they always told us to look both ways before we cross the street, cover your mouth when you sneeze, and ride your bike in the OPPOSITE direction of the flow of traffic so you can SEE all the morons that are trying to kill you and at least TRY to avoid them! Why is it that once we become adults the rules for bicycles change into suicidal ideology?

And its not just the bicyclists who have to be pissed about this. When I'm driving my car I can't freaking stand it when some dufus in tight underwear is riding his bike down the street at 5 miles per hour with nothing between me and him but a couple of painted white lines. I say, get out of the dang street and ride the F ing bike on the dang sidewalk. I think the bikers and pedestrians dodging each other is a little less psychotic of a game then the bikers and cars trying to do the same.

With me or against me?Why do they always put the bicycle lane in the most dangerous possible places?
Riding facing traffic is much more dangerous than riding in the same direction. One reason? Basic physics. If I am riding at 30 kph, and the traffic is moving at 50 kph, they are overtaking me at 20 kph, plenty of time to see a cyclist and pass safely. If I am riding facing traffic, the relative speed is 80 kph, giving very little time for either cyclist or motorist to react if something happens. In addition, at intersections, motorists are not looking for traffic moving in the wrong direction in the lane, and of course, you run the risk of a head on collision with other cyclists who are actually following the rules of the road. Those safety courses teaching kids to ride facing traffic were given by people who didn't cycle and had no clue about the real world conditions for cyclists. As for the suggestion that cyclists ride on sidewalks, that only puts pedestrians in danger from the cyclist who is probably moving 4 times as fast as you seem to think he isWhy do they always put the bicycle lane in the most dangerous possible places?
yes they are trying to kill cyclists like me, but those stupid cyclists that ride really slow and stupidly getting in the way give us all a bad name.
with i have notice this too cant really believe they do that ha ha

bike vs car car will always win

bike vs person depends on how big the persn is ha ha
Mainly because the city planners who create them......are not avid cyclists. After being hit by a car- I learned to ride ALWAYS looking behind me. Use signals, and wear the brightest, loudest, high-visibility cycling wear possible. If riding at night- buy the BRIGHTEST light you can afford.....it will save your life. Wear a helmet!
Man when im on my bike i dont ride on no bicycle lane its still dangerous getting doored doesnt feel good at all
City bike lanes may not be well thought out sometimes, but there is no way I am going down a sidewalk full of people at 17 to 23 mph. A lot of studies have been done and it IS safer to ride with traffic. In fact, you ARE traffic. It has been a long time since anyone, anywhere has been instructed, by someone paid to instruct people on these matters, to ride against traffic. So to answer your question, against you. By the way, with an attitude like that, I have a feeling you are not as avid a cyclist as you think you are.
I could not agree more with mtlbiker. Read his answer and calm down. Is there a law that bikes have to use the bike lane -- if said bike lane is stupid? I will stick to riding on the right hand side of the right lane IN the same direction of traffic thank you.
As a cyclist on the road it is our job to aggressively defend ourselves by being hyper aware of our surroundings. Car doors open suddenly and without warning. Pedestrians walk in front of us. Debris and potholes come up quickly. Aggressive drivers seem to want to kill us.

These moments and more happen rarely but often enough that we maintain a vigilance. A bike will never win a battle against a car and we are well aware of that.

The white line that separates us is the same line that separates you from other cars. Drivers that do not understand this or respect it are a danger to society other drivers and bicyclists.

I have seen some bikers that demand there right of way and give all cyclists a bad name. Most of the time I see them when I am driving. If I see a cyclist behaving badly when I am riding he our she gets an earful from me explaining that there actions not only put them in danger but myself as well. I am not kind nor do I attempt to be eloquent when doing so.

The tight pants keep our jewels from being damaged from friction and are quite obviously not a fashion statement.The bright clothes are for visibility to give drivers behind us the chance to see us.

I grew up as a chilid in the sixties and seventies and our bikes were our transportation. I was at many bike saftey demonstrations at my elementry school put on by the police department. I never had insructions to ride facing trafiic. We were always told riding on the sidewalk was dangerous to pedestrians.

Riding on the sidewalk would surely endanger pedestrians. It would be less than fair for us to be on the sidewalk. I would not want to run into a child or any one else while riding and hurt them. The sidewalk was designed for them not us.

I understand your frustration. Please share the road.
I wouldnt want to face traffic. You would have to move aside when the car moves into our lane to do a right turn. You are going in the same direction as the traffic for reason.

I suspect you are not really a cyclist but more of a bike rider. I dont have any problems with what you described. In fact thats how it is in my area. Bike lane is between the forward lanes and right turn lane so that you dont block the cars that want to make a right turn while you are stuck there on the intersection. There is a reason for that.

If you are so worried about this stuff you dont belong on the road while on a bicycle. I am not afraid of riding on the bike lanes. Why? Because I know what its like to be a motorist also. I have patience for cyclists when I drive because I also happen to be a cyclist.

Those bike lanes are not for out of shape people. If you cant do atleast 20mph on flats for brief periods no matter what type of bicycle you ride then I suggest you get in shape. At most of these suburban or city streets I keep up with traffic because they stop every one or two intersections because of a red light. By the time I catch up to the car that passed me the light is either turning green or still red. This would continue on for miles and miles.

You wouldnt be so worried if you could keep up with traffic or sometimes sprint and get ahead of them on these busy streets. You need to go on youtube and see how bike messengers in New York would ride around the city. Not saying you should weave in and out of traffic like they do but atleast they are not about to have a heart attack because they cant keep up with traffic.

Then again you might live in a bad area for cyclists or bike commuters. In which case you just have to be more careful. But what you mentioned is the standard for the entire nation.

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