Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Unsafe lane change ticket in Alberta. Fighting tickets.?

Hi, so im a youth, 17 years old, and last night i got pulled over by the police and got ticketed for unsafe lane change. I really do not think i should have got it because:%26lt; I was in a lane, and i signalled to the right. As i was switching lanes (i was in the middle of both lanes), i saw that there was a car parked on the side so i quickly moved back into my lane without signalling. %26gt; That is where i got my ticket.

The amount is 172$.

How do i know if i got demerits? I want to go fight this ticket, so can I go anytime i want? What is the best way to fight it if any way? Will my story work because I beleive I do not deserve the demerits atleast.

And if my father goes to pay off his parking ticket on the same car, will he be able to find out this ticket?

Thank you all very much! I Appreciate it!Unsafe lane change ticket in Alberta. Fighting tickets.?
well here in the US you have to wait until the court date before you can fight the ticket but your able to pay the ticket off anytime before the court date

but you say you don't deserve the ticket yet you admit that while in the middle of changing lanes you swerve suddenly back into the left lane without signaling, even if you signaled that would still be illegal because your not supposed to make a really quick sudden lane change, but also its annoying to take 1/4 mile just to switch lanes so its a middle ground, honestly the only way you'd be able to win when fighting it you'll have to lie, but thats not to smart because the cop will most likely show up and of course the judge will believe the cop over you, and then after that the judge wouldn't go easy on you or give any break because you lied to them

so all in all, you have no case at all unless you lie but then thats not smart to do, so just pay the ticket because to me you do deserve the ticket

but why did you swerve back just because of a parked car though unless you almost hit the car which would have still been your fault because you didn't look far enough ahead to make sure it was safe for you to switch lanes, or is it a law in Alberta Can. that you can't change lanes beside a parked car or something? because its nothing all that unsafe about switching lanes beside a parked car especially if you don't see movement in or around the car, even if someone in the parked car opened the door and you ran into the door tearing it off the cop will say its the person's fault that was in the parked car, reason is because when your parked and getting ready to get out its your responsibility to look for traffic and to open the door only when its safe for you to, the person in the car driving can't help that the other person opened the door when it was unsafe toUnsafe lane change ticket in Alberta. Fighting tickets.?
Although under normal circumstances, I believe that honesty is the best policy and that you should just pay the fine...

But... I also understand that at your age mistakes happen, and insurance is really tough.

In fact, the insurance would be far worse than the cost of the ticket if found guilty. The best advice I can give, is for you to see a traffic ticket specialist. They will charge you a little bit more than the cost of the ticket, but the amount you save on insurance will be by far worth it. A specialist will almost certainly get the ticket reduced, possibly even eliminated. Going to court can be a stressful ordeal, not to mention if you say so much as one wrong word: ';GUILTY! FULL FINE!';. It's absolutely heartless, and from experience I have never seen anyone given any sort of mercy or leniency for honesty or reasoning. It's rather sad, but the way it is. The traffic ticket specialist will know how to handle the ticket, what the best option will be, and represent you in court so you don't need to attend.

Check your local phone book... I'm sure there's traffic ticket specialists somewhere in your town.

Good luck!
Yes there will be demerit points attached to that ticket. How many I'm not sure of, but any ticket in reference to ';unsafe'; will carry some.

Yes go fight this ticket. Stick to the truth, explain exactly what happened. It would be more ';unsafe'; to smash into another car don't you think?

There are a couple things that will happen:

1. The officer doesn't show up - your ticket is thrown out.

2. The officer shows and fights you - It's up to the judge to decide, and most likely will reduce the ticket if you haven't got 20 of them already, or decide that it was an innocent mistake.

3. The officer shows up and you lose - same as if you didn't do anything at all.

So really, nothing to lose by trying other then a little time.

Just one tip, before the day's court starts, they may call you up and ask you if you'd like to ';make a deal'; basically plea to a lesser charge. This just helps them make the court day go quicker if you don't go in front of the judge. But you don't know at that point if your officer has shown up, so if you plea out, and he didn't show, you're still stuck with some of the fine, and all the demerits as they normally don't reduce those from a ticket.

Good luck.
In accordance with the Alberta Traffic Safety Act, and common sense you have some defense. You made a decision that resulted in preventing a collision with another vehicle so I would fight that until I was blue in the face. As the Motor vehicle operator it is your job to do what you did.

Now, where this does get a little tricky is the fact that you were in the process of changing lanes and should technically have been aware of your surroundings prior to initiating your maneuver.

I would fight it if I were you, to A) Fight the ticket amount B) prevent you from getting demerits on your licence as it will affect your insurance. - and C) For the Principle of it all.

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