Let's look at some other laws I would like to see better enforced.
I've seen many traffic accidents and near accidents as a direct result of people neglecting to use their turn signals when changing lanes. This law should be enforced much more strictly. Does this make me a racist?
I read in the news quite often that someone was caught having sex with an animal. Very rarely was this person arrested or even punished due to lax bestiality laws. I would like to see more severe penalties for such cruelty to animals. Does this make me a racist?
I know of too many true stories of a police officer using physical violence or excessive force when completely unnecessary. These cops usually get off with a slap on the wrist at most. I want laws enforced to see these bullies put to justice. Does that make me a racist?
How then do I suddenly become a racist when it comes to supporting immigration law?Supporters of illegal immigration, why the race card?
The race card pulls attention away from the problem, illegal immigration. If the Federal Government would take tax money from the states and or Cities that provide Sanctuary for illegals, you would hear a different story as they scream like pigs.
Los Angeles is one of those cities that officers cannot ask if someone is legal or otherwise. Look at the New Jersey bunch that were planning to kill soldiers at Ft Dix. ALL had multiple arrest and complaints against them, and not once, was their immigration status checked.
Its not just Mexicans, its ANYONE who crosses our borders illegally.Supporters of illegal immigration, why the race card?
There are No ';supporters'; of Illegal immigration.
Not even one citizen in the whole country wants ';illegal'; immigration.
Racist, no. I don't think it makes you or I racist. I would like to see our current immigration laws enforced as well. They've been in place for over 20 years and went ignored by big business for their personal gain, they've never been looking out for the general public.
The non-hispanics that call you a racist are scared that their gardner will get deported, that their cooks will be deported and that some Americans might actually have to take a job they don't want so they can get off welfare.
I say send them all back, make them come here legally. If you are here illegally and you want medical help, you better pay and not the taxpayers. Illegals are sucking the funds and resources out of this country. People on welfare, sorry if you think certain jobs are ';below'; you, but you are on welfare, nothing is below you. We have the people to fill in the jobs that would be created once we deport everyone who is not legally in this country.
OK, I'm done ranting.
It is merely a word used to incite anger, and one which redirects the focus away from the real issue - respect and abidance of our laws. Don't let it get to you.
Because there is no sane argument supporting illegal immigration. Can you blame them for using the race card?
I've never played the race card; however, I do think the question is unfair. I, and almost no one on earth, supports illegal immigration. I and others support some pragmatic solution to the immigration problem that acknowledges 1) the economic dependence on unskilled labor and 2) the need for immigration to be done through legal channels and 3) the recognition that current laws are not simply unenforced but largely unenforceable. The status quo is a mess in every respect.
The reason the race card gets played is because often anti-immigrant statements are often racist and reactionary. We need to move from somewhere and the enforcement only approach is destined to be a failure. The three acknowledgements are hard to push for when people simply posit that ';Immigration laws should be enforced.'; This doesn't appreciate the nuance of the current law which fails on a number of issues namely incoherence and failures. We need to REWRITE the immigration law from the bottom up before the next presidential election. Enforcement of a incoherent mess is not worth the money time or energy.
I'll only call someone prejudiced if they bash on one group of people. I asked a question yesterday about Mexicans (even though they are the majority) not being the only illegals here. i hear people say Go Back to Mexico when someone isn't even from there. It is ridiculous.
Some of the people like you don't only bash one set of people but actually have a problem with illegal immigration however there are others who only complain about Mexicans when someone talks about illegal immigration.
You are no more a racist than I am, and I am not a racist.
It is an inflammatory means to shift the public view from the real issue; millions perpetuating a criminal act that is harming this country.
it doesn't make you a racist. There are many reasons why it's bad. People sending US money out of our country makes our economy go down. I have a lot of friends who can't find jobs right now; they usually work in construction and suddenly they can't find work....another thing that's bad for our economy. Plus if your not an illegal your not paying taxes but receiving money under the table; also very bad for our economy. I don't care if your illegal from Mexico, Africa, Europe or Asia...it's not a race issue it's an economy issue!
It doesn't make you a racist, it makes you stand out from the majority who don't want to support these laws for fear they will be singled out. I also would like to see the laws you mentioned enforced as well as those who protect wildlife, land, and anything that cannot protect itself. I am not a racist, but a firm believer that when people support and protect the law, we will all get along better. A presence of 8 million to 11 million illegal aliens in this country is a sign that this country is losing control of its borders and the ability to determine who is a member of this national community.
You oversimplify the position of those who disagree with you. However, I will speak for myself.
I do not ';support'; illegal immigration. For that matter, I do not support illegal anything. The laws of the land are there for a purpose. For example, I obey the speed limit, not from fear of the police or getting fined, but because I recognize that I owe a duty to the safety of other users of the road.
The race issue is not a ';card';. Any reasonable person would agree, after reading some of the posts and some of the answers on this topic, that the writers deliberately encourage dislike, contempt, and fear of Hispanic persons.
I agree that laws should be enforced. However, there is also the question of funding, and allocation of scarce public resources. To patrol America's borders, to stop illegal entry in a way that is humane and reasonable (not land mines--as someone suggested), would require huge expenditures of staff and money. Sorry, but I would rather have laws against armed robbery and rape and home invasions enforced.
In any case, the majority of illegal immigrants are ordinary people who want a better life for themselves and their families. They break the law by entering the US illegally, but they are not criminals.
There is no doubt in anyone's mind that illegal immigrants who commit crimes should be severely punished--as should anyone who breaks the law and hurts people.
I do not assume that you in particular are a racist, but when others suggest that the government should deliberately injure or kill Mexicans sneaking into the US, it is reasonable to infer that those persons are, in fact, racist.
If it quacks like a duck, it's a duck.
I don't think you are a racist because you don't support illegal immigration. I don't think that because a person doesn't support an amnesty or immigration reform that makes them a racist. I do think however that there are many people here that are racist. Like those who post questions calling immigrants, wetbacks, trashy leeches that reproduce like rabbits and such derogatory terms. It is because of those people that the race card is brought in this debate- because they introduce it with there derogatory terms- specially about Mexicans....
You inadvertently brought to light 2 liberal tactics. 1st, redirect attention. 2nd, demonize opposition.
In this case, redirection is giving the offense a fluffy name, ';immigrant';. The liberals want you to think, ';They only want we have, they want to be part of this great nation';, and so on. Truth is, if they call them ';Aliens';, which is more correct, then you picture them for what they are.
Demonize, this is their best tactic. The simple fact that you had to bring this up means it working. As soon as you feel forced to say something like ';2 of my best friends are Mexican'; then they won.
If you vote against raising school taxes, then you must hate kids. If you disagree with the percentage of minorities being too high is prison, then you are racists. If you disagree with a liberal, then you must be stupid.
Liberals say, ';be yourself, think for yourself. Just do it the way we tell you to';. Who are the real ';mind numb robots';?
i dont think u are racist (from the little i know of u from reading)
i like ur questions i think they force ppl on here to think about subjects (usually that makes ppl angry for some strange reason i dont understand)
i view immigration like this
unless u are full American Indian ur background has an immigrant in it. so now all the sudden........we dont want anymore. well my friends , that makes u a hypocrite
When someone asks a question about ';Mexicans'; aren't people going to reply in regard to ';Mexicans';? That is a loaded question so pros can use the race card. Millions of people support illegal immigration (the uprisings every time someone is deported). America is not economically dependent on unskilled labor, as some would like us to believe. We are, unfortunately, at the mercy of greedy business owners and brown nosed politicians. The purpose of enforcing immigration laws is to help screen out criminals. To tie the hands of law enforcement officials and not allow them to enforce our laws is what has created the state of lawlessness we are currently in. Our immigration laws are completely enforceable and should be enforced. Yes it will be a blow to all illegals, but you can't say that they didn't know it would come someday. For anyone to feel they are above the law, illegal or not, is not only foolish, but will surely end up with them in jail. We need to stand up for our country as do all other countries. I don't know of any other country where illegal immigrants can enter and demand that they change their way of life to suit illegals. As so many other people do, I did not have to mention any race or nationality, as illegal is just that illegal, it is not a racist statement.
It's NOT about Race. It's ALL about Entitlements.
Thank L.B Johnson for the ';Great Society'; crap.
The focus of immigration law has been primarily on the hispanic population. Undocumented and documented both feel threatened by things said and done in support of immigration reform. I'm sure you're not a racist, but many supporters of strict regulations have been known to make claims to the effect of ';these people don't try to learn english, they take our money, they take our jobs, they smell, they're dirty, they breed like cockroaches, etc';. A lot of people claim to support immigration law because it gives them a podeum to express their racist opinions.
sorry but you are the one asking this question about race. and now people have to reply with that in mind.
people like you keep bringing it up when no one else does.
I think when people have a problem with illegal immigrants, i think there is something more they hate about them, not just their status, i feel that because they know most illegals here are minorities, they feel threaten and they have to bash and hate, yet they will never admit it, they will continue to say they are the true American patriots who follows 100% of the laws, etc. you know where I'm getting here. . . . . ?
one only cuz you'v seen violence dose not make you a racist or if you see unfairness you are racist or if you know of somthing that is wrong it makes you a racist BUT IF YOU SUPPOR IT that my dear is called RACIST LOOK IT UP it is called a dictionary learn and you will be wise.
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