Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hey i am going on a motorway for the second time on sunday and i am physical wreck.?

I am going on the motorway for the second time on sunday and i am really dreading it. I hate it when other people join from junctions via a slip road. I have to change lanes to give way. Thing is last time i did just that but big lorries were behind me and i was shivering and really in a panic state. I have tried to stay in left lane as much as possible and i think i was doing 50-60 miles. I have not even eaten properly since yesterday because i am scared on sunday i have to take family out. My mother talks alot so i know journey will be hard. I went on my own last time just to check how motorways are but this time taking mum and two younger sisters. Thank u just had to post again xxHey i am going on a motorway for the second time on sunday and i am physical wreck.?
Sounds to me like you shouldnt be driving ANYWHERE! Find someone to do the driving for you!Hey i am going on a motorway for the second time on sunday and i am physical wreck.?
ive read 2 of your posts. nowdays, bet you do 100mph and swerve lane to lane. hahaha

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Try doin 70 then!!!!!!!!! i cant see what peoples problems are with motorways its just a big road!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i answered your last question seriously just relax at junctions slow down abit and just relax let them in just don't panic after a few times i swear it gets easier.

you are doing ok some people don't even go on motorways and some don't like doing right turns and some people try to avoid roundabouts.
Listen u went thro all that trouble to do your driving and pass your test .... just take a deep breath and get on with it ... u know u are capable .. life is for living !!

Relax and enjoy it !
Why not think about doing Pass Plus or get some tuition from a driving instructor before going again.
Then if you are scared to drive on the roads, then don't. Try to find an alternative route to take and just avoid them all together. It might take you longer, be more miles and more gas but, if you are nervous and driving, then you could cause an accident.
Hi Maryam.

Yes motorways are scary. I especially hate it when I'm in between two lorries!

It does get less scary the more you do it, but if you've only just started driving it's probably best to phase it in gradually. Is there another way you can go tomorrow? The weather forcast looks bad too, so roads are going to be even worse than usual. If you go on to the AA or RAC websites they have route finder programs where you can specify that you want to avoid motorways - try them and see if you can find a more relaxing way - after all if you're taking the family out for the day it would be nice to be relaxed if you can.

All the best
The best tip my sister gave me is: When overtaking or moving lanes, make sure you can see the vehicles headlights in your rear view mirror. That way, you will always have enough room to pull back in.

Just take it slowly, remember that motorways are actually the safest type of road as there are no sharp bends, it goes in one direction an everyone is doing similar speeds.

Also, you don't have to change lanes for cars coming from the slip road, they will just slot in behind you.

Also, I would have a tactful word with your mum, tell her you need quiet until you are on a calm piece of road.

Good luck!
motorway driving is safer than city driving, everyones going the same way at roughly the same speed, there's barriers everywhere.

seriously if that freaks you out I don't think you should even be driving.

You can actually fail your test for doing 50 - 60mph on motorways instead of the prescribed 70.

Please stick to back roads, or get a bus, the world will be a safer place
do 70 and stay in middle lane
I am exactly the same...when I indicate to move over cos i come across a slip road cos stay in left hand lane, I am so scared that the cars in the lane that I want to move into will just plough into the back of me, I can see there behind me but I dont know if theyve seen me indicating and whether they are going faster.

You should spk to your mom and tell her how worried u are and she should shut up on your journey as to not put you off even more!!

I think im gonna save up for motorway lessons, you can do a pass plus course which helps you with things like that and it evenn reduces your insurance after cos your be seen as a more careful driver. Look on the dvla website.

Dont listen to that ******** above ona bout big roads, its a common problem being scared on motorways, goodluckk!!
You do not have to give way to them, they are joining your route and should conform to your driving, not the other way around!

50 - 60 is fine if you stay in the inside lane, don't pull out as most will expect you to be going a darn sight faster in the middle.

I would suggest driving for an hour before hand on the day maybe on a dual cariageway, play relaxing music.

When you start out have a short goal in mind first, go on THEAA.com and find the first service station, head towards that, that will be your first destination! have a break, relax again and head for the next service station, as you get more confident lengthen the sections. You have all the time in the world, plan your journey, be confortable with what you have to do.

You don't need to beat land speed records.
To all the idiots who are posting absolute rubbish, go away and stop wasting this girl's time!

Anybody who is aware of the law knows that 70 is the speed limit and 50-60mph is an entirely appropriate speed!

Maryann, just relax babes and go at a speed that you feel comfortable at.

At present I am a learner and deal with this type of thing everyday I go to work, it gets better with practice I promice!

Just remember you have passed your test which must mean you are perfectly competent!

Take care!
We are all a bit anxious on our first time on the motorways just stay in the inside lane until you are a bit more experienced
Just relax drive at a speed you feel comfortable with. Perhaps buy some Kalm tablets they are herbal and will calm you down from stress and stop you panicking . Also I found it was a great help when I had exams.

Invest in an advanced driving course

Good Lick and be safe
Yeah. Its a great shame that motorway driving isn't included in the test, so you get some lessons.

However, I would say that perhaps you are too worried. First, if someone is joining from the slip road, its their job to find a space. You don't have to change lane for them. However, if you want, you can slow down a bit or speed up a bit to make a bigger space for them. They are more experienced than you, so let them do the work.

Also as someone else suggested, try doing 70, or whatever speed everyone else is doing. Don't worry about slowing down and speeding up once in a while - it keeps you awake and alert, and often saves having to change lane.

All your problem is is lack of experience and as a result lack of confidence. Look upon next Sunday as another chance for a lesson, after which you will have gained a bit more confidence.

Good luck, and enjoy your driving. Don't worry - everything will be alright - I promise
So, if I could put it another way, though somewhat crudely, you just lost your virginity, and now the Emporer has invited you to This Year's Grand Orgy! I think, as advised, you need to have some tuiton from your driving instructor, but the truth is taht motorways are the safest roads in Britain! Far safer than where two vehicles pass each other at 70mph in opposite directions - someone makes a mistake, and that's a non-survivable 140 mph impact. There is a hard-shoulder to cry on when you've broken down, a lane to make progress on, and two other lanes for those in more of a hurry. If there's an immediate problem in your lane, you can get into clear space to your side. Motorways are safe, period.

And I can attest that the standard of driving in this country, on the motorways, is very good. If you lack confidence, keep left, set your speed to 55 or 60, and stay there. Signal clearly in good time, DON'T DITHER, but be decisive and polite, and you'll be welcomed with open arms. When people are joining the lane you are in, observe them, but don't vary your speed, trying to second-guess them. Stay calm, and they will work around you. And consider some time on amusement-arcade driving games, they are excellent simulators, where you really have to work to go smooth and fast, and there is a real sensation of speed and cornering, and no pesky 'DEATH' problem to worry about! See if you can get on a race-track or private land. When you've PERSONALLY had a car up to over 100mph, with no bother, nothing falling off or blowing up, and you learn how little effort is involved, you'll relax, you'll even start to enjoy yourself, and perhaps later, enjoy the thrill of driving a seriously fast car, which is really something. Better than an orgy? Yup!

Good luck!
relax you will get used to it, do a little time on the motorway every week and you will pick it up, don't worry when your at the slip road just look for the signs of the junction in addavnce so you have plenty of time to move over. get somebody to drive you around the motorway a few times and watch them.
Go onto the Motorway first light on a Sunday morning so that you get used to the layout of the road without to much traffic .It helps your confidence.

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