If you fight the ticket, the court will set up another court date where you will get your chance to contest the ticket. If the cop that issued you the ticket shows up on your new court date the judge will likely side with the cop in which case you will be found guilty and you will have to pay your fine or continue to fight it in front of a jury, in which case you will probably spend more money than the ticket+traffic school will cost. If the cop doesn't show up, the court will drop the case and you will not have to pay for the fine. Unless your fighting the ticket in front of a jury, you won't have to ';prove'; that you were driving at any of those speeds. The cop shows up your screwed, the cop doesn't show up your cleared! In any case, if you end up having to pay for the ticket, make sure you do traffic school, it will keep your driving record clean.I got a speeding ticket in california. I wasn't speeding as fast as the ticket says, should i fight it?
Btw, I went to court and the cop didn't show up. Yay!
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You can't prove it, and the court always favors the police report over the ticketed person's word. Besides, you WERE speeding! You can try, though. Maybe you can get a dismissal. Good luck.
Your going to get smoked trying to prove you were ';only doing 76MPH. Try traffic school to get it off your record.
They have calibrated speedo's, and Radar.
Well, I got a ticket in April for ';running a red light'; which was bull crap because I didn't do it. I went to traffic court to fight it because I wasn't about to pay a $110 fine for something I didn't do. Anyway, I fought it and got out of it. I have a friend who always goes like 50 in a 35 zone and got pulled over three times and got out of the ticket every time. Get a good legal representative/lawyer and you might be able to get out of it!
usually the cop won't show up because they are too busy, plus if you walk in and admit that you were speeding anyway than your still gonna get the ticket
How do you prove you were speeding slower than the ticket? You can't, especially when you say you were actually speeding up.
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