Thursday, September 22, 2011

How about some funny Bumper Stickers to make you laugh and fall off your chairs?

Caution -- Driver Legally Blonde

Don't believe everything you hear or anything you say.

―on't believe everything you think. Coffee, Chocolate, Men. Some things are just better rich.

Cole檚 Law: Thinly Sliced Cabbage

Doctor's say I have a multiple personality, but we don't agree with that.

–onceive. Believe. Achieve.

–over Me I'm Changing Lanes

Condoms are easier to change than diapers!

Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation.

Does The Name Pavlov Ring A Bell?Conserve toilet paper - use both sides.

Don't Drink and Drive!

―on't drink and park - accidents cause people.

―on't drink to drown your sorrow. Sorrow knows how to swim.

―on't drive and derive. Alcohol and calculus don't mix.

―on't judge a book by its movie.

―on't laugh it's paid for.

Don't worry about life; you're not going to survive it, anyway.


Energizer Bunny Arrested; Charged With Battery

Happiness is Clinton's face on a milk cartonEver stop to think, and forget to start again?

Hey dumb *** I bought my own car, not mommy and daddy!

Every silver lining has a cloud

Gravity- It檚 not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

Everyone Is Entitled To My Opinion

Everyone Has A Photographic Memo

FLORIDA: Home of Electile Dysfunction?br>

FLORIDA: If you don't like the way we vote then take I-95 and visit one of the other 56


‵LORIDA: If you think we can't vote, wait till you see us drive.

‵LORIDA: Relax, Retire, And Revote.?br>

FLORIDA: We count more than you do.?br>

FLORIDA: We're number one! Wait! Recount!

‵LORIDA: Where your vote counts and counts and counts


Got Brains?

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

Hey idiot- You're driving a car, not a phone booth

℉ey man, you live in America now... speak Spanish!

I can only please one person per day. Today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

HONK IF YOU LOVE GORE (use the button on your steering wheel)How about some funny Bumper Stickers to make you laugh and fall off your chairs?
I love 'Condoms are easier to change than diapers'!!!How about some funny Bumper Stickers to make you laugh and fall off your chairs?
Ha! These are good ones ;)
I think I'm going to use some of these.

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