My bf's driver's license is suspended and revoked at this moment because of non-payments of a lot of parking tickets.
I on the other hand received my driver's license on the spring of 2008 and I wanted to show my parents that I can drive safely without getting any parking tickets or traffic tickets.
My bf on the other hand had a motorcycle in his past and cops literally knows him around the neighborhood because of getting pulled over so many times. I don't want to set an example to my parents of me being like that.
People are afraid to give my bf their car for a spin because they are afraid he'll end up ruining it or getting tickets. It's my misfortune that the first car I ever had, he broke the driver's side mirror by parking somewhere narrow.
When I drive, he gets mad at me for driving the way I drive. He asks me, ';Why don't you change lanes?'; I don't want to get into an accident. I was already in an accident once with him in the car and with bad instructions. I tell him off saying things like ';Who the f is the f'in driver here? Let me drive the way I wanna drive.'; And, then he gets mad and doesn't want to talk to me. And, when I get angry, I get really angry, and I drive the best when I am angry. I can careless who is behind me, who is front of me, and who is on my sides.
I drive like let's say a maniac would but I normally wouldn't drive like that I would be too scared that another car would come over me and destroy me or something. But when my bf gets me mad, I change lanes like there's no tomorrow, fortunately nothing happens to me, and I end up driving a 100 miles on the highway. With the windows rolled down. I know scary. But, when I am in my normal self again and not angry, I imagine myself ever doing that again, ';hell no';.
Call it split personality or whatever you wanna call it. Some people call it bipolar. The only thing that gets me angry is my mom, dad, bro, and bf. The five people I care about the most.
This morning I was supposed to drop off my mom and she got into an argument with me, and I was furious. I didn't know what to do, so I told her that she can wake her son up and he can drop her off. She didn't want to wake her son up, she walked to work. I feel bad then again she's safer that way. She has high blood pressure, and I don't want to drive angry to her work.
I know I'm going from one topic to another, but that's the only way I can explain myself better. I hate the fact that my bf rises my anger just because he doesn't like the way I drive. He has problems with everyone on that. Because he doesn't have his driver's license, other people has to drive him around places, and then he complains about how these people drive, and he complains to them to their faces, ';why are you driving like that, why don't you go to that lane, why don't you go a little faster, why don't you pass that yellow light going on red, why why why';
People get fed up and so do I. I have been driving for a while now and I know the rules and regulations, but he still points out, ';i bet you didn't see that STOP sign behind that tree';, I'm like ';of course I did, it's so visible Gawwwddd!!';
Or another time, he'll be like, ';Pedestrian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'; I'm like, ';Are you f'in kidding me, I have my foot on the break';.
See that's how my mom got into a car accident when she first received her driver's license because my Dad was in the car, and my Dad acts the same way as my bf, and because my dad said, ';STOP STOP STOP STOP'; to this on coming traffic and my mom was passing a car which was double parked. What the hell is wrong with men these days, don't they trust a woman when she's driving?
I had many conversations with my bf about this and all was a failure, he still continued the way he talked while I drive.
What is the best way to ignore everything or tell my bf that to let me drive the way I want to drive or I don't know, some suggestions, please?I wanna drive safe but I am pushed to drive otherwise.?
When your behind the wheel in your vehicle or any body elses you are in control of that vehicle so you are responsible for it and any laws that you break you are the driver.Just ignore things except the laws.I wanna drive safe but I am pushed to drive otherwise.?
1. Don't ever let your boyfriend use your car at all....
2. Tell of your friends the same..
3. You need to also find a new boyfriend...
4. You need to cool down before you get into trouble...
5. All of this anger is from the way that you are looking at everything..........
It is time to drop your boyfriend for he is no good at all for you ,he will get you band from driving and into trouble with the police .
Tell him to either shut up while you're driving, or use public transport.
When I was 19, I was taking a friend home from work one night, he thought it'd be funny to kick the back of my seat. Needless to say, I swerved the wheel and ended up at the side of the road, luckily I was only going about 20mph, but that isn't the point. My car was okay, I was okay %26amp; my passengers were okay. I told him to get out of the car %26amp; to this day, I NEVER give lifts to anyone who I think will be stupid in my car.
By him being a 'back-seat driver', you're getting angry %26amp; driving stupidly, so what does common sense tell you to do? Not drive with him perhaps?!
You're risking both of your lives and also innocent citizen's lives.
This book is WAY to long and I didn't read all of it, but when YOU are driving, YOU are going to be the one cited for and offense, and it's going to be on YOUR record.
Drive in a manner that wont get you any tickets and if your dork B/F doesn't like it, dump him. He's being a AHOLE.
Damn girl, where do you live, because I don't want to be anywhere you are driving. Keep it up and you will kill someone. You must drive responsibly. Driving is a privalage not a right !
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