I got a ticket for excessive weav
ing i was not doing anything wrong i was doing my best to follow all laws i was even going 50 on a 65 to be extra careful i thought the speed limit was 55 but i was going 50 at 1:30 Saturday night i was trying to go home after along drive I'm about 20 minutes from home and i get pulled over by a California highway patrol he pulls me over doesn't even tell me why he pulled me over he starts asking me all these questions checks my eyes asks questions like what are you doing out this late where u going i politely answer all questions in the end he gives me a ticket for excessive weaving to this day i have suffered mentally from this my mind is not getting over this i went to court to try to fight and lost the officer lied in court said that i had changed from the right lane all the way to the left lane why would i do that at 50 miles an hour i was in no hurry there was no traffic why would i change lanes i changed one lane only because he was behind me and i was trying not to block him and the fine is 570 i haven't paid it whats going to happen if i don't pay how can i get out of this mess someone please help I'm on the verge of committing suicideI need real help im really suffering from this ticket for excessive weaving?
This is not that big of a deal.
First if you were only charged with CVC 21658 Lane Straddling/Failure to Use Specified Lanes or any related offense, your fine is $211. I don't know where the $570 comes from.
The fact is, if you went to court, its over. OK, he lied or was mistaken. There's really no use in worrying about it anymore. Sometimes, sh!t happens and you all of sudden owe somebody two hundred bucks.
I hardly think $211 is worth ending your life over. I would hope you believe your life is worth more way than that. As a matter of fact, no amount of money is worth it.
If you get in this situation again, before you go to court, do some research. Read How to Fight Your Ticket and Win in California by David Brown and also go to http://www.helpigotaticket.com/tut/index and take that guy's advice. Its free and probably will get you out of the ticket. You can get them back for this time.
Good luck.
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