1. When you are driving, you might see things that are problems, things that might become problems %26amp; things that wont be a problem. How should you react?
2. The car gets to a 4-way stop 1st has the right away. Should you count on other cars waiting when u have the right away? How do you handle it when you dont know if they will wait?
3. How do road conditons affect the way you drive?
4. What order should you do these when changing lanes?
a) look over your shoulder
b) signal
c) be aware of other cars (look around)
d) change lanes
e) check your mirrors
5. How do road conditons affect the space you need to stop?
6. Does it matter if your car has ABS braks? Why?
7. How to find out if your car has ABS brakes?
8. In what situation should you pump your brakes? Light or hard %26amp;%26amp; how is it different for people with ABS brakes?Can someone help me with some driving safty questions??
1. Depends on what you see. If you see things that are not problems than who cares. When something goes wrong the best thing to do is not panic and make sure you have your car under control.
2. Once I come to a 4 way stop I make sure no one was there first, if there is no one there I go, If I see someone coming I wait a little bit longer to make sure they are slowing down and than I go.
3. Road conditions mean everything. Rain, Snow, Fog drive slower and more carefully, Rain and Snow affect a cars handling and braking. Also Fog rain snow affect visibility so you have to drive slower because you can see what is going on in front of you as well as a normal day.
4. You should always be checking what is going on around you all the time, I always check all three of my mirrors at least once every minute even if I am not planning on changing lanes.
First you signal, than check your mirrors, than check your blind spots, than change lanes once it is clear.
5. Again rain, snow makes it harder to stop because the car will slip more. The more rain or snow the slower you need to go because it will take a lot longer for the car to stop.
6 and 7. All newer cars have ABS, yes ABS helps ALOT! ABS brakes are a great thing. Just ask the person selling it to you are any mechanical/dealer ship.
8. With ABS brakes you DONT pump your brakes just hit them as hard as you can, the ABS will prevent a skid or loss of control. Never pump your brakes. This is one problem car crash investigators have found in accidents. For some reason people who are in accidents much of the time don檛 hit the brakes all the way. Just slam on the brakes.
For a car without ABS hit the brakes but if you need to steer than you will have to let go for a second and pump.
Again ABS brakes are great and you should never buy a car without them, unless it is a classic car.
Also one more thing, don檛 forget on the highways Left lane is for passing only unless it is being used as a HOV lane. Don檛 cruise in the left lane, just pass and go back to the right lanes. If someone wants to pass you move over the next lane and let them pass.
Drive safe. hope this helps.Can someone help me with some driving safty questions??
I suggest getting a driving theory handbook, it has all the questions and answers for all questions asked during a theory test. Go through them section by section reading over and over until you get all the questions correct then move onto the next section. thats how i passed mine.
1, depends on what you see
2, first one in, last one out
4,close your eyes turn and pray
5,you slide on ice, no?
7,check owners man.
8, depends on how fast you wanna stop
1. Always drive safely and pay attention to everything that's going on that affects where you are driving.
2. Bever assume that other drivers will be obedient to the laws ... you need to be both correct with respect to the laws, and safe with respect to other drivers who include maniacs and careless people.
3. When road conditions are perfect, then use the speed limits, road signs, and other traffic as a guide to your behavior. As road conditions deteriorate, such as poor visibility, night time, bad weather, pot holes, traffic jams, then slow down according to the impaired conditions.
4. First find out if it is practical to make your lane change ... if you are going to have to go several blocks %26amp; can't move, it can be distracting to other drivers if you signalling. Then when it appears that a lane change is doable, turn on your signal, then check again and do not actually switch lanes until it is safe to do so, then when you where you want to be, make sure the turn signal is off again. You need to be aware of other cards around you, whether you are changing lanes or not, be aware ALL the time. Be aware both by using your mirrors, and by occasionally looking over your shoulder..
5. Visibility affects how likely you are to see trouble up ahead.
Slick roads, such as from recent rain, affects how rapidly you can slow down, or maneuver, when the roads are slippery.
6. I am not familiar with ABS brakes.
7. Every car comes with an owner's manual issued by the manufacturer, which explains all aspects of the car and its instrumentation in more detail than most anyone might need. Read it, get familiar with it. You should have done this before you drove any car for the first time.
8. I have not pumped my brakes in decades. If I need to slow down, I do so. If there is some tail gater behind me, I slow down before I need to slow down because of what is ahead.
For example, I am tooling along at 55 mph, and the road ahead is clear ... no problems.
I see this clown behind me like about 1/2 a car lenght, so I gradually slow down until we are doing 10 mph, which I consider to be safe speed for 1/2 a car length.
Before we get there, the tail gater usually passes me, and gives me the finger. Good, I got rid of that maniac. I increase speed again to what is safe for local conditions.
This way, if I happen across something where I need to stop suddenly, I do not have to worry about the tail gaters, because I got rid of them before I got in the situation where I need to stop in a hurry.
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