Monday, November 22, 2010

How do you calm yourself when you get road rage?

Sometimes I get so mad when I'm driving! I know it is stupid and I need to just ignore it or chill out.

Here is what pushes me over: tailgating me, not letting me into the lane when I am signalling and being patient, speeding up to stop me from changing lanes, cutting me off just to drive 10 km below the speed limit, etc.

How do you cope when another driver is just MAKING YOU SO MAD? I need non-confrontational and non-violent solutions only, please!How do you calm yourself when you get road rage?
Put your favorite song on the radio. Think of something that makes you laugh. Pray. Start singing at the top of your lungs instead of yelling. Tell yourself that time in the car is to relax and don't be in a hurry. Reward yourself when you get home if you didn't get mad the whole way there.

Good luck.How do you calm yourself when you get road rage?
I pretend the other person made a mistake and I think of all the other times I cut people off by accident. Hope that helps.
take a hit, and chill out.
It's tough. sadly there is no law against being an inconsiderate, pig headed, ill mannered and jackass of a driver.

My pet peeve is pretty much the same as yours, zooming out from a side street and when the limit is 45mph they immediately slow down to 30 and have a leisurely drive. usually in front of you for the next 35 miles too.

there isn't much you can do excpet consider them dips and always remember....everyone on the road is an idiot except you.
I hit my head against the steering wheel, I curse out loud (not so much now with kids in the car). I know you asked for non-violent or confrontational, but really, unless you can fit a set of drums or a punching bag in your car and use those tools when aggravation reaches its peak, that will be a very hard thing to do. You don't need to curse AT the person, just say the word out loud to yourself in the car. It works for me. Just do not flip the bird, I've heard of people getting shot at because of that. Good luck!
I have found just saying a quick prayer helps me to calm down alot. Just to maintain self control and to keep myself from cursing that person out. Try it, it really helps
I have driven an eighteen wheeler for a year at 21, and drove hot shot, which means driving from my state to others with things under 1,000 lbs. in the back, and driven for 30 plus years. My answer is, realize where other people are coming from. Think of the people you see in department stores and the grocery store, how they drive their buggy's and you'll see, some think of others and some think they are the only ones on the planet. Some are in the best of cars and trucks, some are in what they only hope get them where they are going. Plus the shuffle of people that leave late and the people that have kids in the cars, the ones that now talk on the phone and eat, smoke, etc...those are your groups you get with on the road. If you leave early for your destination and give your self plenty of time to get there you still have these people that don't care if they create problems. If you go to a driving class, I think they show films of wrecks, you'll be reminded how precious life really is and know, you are in a machine that can kill quickly or tear your life apart. don't be responsible for a child's death or your self can do'll see....good luck...

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