Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This is for people who drive semi trucks, How do you change lanes in heavy traffic, and how do you turn when?

there's a lot of traffic backed up at a light and you have to turn in?And how do you pull out into heavy traffic? without sitting there all day for it to clear?This is for people who drive semi trucks, How do you change lanes in heavy traffic, and how do you turn when?
having been driving Semi in southern cal for the last nine years, and changing lanes can be hard at time.

First off try to get in to the lane you need to be in as soon as you can. if you have to turn left get over when it is safe not in the last half of a block or so.

next set you mirrors were you can see the back of the trailers and as much of the lane next to you. when you move it may not seem like you have a lot of room because city driver will not give it to you like out on the interstate.

turn on your signal and some time there are nice people that will let you in , be sure to give them a wave and a smile so they do that for the next guy and you also in your four wheeler let the big truck go.

hear come the fun part if know one will let you in. first off i hug the line some time some one will see you and let you in, then i swerve in there lane, if still no one let you in then i just pull over slowly in front of a nice car. yep i said a nice car people who drive old beat up beaters car do not care and have nothing to lose and most likely have no insurance. and never pull out in front of a women on the phone or with kids in the car, or an asianThis is for people who drive semi trucks, How do you change lanes in heavy traffic, and how do you turn when?
Very slowly and carefully for all procedures.

Hope for the kindness of strangers when I move forward enough that they have to let me through.
have to know u r equipment. size weight .knowing what u r truck ca n and can not do.loaded light or mty gives u a lil advantage - u can take shorter brake in between cars to pull out

or to change lines.if u r heavy...might take a while ,unless some kind soul (and observant 1 ) will slow down a bit or move over in line next.that helps a lot. just like cars ,class8 trucks(or ';big rigs or semis or big trucks-all same) have different motors and transmission ,therefore different power and speed.thats where knowledge of ur equipment comes handy.

city driving is trickier, tighter streets less room to maneuver and a lot more traffic.we have to watch ourselves and people around.

trying to anticipate their moves before even they know what they going to do(ones using phones especially lol).sometimes we have to take up 2-3 lanes just to make a truck is 74 ft my not sound like a lot but it is .i think one of the virtues in our job is patience.if u dont have it u ll be a nerves wreck after 3 hours in downtown Chicago.or L A .
well when you drive a semi you have to becareful and like 1 guy said here ';know your equipment'; cause other people in cars will cut you no slack so when it comes to changing lanes in heavy traffic i ALWAYS made sure i was in the lane i needed to be if i had to exit in 3 miles i made sure i was in the left lane way befor i got to the exit i needed . well when it comes to traffic backup at the light i would just turn cause when they see you coming they will move plus its the law it is in the Federal Motor Carrier Reg's. Book it says that a vehical has to give way for a semi turning in to a tight space . And as for pulling out in to heavy traffic you pretty much just have to wait cause you wont wait all day sooner or later there will be a break in the traffic and you go then a semi isnt a car so you cant just floor it cause you wont go fast enough to beat the traffic so sometimes you just have to wait

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